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Everything posted by Quin

  1. QUOTE (GoodAsGould @ Oct 13, 2012 -> 05:09 AM) Interest in playoffs has gone to 0. I'm more or less just rooting against the Tigers
  2. QUOTE (whitesoxfan99 @ Oct 12, 2012 -> 11:28 PM) Cardinals fans are insufferable. It really is the only reason I was hoping they wouldn't win. They always ridicule me when I tel them I'm from Chicagoland. Because everyone here is a Cubs fan.
  3. QUOTE (greg775 @ Oct 12, 2012 -> 01:27 PM) Frankly I thought he did well all the way through his tenure. There never were any complaints about the Sox's on-field performance under Ozzie. He was never on the hot seat until the end when he talked a bit too much. The performance remained fine. It was the other stuff. Stop dancing aroundthe question. I said name a good year.
  4. http://www.oregonlive.com/living/index.ssf...ntion_to_s.html One fifth of American adults unaffiliated with religion (not all atheists, just unaffiliated).
  5. QUOTE (RZZZA @ Oct 11, 2012 -> 02:28 PM) This is one of the most disgraceful flops ever.
  6. QUOTE (SexiAlexei @ Oct 11, 2012 -> 02:17 PM) What is this nonsense? I can only dislike someone if they are a murderer (I understand the exaggeration)? I do believe the guy is the greatest player in the game right now. However, a lot of stories i've read about the guy paint him as a total dbag. I personally think he is a dbag. Just because he finally started to play up to his bball potential doesn't mean I stopped thinking he was a douche. I will continue to dislike him because of this. It's the same thing with KG. The guy is passionate, and very very good. He also has a ring. He is still a dick, and I dislike him because of it. That being said, I can still respect how good he is, and if he was a Bull, I wouldn't stop being a Bulls fan. But it annoys me when people say he finally won, you can't hate on the guy anymore. QFT
  7. QUOTE (southsider2k5 @ Oct 11, 2012 -> 02:06 PM) Don't get me wrong, I really hope he will be OK, but his whole game is his speed and elusiveness. If he loses even a fraction of that, he doesn't have the size or the jumpshot to make up for it. Still has the strength and the body control. Considering Rose was faster than the entire league, he can afford to lose a small fraction. But isn't the biggest detriment of ACL injuries mental now a days? In the past it was a death sentence, now it seems like a minor obstacle. Like RG3.
  8. QUOTE (southsider2k5 @ Oct 11, 2012 -> 01:53 PM) After Rose's knee blow out, there is a chance we never see "Derrick Rose" again. Adrian Peterson gives me hope.
  9. QUOTE (MexSoxFan#1 @ Oct 11, 2012 -> 01:45 PM) I would ship all the Bulls to Miami, including Rose, for LBJ but that's just me. He's a once in a generation player. I know LBJ is better, but I would not part with Rose. Rose has the opportunity what LeBron could have been in Cleveland. That's a once in a lifetime player situation.
  10. Why am I not supposed to hate on someone because they're good? There's no fun in rivalries then. Who cares about disliking scrubs like Blatche? I'm not going to like every NBA player and I don't like LeBron. That being said, I wanted him on the Bulls badly. I would not trade Rose for him though.
  11. QUOTE (RockRaines @ Oct 11, 2012 -> 08:57 AM) LOL. You'll thank me later, especially on the foam rolling. My leg still says "f*** YOU" whenever I do it.
  12. I don't care that LeBron won last year, still hate him.
  13. Transcribing things sucks ass.
  14. I hate Rock. Foam roller and the burpees are a biiiiiiitch. Damn you Rock and your good advice.
  15. Noah and Bynum would be a nasty combo. Amnesty Boozer and then Taj + Bynum cost as much as Lu and Boozer most likely. Problem would be getting a good 3. Butler can defend, but I don't know about scoring other than his uncanny knack to draw fouls.
  16. Ideal: #1: Sale #2: Big time RHP FA. #3: Peavy #4: Danks #5: Quintana
  17. Shutting Strasburg down is astronomically stupid for two reasons. 1) Blowing a chance at a WS 2) Probably piss Strasburg off a lot, because he knows the above.
  18. QUOTE (Quinarvy @ Oct 8, 2012 -> 01:47 AM) Greg, give me one season Ozzie did well in other than '05. '05 was magical, but then by this logic we should throw a gigantic contract at Andruw Jones because he used to be an elite player.
  19. QUOTE (greg775 @ Oct 10, 2012 -> 01:23 PM) No baseball player "leaves a lot of money on the table." He can be just as happy somewhere else, believe me. I doubt most baseball players would even leave $1 million on the table.Some might not let it get to that point, however. Some might sign extensions or their first big contracts quietly and not let it get to free agency. Paulie & Buehrle to name two. Not every player is Ozzie.
  20. I feel like dying in prison isn't a bad enough punishment. Can we bring back the Coliseum?
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