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Everything posted by ron883

  1. QUOTE (greg775 @ Aug 25, 2014 -> 09:12 PM) I truly don't care about team payrolls cause I have no sympathy for owners who blatantly rip off the fans. That said, I laugh at this Choo contract. Look what he produced this year for all that $$. Owners of sports teams are so stupid. They set the market for this crap. THE CASE FOR CHOO -- Rangers signed him to 7 year, 130 mill deal last winter (hilarious). He's finished for the season in which he hit .242 with 13 home runs, 40 RBIs. So is some advanced-stat lover going to tell me his on base percentage of .340 makes him worth that cash?? In football, he'd be cut so fast this offseason it'd make your head spin. I have a hard time believing you aren't trolling. You have to pay attention to the MLB enough to see what kind of contracts players are signed too. He came off a season with an .885 OPS. Dude had a .423 OBP. He was extremely valuable. You somehow go off on a tangent about how advanced stats suck. SO MANY players would be cut if teams could cut guys like in the NFL. That is a ridiculous comment.
  2. QUOTE (greg775 @ Aug 25, 2014 -> 09:25 PM) OK. It just drives me crazy is all. I'd let those 3 guys go and go for an all new crew. If I had to keep one, it'd be Putnam I guess. With all due respect, Beckham is a great argument against advanced stats. You can't tell me he was valuable to the White Sox in any way during his tenure. You can't tell me we couldn't have had a different second baseman every one of those years with the same impact on the team. Some minimum salary free agent each year. I mean, cmon. If Beckham is considered valuable in any way, that advanced stat is just WRONG. Seriously. There has to be some value to the eye test and the common stat. Beckham was a lousy No. 8 draft pick. If he's better than most, than teams have drafted poorly at No. 8 that is FOR SURE. Enough is enough. How can anybody say Beckham was valuable in any way? He was a decent to good fielder who couldn't hit a lick. Why do we need WAR to tell us some fib?? Where did anybody use advanced stats to justify Gordon Beckham being good?
  3. QUOTE (raBBit @ Aug 23, 2014 -> 06:07 PM) Mods cannot use the search function. Q used the google search function. Still not impressed.
  4. What Q did isn't impressive considering mods can use the search feature.
  5. Remember when greg couldn't fathom the fact that people were rooting for the sox to get a good pick, and he said it doesn't matter because mike trout. Then the sox got Rodon
  6. QUOTE (SeƱor Ding-Dong @ Aug 21, 2014 -> 09:45 PM) I don't think it's fair to label Sanchez as merely a utility guy. The utility label could just as easily be applied to Semien. Sanchez is young, had a good bounce back season in AAA, and showed by far the most pop of his career. Perhaps there's more power potential there than initially thought; his body is filling out now afterall. I think he can be an above average starter at 2B and perhaps average at SS. Not to discount Semien at all, but we got a look at him earlier in the season. Now let's see what Sanchez has before they battle it out in ST. Besides, Semien will be up in a little over a week anyway. See, I don't agree with this. Sanchez gets that tag because he has put up an empty batting average up until this year. Semien has proven he can walk a ton and slug at a decent clip. That isn't a utility player, just because he can play multiple positions. I like the Ben Zobrist comp.
  7. QUOTE (chitownsportsfan @ Aug 21, 2014 -> 09:49 PM) This probably didn't need its own thread but I will take the bait: I don't think anyone is "sleeping on him". I think most on this board would have preferred him to Sanchez at the moment. He is probably being held back at least partially by Super 2 concerns. Someone with expert knowledge of the CBA and his service time could probably clarify that point. I meant it to be a Marcus Semien discussion thread too. I just think a lot of people are sleeping on him, and I believe he has allstar talent.
  8. I think this dude is prime time. At every level he has posted a good OBP, good walk rate, strikeout rate, and above average slugging% for his position. The guy can be an allstar in my mind. I can see him putting up a great OBP in the future. Everything about the guy is good. I'm disappointed they brought up Sanchez instead of him.
  9. QUOTE (caulfield12 @ Aug 21, 2014 -> 06:28 PM) The problem is that none of Sanchez's five skills right now are above major league average. Maybe, just maybe fielding, but we'll find out soon enough when we start comparing him turning the DP and see what his range truly is...how well he makes the throw against his body where he has to turn and jump in the air and release the ball all in the same movement to get a speedy runner at 1st. His fielding at 2b is supposed to be slightly above average. He is also a better hitter than Johnson while being a year younger. He is 16 for 20 in SB attempt. He has to have at least above average speed. What makes Johnson better?
  10. My rankings as far as those 3 infield prospects 1. Semien 2. Sanchez 3. Johnson Sanchez and Semien can both play SS, while Johnson is shoddy at 2b. I think Semien can be an above average player at either 2B or SS, given his on base ability and decent power.
  11. cleuluis back above 700 ops. this dude has become a legit prospect
  12. QUOTE (flavum @ Aug 20, 2014 -> 04:54 PM) No. They're doing a whole marketing thing in September built around Konerko. He's finishing with the Sox. Michael Taylor?
  13. QUOTE (MAX @ Aug 18, 2014 -> 07:29 PM) Testosterone promoting type PEDs also help with vision and hand eye coordination from what I have read. Word. You think all the guys who roided and had career years in their late 30's hadn't lost any bat speed? Steroids can be phenomenal for that. If Dunn roided, he would reach 500 by next year IMO.
  14. Your dedication to the futuresox board is appreciated soxpride
  15. Alright folks, now is the time to come up with a nickname for Rodon. We'll let JoeCoolMan think of a nickname and see if we can compete with his nickname rule number 1: names with alternating capital letters are always better
  16. QUOTE (Soxfest @ Aug 18, 2014 -> 01:54 PM) He also could go on a HR binge. The team moral boost caused by a HR binge is peanuts compared to the demoralizing effect an adam dunn strikeout binge has on a team. It has the ability to take a team from 1st to last.
  17. QUOTE (greg775 @ Aug 18, 2014 -> 01:51 PM) Baltimore will want no part of Dunn. There are intangibles involved. He should be nowhere near a playoff team. Too risky. He could get in one of those strikeout streaks and buzzkill a team's whole offense. I stand by the fact he will finish this season as a Sox. Are you trolling, or does the hate cloud your mind THAT much that you think Adam Dunn has the ability to destroy an entire team's offense? You need to use more logic and less emotion when you think.
  18. Can the guy really be any worse than Viciedo out there? I suppose they would have tried him there by now...
  19. This guyyyy. I'd love to see him move up to charlotte. he's proven AA to be obsolete
  20. he should just use PEDs so he can get to 500 by next year. That way he can retire after 1 more year
  21. Ravelo with a double. This dude is f***ing legit
  22. QUOTE (SoxPride18 @ Aug 14, 2014 -> 08:56 PM) Thompson 2-3 with 2 HRs Ravelo 1-2 with a HR Smith 2-2 Ravelo is actually 2-2 with a HR and a walk. This guy is exciting. That OBP...
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