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Everything posted by ron883

  1. QUOTE (Jose Abreu @ Aug 22, 2015 -> 12:49 PM) Wow, I didn't realize Alvarez has a career .419 OBP. That's crazy. He has incredible speed too. Only at high-A though, must be due to defense. That's what I'm saying. He is a beast. He is 25 already, but he is very young in baseball years. He is making a mockery of high A so far. Its hard to evaluate him because he is obviously more physically mature than people he's playing, but he is younger in baseball years than most of them
  2. I'm talking mainly about 2b and SS here. Carlos Sanchez - gg caliber second baseman who has been hitting really well for a while now. Micah Johnson - potential to be a very good offensive player for his position. Below average defensively. Tim Anderson - shortstop of the future. Will get better on defense imo. Elite talent. Eddy Alvarez - athletic shortstop who gets on base like a Machine. Old, but lots of potential. Saladino - above average utility player. Don't think his bat sticks at third base. How does this shape out? I don't know if any of these guys have much trade value aside from Tim obviously. How do you think this shakes out?
  3. QUOTE (fathom @ Aug 18, 2015 -> 05:50 PM) No LaRoche or Thompson tonight. Garcia at DH, Shuck in RF Man, I wish robin would give him more burn when he is hitting well. I understand that he isn't yet established, but you should play him when he is hitting well.
  4. QUOTE (Jake @ Aug 18, 2015 -> 01:18 PM) My general take is that we don't need to be rushing to replace him out there, but I wouldn't decide to avoid an opportunity to get an excellent defensive CF just because we have Adam. He could potentially be a really good LF and definitely has the bat to play a corner. Exactly my sentiments.
  5. QUOTE (Quinarvy @ Aug 18, 2015 -> 12:43 PM) Suddenly Trayce is a can't miss prospect. I never said he'd be a great offensive player. Right now we have 2 lousy ass outfielders (in terms of fielding). You move one to DH, move Eaton to the corner, and put Trayce in CF. You have an elite defensive CF, and most likely an above average corner outfielder. You also get to bench LaRoche. This the best in house move to make if you want to win more games IMO.
  6. Why hasn't he been called up yet? He is making a mockery of AAA right now. He has nothing left to prove. These are the only reasons I can think of really. 1. There is something with his Arb/free agency clock that I don't know about. They are limiting his time in the majors for that reason. 2. They don't want a 6 man rotation, and they want to see if they can dump Danks on somebody. You tell me folks. I want to see him pitch.
  7. http://www.fangraphs.com/statss.aspx?playe...amp;position=OF His fielding stats are pretty damn poor. Is it time to move him to RF or LF and put Trayce in CF?
  8. Anybody think Hawk will slip up and say something that may get him fired? He has said some pretty stupid things. The "Latin guys aren't funny in the clubhouse." comment. "Typical Asian motion. Deceptive!" when talking about a submarine asian pitcher. Saying "oriental" sounds kind of weird too. I'm not saying those examples are offensive, but I can see him taking it a step further on accident and offending some people.
  9. Alvarez 2-2 with a walk. This guy is good.
  10. Anybody else really excited about this guy? I know he is 25, but it means little in this case IMO. He has so little baseball experience, yet he is an unbelievable hitter so far. The guy gets on base like none other. Do the sox have a special player here?
  11. QUOTE (SCCWS @ Aug 6, 2015 -> 07:15 PM) What made him great was he won the only World Series in almost every living White Sox fan's lifetime. Not many of us can wait another 88 years. He parallels Ditka so well is is ridiculous. Piece of s*** human being who won a championship while riding the coat tails of a historic team a superior assistant coach.
  12. Is it just me or does Saladino look super baked?
  13. We need to hope the Tigers think Avi has some value still...
  14. QUOTE (greg775 @ Jul 30, 2015 -> 01:05 AM) Good post, Big Finn. I thought I knew baseball, too. The Sox won a few games, sure, but always played horrific enough during little losing streaks to fall to 7-8 below .500. I figured once 7-8 under .500 a big-time losing streak on a road trip (like this one) would put them 13-15 under .500 and that finally would be that. Now I figure the law of averages suggests we can't immediately follow a good streak by losing a lot and falling 7-8 games back AGAIN. As of today I also believe. If the Sox keep catching the ball and Melky keeps hitting like this, I'm confident the pitching will be there like it normally is. They might have fooled us again, but let's hope not. I'd love to play the one game wild card and see what happens. If we win that and the pitching rotation was set right, we might make the Royals sweat a bit.
  15. QUOTE (Balta1701 @ Jul 29, 2015 -> 06:52 PM) Technically Sanchez has played there a decent amount too, although Saladino likely best defender. Yeah, I thought I heard that Saladino is a viable option there defensively. I don't see what Alexei has on Saladino next year. Or this year tbh. We just don't have a 3rd baseman
  16. is Saladino all of the sudden not a shortstop? People seem to completely forget that for whatever reason. I'd wager money that Saladino is more productive than Alexei next year at SS.
  17. Is Montas lack of ability to go deep in games a concern at this point?
  18. I wonder if they will throw him to the hounds to prove to him that he needs a reliable 2nd pitch. His straight ass fastball will get crushed IMO. His curve better be at least average if he starts. The sox might be proving him a point before sending him to AAA to replace Johnson.
  19. I am not at all confident in our offense. You really think this offense can win a WS? doubtful. Please don't get caught up in this and not trade Samadzija. We can get a GREAT prospect for him. The sox have the pitching prospects to fill his spot in the future. I think Hahn trades him.
  20. I don't buy it. Buehrle knew the kind of money he could get, and he went for it. Buehrle doesn't sign for that big of a discount. Just no way.
  21. I'll be there. Anybody else going to boo Ozzie when he is introduced?
  22. Nate Jones just isn't a very good baseball player
  23. QUOTE (greg775 @ Jul 5, 2015 -> 03:30 PM) I think it's unprofessional. Why do you think teams had facial hair rules (Yankees, Sox) to begin with? Some people think it's unprofessional and ugly. Hustle? Is that in his contract? I thought it was to hit .260 with no power. I thought you like players that do this? Isn't that what made Ozzie Guillen is a good player in your book?
  24. How the hell would we know? Probably not. It's not like Minnie raised him. Alexei is just getting old.
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