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Everything posted by ron883

  1. QUOTE (Mike F. @ Jun 20, 2015 -> 11:08 PM) Same here. But it is what it is. I just don't think the Cubs would give up that much talent for Q. I feel like the Sox/Cubs are always brought up as trade partners because the Sox have the "desirable" veterans that the Cubs could use to further their "playoff push", and the Cubs have some nice prospects that the Sox could use to help boost the farm system and to hopefully make an impact in future years. You are really undervaluing Q. He was a top 10 pitcher last year, is lefty, and is on a great contract. You don't think they trade a DH prospect for him? Cubs trade Schwarber for Quintana 100/100 times.
  2. What is this guys trade value? Can he net Schwarber+? Great contract. If he pitched as well as last season, he'd have very good trade value. It might be time to trade him. He'd dominate the NL. This team desperately needs hitting prospects. Loading up on a couple from the Cubs could be a good idea.
  3. Dump Robertson. Dump LaRoche. Dump Shark (hopefully his value raises by the deadline...) Hopefully Melky can somehow go on a hot streak and not be f***ing garbage still at the deadline. spend big on July 2nd prospects. This team needs a couple years of growth. Hopefully one of Fulmer or Adams can contribute in two years. Anderson will be ready by then. Just firesale and hope for the best in two years. Not sure what else to do.
  4. Is Hahn going to kick the clubhouse door open and then blow Melky's brains out of something?
  5. Why isn't saladino a more highly rated prospect? He is shaking off some rust now, as i expected, but he has pretty good tools. Had a solid year at AAA last year. Good speed, decent power for a SS. Seems like he could be an above average utility player or a decent shortstop.
  6. Question about the draft. The sox will have enough extra cash to sign a guy in the 4th round to a low 1st round pick slot value. Can the sox make an agreement with a player to pay him the large signing bonus if he tells other teams he won't commit if they draft him? Telling an early 2nd rounder they will give him 1st round slot value if he tells other teams he won't sign and goes to the sox in the fourth.
  7. They thought a week and its been 2 months? doesn't sound good. ptatc, come educate us please.
  8. I haven't been able to find anything on where he has been. I know he had tommy john's last year, but he played 11 games this season. What's going on with him? I really liked him as a prospect. Dare I say Ben Zobrist-lite? He could help the team out if Alexei keeps sucking. I think Saladino's ceiling is underrated. He is quick and has power for a SS option.
  9. QUOTE (caulfield12 @ May 17, 2015 -> 02:55 PM) Mavs and Spurs (twice) disagree...great teams/systems or always bet individual superstars in baseball, and usually in bb, too. Heck, the Mavs weren't even a great team. That's a very generous strike zone the ump's giving Burnett...at least to Soler there. Has it been consistent all day? Basketball is a superstar driven league. It just is. Look at the team's who win it. Usually they have superstars. Mavs didn't have a superstar? You know that Dirk guy? He completely dominated those playoffs... and the spurs have Tony, Duncan, and a goat coach. Sorry, but you are wrong. Superstars win in basketball.
  10. Open the wallet Jerry. You don't have many more years left.
  11. Carlos Sanchez is gold glove material.
  12. Do people really think Sanchez will always suck at the plate? He is only 22 and has proven to rake at AAA. I think he can become a solid hitter; to go along with being a GG defender.
  13. Kevan Smith and Dan Blake. Are they major league contributors?
  14. Somewhere Dick Allen (the poster) is smiling, nodding his head in approval, and possibly shedding a tear or two.
  15. QUOTE (Alexeihyeess @ May 9, 2015 -> 11:52 AM) Yes, he is a legit prospect. Andrelton Simmons is a stretch for anyone, though. I changed it to defensively. I don't think he has the bat Simmons does.
  16. I love the idea of an other worldly shortstop defensively. The idea of Andrleton Simmons-esque shortstop (defensively) to back a solid pitching staff makes me happy. Given how good his D is, how good will he have to be on offense to be an good MLB player? Is he still a legit prospect in some of your minds?
  17. QUOTE (Jerksticks @ Apr 29, 2015 -> 05:26 AM) hOtFiRE remains the funniest seven letters ever placed next to each other on these hallowed boards. I'd like to propose it be placed at the top of the screen next to the tabs: "Calendar Members Search Help hOtfIRe". It doesn't even have to link to anything, just homage. wasn't it HoTFiRe? or HoT fIrE? Regardless, i wholeheartedly agree with you sentiment. i laugh everytime i think of HoT FiRe. it was my inspiration for my "Drain duo" nickname for mirotic and mcdermott. it's a shame the official soxtalk nicknamer retired from his duties... HoTfIrE :lol: :lol:
  18. ron883


    AJ hitting 27 homers at 35. Now he is murdering the ball like this at 38. AJ been using them performance enhancing drugs.
  19. I think the admins want some posters to quit spitting HoT FiRe towards one another
  20. QUOTE (daa84 @ Apr 21, 2015 -> 09:09 PM) soler and Bryant are incredible. Hopefully soler continues to be injury prone Is this serious? It's a f***ing disgrace to have fans like you cheering for the white sox. Hoping injury upon a human being who has done nothing to you. Let alone a player on a team that has ZERO affect on the white sox. pathetic. Zero respect for people who wish injury upon players.
  21. QUOTE (oldsox @ Apr 13, 2015 -> 08:29 PM) I would not trade Rodon for six Longorias. I would. Keep a couple Longorias on the team, trade the rest to create a super team and the most stacked farm in the league.
  22. Neckrolls got me really excited about the future rotation. His slider is Chris Sale-esque. So pumped to see how he does this year. Three aces and a #2 in one rotation... Oh my
  23. QUOTE (caulfield12 @ Mar 28, 2015 -> 10:33 AM) LOL. It really comes down to pitching. If the Cubs have success with Bryant, Soler and Russell, then they will be well on their way. If, for example, Schwarber, Baez and Russell all fail, almost nothing Epstein has planned can overcome that...at least until they have more money coming in from the new tv contract in 2019. In the end, if Rodon's as good as predicted, he will be just as valuable, if not more. Bryant's not exactly known for playing "plus" defense at the hot corner, they still might have to convert him to the outfield as there's the possibility of defensive struggles bleeding over into his offensive game. If Bryant, Soler, and Russell have success, the Cubs have 3 perennial allstars. Soler and Bryant are almost guarantees IMO. Their corner outfield will be scary good. If Bryant and Rodon are as good as predicted, you take Rodon over Bryant? Can't say I agree with that.
  24. QUOTE (caulfield12 @ Mar 26, 2015 -> 12:15 AM) Differences: 1) All the attendant media hype surrounding one year of eye-popping numbers in the minors 2) 107 years and counting without a World Series title 3) Gary Scott/Kevin Orie/Bobby Hill/Brooks Kieschnick/Hee Sop Choi, etc. Long string of busts in the infield for the Cubs. Shawon Dunston never even quite lived up to the hype back in the mid 80's. 4) Kyle Schwarber=Babe Ruth (enough said) You seem really jealous man. Lets be honest, I think you would be just as excited if the White Sox had Kris Bryant... And I really dislike the argument stating past busts as evidence for why their current prospects will be busts in the future. How does that have ANYTHING to do with their prospects now?
  25. QUOTE (Chicago White Sox @ Feb 15, 2015 -> 10:39 AM) Come on man, Steve Stone may be a complete asshole outside the booth, but Hawk is 100% to blame for their awful in-game chemistry. He's constantly talking over Steve and doesn't allow for different opinions/perspectives from his own, which is a shame because Stone has intelligent viewpoints he could be sharing those watching. We get you like Hawk a lot, but let's not ignore reality here. At this point in his career, Hawk is nearly impossible to work with unless you pair him with a parrot that will just agree with everything he says. I can't see Stone staying with the Sox after his contract ends and frankly I don't blame him. lmao roasted!
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