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Lip Man 1

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Everything posted by Lip Man 1

  1. QUOTE (Y2JImmy0 @ Jun 4, 2016 -> 06:03 PM) Yeah because they've traded so many young studs away..... With respect that's not the point, they probably didn't. What is a valid point is the 27 million they are going to owe a pitcher in his mid 30's with a lot of wear on his arm. The Yankees can afford that type of gamble. The Sox can't because they either can't or won't spend the additional money then to make up for it if he's terrible. Mark
  2. Forgot to mention (it's probably not a surprise) the Sox get shut down by a winless mediocre pitcher with an ERA of almost five. He gives them two runs total. Nice job boys! Don't stop now!! Mark
  3. The Sox are just getting out from under the anchor of Danks' bad deal and now this. Even with S.D. paying a lot the Sox still now owe 27 million from what I read. For a mid 30's pitcher probably on the downward track. That's the way to build a "consistent" winner in my book! (sarcasm implied) Kenny strikes again. Mark
  4. Coming up on almost a month next week since that night in Texas. Nothing has really changed. Me thinks this is the "real" White Sox team. Unfortunately it doesn't look good. I'm out of ideas myself, that's for those who make the big bucks in the organization. All I know is that when Chris Sale (who has a losing career record against both K.C. and Cleveland...don't know about Detroit) stops winning games especially in the division, you're in serious trouble. Mark
  5. So would I but it hasn't really happened on a consistent basis since at least 2012. Mark
  6. Rollins or Garcia...really doesn't matter. They both suck. But you do have to wonder if at least some of Sox management has finally seen the light on Garcia as often as he's been benched this year. Mark
  7. Had the chance to see him from a far when I was covering a Kentucky Derby one year and the other time was just very special. I'd like to pass that along. In 1980 he was fighting the "South American Champ" basically as an exhibition in Louisville so we drove over from Lexington to cover it. We were wearing our white satin "ABC Sports" jackets. Sorry I don't remember the name of the guy he fought. After the exhibition we headed over to the locker room just to see what was going on when Bundini Brown saw us and saw the jackets. When he saw "ABC Sports" on the back he thought it was "Howard Cosell's ABC Sports" out of New York and let us into Ali's dressing room! He didn't realize it was simply the ABC affiliate in Lexington, WTVQ. When we got inside we were able to get an interview with him. I was just shooting it but it was incredible something I'll never forget. Before the lights were turned on and the interview started he was very quiet just relaxing but as soon as the lights came on, he "became" Ali...loud, brash, talking about how he was going to come back and "shock the world again!" I badly wanted to get an autograph but it wasn't appropriate and never had the chance to get that close to him again. Still that was some night. RIP Champ. Mark
  8. You know something I was thinking of. The Royals have been gutted by injuries and are still doing well. Cleveland has had two key players out for extended periods of time and are hanging in there. The Sox have had ONE real injury (Jackson) and Melky is gone for three days and they basically have NOTHING coming off the bench to plug in. I mean I could see that if it was 2013...but now? Three years later and the depth still isn't there? I guess this franchise was in even worse shape than I thought in 2013 if three years later they still can't find a bench. Guess everything went towards plugging the black holes among some of the starting spots. Mark
  9. QUOTE (BigHurt3515 @ Jun 3, 2016 -> 08:39 PM) Just so people know, L. Garcia got taken out of the game early so he could be the one coming up L. Garcia...another "sterling" example of the "quality" in the Sox minor league system. Another stiff. Mark
  10. QUOTE (flavum @ Jun 3, 2016 -> 08:38 PM) Don't give up yet. Let's see where they are on June 20. Baseball is a funny game but honestly I don't see much changing. They can't beat the teams in their division when they have guys lost to injury...how are they supposed to beat them when said guys start returning? Mark
  11. Sox are now 3-10 against divisional opponents NOT named Minnesota. Unless that changes in a hurry, the Sox can start figuring on setting up tee times for their golf games in early October. They simply can't beat clubs in their division. Didn 't expect anything else tonight though to be fair... six 'starters' hitting under .250 with the 'heart of the order' three-four-five under that mark as well. No Jackson, no Melky...no bench worth a damn. As Kenny would say, "it is what it is..." And the 'four A' relief pitchers used at the end just sealed the deal, guess Robin knew what was going to happen and didn't want to waste his better guys. Maybe they'll play better Saturday. Mark
  12. QUOTE (Greg Hibbard @ Jun 3, 2016 -> 02:37 PM) Also, why is it that when the Twins can go 4-2 against the Indians they are "playing much better of late", but when the Royals come back and win three straight come from behind victories against the Sox, it's the White Sox who suck? Maybe, just maybe it's because the Sox blew late leads in every game...AND half of the Royals starters were out with serious injuries. Maybee...LOL. Mark
  13. Unfortunate timing to be sure. This is where having a good bench really helps...unfortunately the Sox have no such thing. Mark
  14. It would be nice (and important) to start beating someone in the division not named Minnesota. Mark
  15. If they can start beating divisional teams they'll have a good shot. If not...well we've seen that movie before. Mark
  16. Flipping through the channels last night and saw an interesting piece on Jose. Apparently he saw the most fastballs Wednesday against the Mets than in any other game in his career. According to the story he was late on every single one. They showed in slo-motion and stopped the video to prove their point. Even his sac fly they said he was late. They can't explain why suddenly he's behind on fast balls and said he may have to start 'cheating' getting his swing begun earlier to get around on them. The problem with that they said was that pitchers then will start throwing him sliders and he'll be out in front. They said the Sox should be very concerned about this. Mark
  17. QUOTE (Hatchetman @ Jun 2, 2016 -> 09:54 AM) So KW deserves the job for life? Because of what happened back in 2005? Apparently in the White Sox organization he does. Mark
  18. QUOTE (Greg Hibbard @ Jun 1, 2016 -> 12:28 PM) They are on pace for sure, but I believe most would say their schedule has been weighted towards having the toughest stretch early, no? Schedule still isn't easy...June is a killer. They really don't see things ease up (if you can call that in the A.L.) until after the All Star break. Mark
  19. I don't know what to make of this one today...you walk that many guys you should have your brains beat out...somehow the Sox didn't let it happen. Really happy for the bullpen though, they did what they needed to do to get the job done. Offense though is still "less than stellar..." Now on to Detroit, they have their top pitchers lined up...we'll see. One thing is clear, if the Sox don't start beating someone other than the Twins in their division, they aren't going anywhere in October. (Well maybe the golf course...) Mark
  20. QUOTE (mmmmmbeeer @ May 31, 2016 -> 09:35 PM) Interesting. Thanks. I wonder who has had an eye out for owning an MLB team. Wonder if MJ would get involved? I don't think MJ would even be the slightest interested. I was told the guy who was, owned the Memphis Grizzlies and was from the area. Unfortunately he passed away last year (I think) so honestly I have no idea who would be interested. Mark
  21. It would be unrealistic to expect the GM to openly rip the guy he personally extended a contract to. Mark
  22. Maybe coming back like the did will turn things around. After all it was the blown game in Texas that started them into this mess in the first place. Nice to see them not give up against a very tough pitcher. Now we'll see if they can win the series Wednesday. Mark
  23. QUOTE (mmmmmbeeer @ May 31, 2016 -> 02:12 PM) Atlanta also has made the move to the suburbs. They were located on the southside of ATL and not in a great area. While they did piss off a lot of fans from the southern burbs, the map they had of tv viewers, season ticket holders, etc., was heavily weighted toward the northern suburbs, which is where they'll be playing next season. I think the Sox can definitely survive in Chicagoland long-term. Has Reinsdorf ever made any mention of what he wants to happen to the Sox when he passes? On more than one occasion and as 'recently' as May 2004 he told Bob Sirott on Chicago Tonight that when he's gone he's advised to family to sell the team. He's also said that his family has no interest in retaining the franchise when he's gone. That also he said publicly. I've been told by two sources, one of who worked for the Sox, that his wife has been asking him to sell and get out for years but so far he's refused to do so. Mark
  24. Turf toe is a very tricky thing. Larry Czonka had to retire because of it in football because it wouldn't go away. Hurts the Sox defensively to be sure. Mark
  25. Saw an interesting stat today on the MLB Network about Shields. He is getting the fewest run support for any pitcher in baseball. S.D. is averaging 1.9 runs per start for him. Hey Q will have some company if the Sox get him! LOL. Just what the Sox need another 'hard-luck' guy. Mark
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