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Bob Sacamano

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Everything posted by Bob Sacamano

  1. David Dahl and Archie Bradley are some notable names non-tendered.
  2. If that is true, then offer another year, a little more money, 5th year option with like a $5mill buyout to increase guaranteed money, etc.
  3. Do you know what the Sox current offer is?
  4. This x100000 was trying to make this point the other day to someone but they didn't understand.
  5. 100%. Or another cheap team like the Indians bringing him home.
  6. I think the only guy I would consider holding him down for is Brantley on a one year deal. Guy just hits. But I'm sure he could get 2.
  7. He's thrown like 1/3 of an inning more than Davidson haha I think you're right that people say that because he has a good arm, but then you can say that about others around the game too, especially catchers.
  8. Yeah I hear ya. In this scenario, assuming no one is traded and they sign Springer and Colas, they would sort of have a logjam so it would give him 2 years in the minors until Abreu leaves.
  9. Maybe LF if we can sign Springer for RF, moving Eloy to DH eventually.
  10. Non-tender Rodon and use that money towards Q. He You can always count on him to give you innings (outside of a freak injury this year).
  11. This does not compute at all and in no way describes Rodon lol
  12. So much for free agents being hurt by Covid (so far).
  13. *insert typical Sox fan (out of all teams) response acting like they know other teams' finances and budget and how they can't sign said player*
  14. Didn't he already comment on the losses from this past season? I'm afraid his big move (at least in his eyes) will be bringing his buddy out retirement to manage this team.
  15. Just...spend...the money for the love of god.
  16. Too used to them being left with nothing but an empty bag. So we will probably be the team that has to find another option.
  17. Point still stands that neither guy is blocked by signing a star player. Pretty ridiculous to think that.
  18. Couple things: 1. neither of those guys are currently in the organization, 2. neither of those guys are guaranteed to be stars, even guaranteed MLBers for that matter as of now and 3. you could move Eloy to DH in a couple years which would free up an OF, if it were to become an issue (this would be a great problem to have).
  19. And it was more geographic location than actual baseball related.
  20. If people didn't know who the Bears owner was but knew how the Bears were run, you could guess that Jerry owned the team and it would be a good guess haha
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