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Hilarious Ozzie Interview


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Dan Patrick: Who were your baseball idols growing up?

Ozzie Guillen: Like everybody else, my idol was Roberto Clemente. Oh, and Dave Concepcion.

DP: A fellow shortstop. He should be in the Hall of Fame, right?

OG: He should be. He needed to promote himself better.

DP: That's interesting. What advice will you give your White Sox players as far as handling the media?

OG: The media is not your enemy. They will help you and your career. Just tell the truth, even if they don't want to hear it.

DP: Should we take the designated hitter out of the game?

OG: They should keep it the way it is. If you take the designated hitter out of the American League, there are a lot of guys without a job.

DP: Don't you think that if all pitchers hit, it might change the way they pitch?

OG: Well, I do like when pitchers hit, because if they drill somebody on purpose, we have a chance to drill them back.

DP: Favorite singer.

OG: Ruben Blades.

DP: Would you like Janet Jackson to sing the national anthem for your home opener?

OG: I'd rather have Ruben Blades.

DP: Okay, Ozzie, now we know you're campaigning for president of the Ruben Blades fan club, but if you couldn't get him, would you like to have Janet.

OG: Why not? A lot of people would show for the game?

DP: They might leave right after the anthem.

OG: Their loss.

DP: Meanest person you ever met in baseball?

OG: Albert Belle. But he was more misunderstood than mean. Actually, he's one of my favorite players. He wasn't a hypocrite. I respect that.

DP: But he was mean.

OG: But he wanted to be good.

DP: Did you ever fear wearing number 13?

OG: No. That's the number of my hero, Concepcion. I don't believe in superstition.

DP: You don't believe in 13 in Venezuela?

OG: No, because whoever wears that number has a great career.

DP: Most overrated player. Who is the Britney Spears of baseball.

OG: I don't know. You know what? I want to be overrated like Britney Spears.

DP: That makes me feel funny, Ozzie.

OG: Me too.

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Ozzie Guillen is surely a character.


He seemed like he was going to be a real asshole in his first press conference, but I still get this funny feeling about Ozzie. I think he's going to be the best manager in the AL Central within his 3 year contract. I think JR and KW actually picked the right guy.


Well, I should see how he manages a 25-man team in the regular season first, but I like what I have seen a lot. If it is possible, I would like to add wins to my total. I don't think our team is as good this year as it was last year, however, I think we will win more games.


How about a nice even number like 90 up there? I think we'll go 90-72, just squeaking by an 89-73 Minnesota Twin team.

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I don't know if any of you get ESPN mag, but you have to look at it on a newsstand or something to see this interview. It's in the back, but next to that Britney Spears comment he made, they have a picture of Britney Spears, but her face is replaced w/ Ozzie's. It's such comedy! :lol:

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I don't know if any of you get ESPN mag, but you have to look at it on a newsstand or something to see this interview.  It's in the back, but next to that Britney Spears comment he made, they have a picture of Britney Spears, but her face is replaced w/ Ozzie's.  It's such comedy! :lol:

Hopefully Ozzie won't be sayin "oops I did it again" many occasions this season. He certainly seems to hav given every1 around the ballclub a lift, although remember it's still only the pre-season.

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That wacky Ozzie Guillen.    :lol:


If you thought THAT interview was interesting, just give it time.  There's still 7 months to go, and plenty more interviews with him await.

Him and Shingo hav GOT to sit down and hav an interview together. :lol:

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KW to JR "Well we've signed almost no one that can help and we lost two key arms, what do you want to do"


JR "Let's be more entertaining"


KW "I'll hire a comedian as a manager!"


JR "Nice idea, but he has to have some baseball experience"


KW "Maybe I can get someone who juggles too!"


I'll be far more entertained when we are 3 games over .500 We fumbled away a golden opportunity last season. I hope OZ can make up for Colon, Everett, Alomar, and Flash.

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I'm very hopeful.

Oz certainly seems to know what he's doing.

The test will be how he gets the team out of a slump.

But I do like Oz so far. I think the Dusty comparison is good, although premature - Dusty didn't become the Pied Piper until his teams started winning.

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I'm very hopeful.

Oz certainly seems to know what he's doing.

The test will be how he gets the team out of a slump.

But I do like Oz so far. I think the Dusty comparison is good, although premature - Dusty didn't become the Pied Piper until his teams started winning.

Dusty won 103 games his first yr, I'll settle for that from Ozzie. :D :D :D

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KW to JR "Well we've signed almost no one that can help and we lost two key arms, what do you want to do"


JR "Let's be more entertaining"


KW "I'll hire a comedian as a manager!"


JR "Nice idea, but he has to have some baseball experience"


KW "Maybe I can get someone who juggles too!"


I'll be far more entertained when we are 3 games over .500 We fumbled away a golden opportunity last season. I hope OZ can make up for Colon, Everett, Alomar, and Flash.

If Ozzie can get the guys playing a relentless attack style offense til the end of October he'll have done his job.


Pitching wise, his biggest decision will be before the season even begins when he must choose his 5th starter. After that, his fate is in the hands of Koch.

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I am up to officially neutral on Ozzie. I disliked his antics during the NLCS; I hated his opening press conference and thought he was a clown. I even put a Bozo wig on one of his pictures and used it for my avatar.


I thought all the sweetness and light coming out of ST was just PR, but I heard a story on the radio during the game yesterday that changed my opinion. Ed Farmer said Billy Koch asked Ozzie What if I give up 5 runs today? Ozzie said don't worry, I'm getting paid anyway.


This is the exact right note for a head case like Koch; he looked like he was thinking about a million things last year, paralysis by analysis. I like the message of go out there and play your heart out, then let the chips fall where they may.


I don't know if this will work with young players like Willie Harris or Danny Wright, but it was very refreshing after all the morbidly serious years of Jerry Manuel.


We don't know anything about his game management; he might another Bevington for all we know. But I put my prejudice against him aside. I changed by avatar to the same generic Sox logo that hangs on my garage during the season, but bozog.jpg is still on my hard drive. I'll wait and see.

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I think he could be the next Dusty Baker... real good at managing people... and ok at managing baseball.

Dusty's good at managing people, but BAD at managing baseball!


He's THE reason why the (f***ing) cubs didn't make the Series last year, AND the reason why the Giants never won the "big one". He get's outmanaged, plain and simple.


Don't be like the "Cubune" and make Dusty out to be "Black Jesus"! He's like Gene Keady (at Purdue)...very good, up to a point (can't win when it counts!)

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KW to JR "Well we've signed almost no one that can help and we lost two key arms, what do you want to do"


JR "Let's be more entertaining"


KW "I'll hire a comedian as a manager!"


JR "Nice idea, but he has to have some baseball experience"


KW "Maybe I can get someone who juggles too!"


I'll be far more entertained when we are 3 games over .500 We fumbled away a golden opportunity last season. I hope OZ can make up for Colon, Everett, Alomar, and Flash.

Well, he has to be able to juggle. :lolhitting

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I don't know if any of you get ESPN mag, but you have to look at it on a newsstand or something to see this interview.  It's in the back, but next to that Britney Spears comment he made, they have a picture of Britney Spears, but her face is replaced w/ Ozzie's.  It's such comedy! :lol:

Yea that was a funny picture. I was suprised to see an interview with Ozzie in there, it's good to see some national attention.

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I'm really happy with the way things are going so far... The way this camp is being run reminds me a lot of the movie "little big league"... where everybody's just having fun and kicking ass at the same time. i dunno, im really suddenly looking foreward to the season. I think were gonna surprise some people

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