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Jason Grilli...


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I'm not sure why everyone thinks Dustin might start for us. Besides the fac tthat he is not a very good starting pitcher, short of an early injury-he won't be able to start. If he comes out of the pen for a few months, then he will never make it back to more than a 4 or 5 inning starter during the 05 season. I think Diaz is the guy for the 6th spot, unless an injry to Duke is long term, in which case KW will make a move in june/july.

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QUOTE(LosMediasBlancas @ Feb 9, 2005 -> 01:03 PM)
I have learned that whenever Ozzie says something about a player, the 'organization' feels the complete opposite.......or at least acts like it.


I really don't know how acurate that is. In fact, I couldn't disagree with that more.


Ozzie and Kenny work quite well together and seem to value each other's opinion.

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Bad for the Sox, good for Grilli. He didn't figure to break with the team and would have been AAA insurance. The Tigers starters figure to be Mike Maroth and Jason Johnson as locks, then probably Jeremy Bonderman, Wilfredo Ledezma and Nate Robertson. I consider Maroth and Johnson to be nice MLB pitchers and the other guys promising but erratic -except against the Sox. If Jason shows he can keep the Tigers in most games, which is basically what he did last year, I think he will have a chance to stick. Alan Trammel has shown he will move starters in and out looking for a hot hand.


MLB minimum beats AAA money any day of the week. Smart decision by Jason, I hope he does well against everyone but the White Sox.

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QUOTE(JimH @ Feb 9, 2005 -> 06:24 PM)
Agree, ouch.  It is now looking like Hermanson is the emergency starter and they'd bring someone up from the minors to fill a bullpen spot if necessary.


They need some starting pitching depth ...



There is still time. we will get someone during spring training

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What would you do if you were Grilli.... Last season, after the Sox claimed him in the Rule 5, he wasn't able to make the Club... Then when we had a HOLE at SP, his position, he wasn't given the chance to fill the HOLE on the big club until after we were out of it.... Then when he finally was given the opportunity, he was showed why management had tried everything and the kitchen sink ahead of him...

Edited by Gene Honda Civic
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I actually think Diaz is better. The problem with Diaz is that every time they brought him up to start, instead of doing so a couple of days earlier(when they knew they were going to need him) they brought him up the day of his turn. That's bad when you have to wake up early in the morning to catch a flight to whereever, not being able to go over pitches with your catcher and then as soon as you get there it's pretty much, put on your uni and go out there. The one shot he was given when he didn't have to fly in for the gameday was when he faced the Cubs at home and he did pretty well for 6 innings(I think he only gave up 3 runs that game). What the Sox need to do is when they know they need an emergency start from someone in their minors, they need to have them fly in a day or two earlier than their start date.

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I actually think Diaz is better. The problem with Diaz is that every time they brought him up to start, instead of doing so a couple of days earlier(when they knew they were going to need him) they brought him up the day of his turn. That's bad when you have to wake up early in the morning to catch a flight to whereever, not being able to go over pitches with your catcher and then as soon as you get there it's pretty much, put on your uni and go out there. The one shot he was given when he didn't have to fly in for the gameday was when he faced the Cubs at home and he did pretty well for 6 innings(I think he only gave up 3 runs that game). What the Sox need to do is when they know they need an emergency start from someone in their minors, they need to have them fly in a day or two earlier than their start date.


I respect your opinion but sometimes emergency and "fly the guy in a day or two earlier" don't match up.


Diaz's arsenal is limited, he doesn't pitch inside very well, and his fastball is straight as an arrow. Not good qualities for a starting pitcher.


But again, I respect your opinion. You like him, that's cool.

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QUOTE(TLAK @ Feb 9, 2005 -> 11:43 PM)
Bad for the Sox, good for Grilli.  He didn't figure to break with the team and would have been AAA insurance.  The Tigers starters figure to be Mike Maroth and Jason Johnson as locks, then probably Jeremy Bonderman, Wilfredo Ledezma and Nate Robertson.  I consider Maroth and Johnson to be nice MLB pitchers and the other guys promising but erratic -except against the Sox.  If Jason shows he can keep the Tigers in most games, which is basically what he did last year, I think he will have a chance to stick.  Alan Trammel has shown he will move starters in and out looking for a hot hand.


MLB minimum beats AAA money any day of the week.  Smart decision by Jason, I hope he does well against everyone but the White Sox.


Didn't Grilli have ZERO quality starts last season?


I'm sorry, good attitude or not, he sucks. He got lucky because he got good run support.


If we get the chance to face Grilli, that'd be awesome. It'd be a feast... :)

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Didn't Grilli have ZERO quality starts last season?


I'm sorry, good attitude or not, he sucks.  He got lucky because he got good run support. 


If we get the chance to face Grilli, that'd be awesome.  It'd be a feast...  :)


We will have to wait and see how it plays out. Grilli did have that one outstanding start vs. Detroit in September which is probably why the Tigers were interested. I know that start is what got me interested in keeping him.

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QUOTE(nitetrain8601 @ Feb 9, 2005 -> 06:45 PM)
I actually think Diaz is better. The problem with Diaz is that every time they brought him up to start, instead of doing so a couple of days earlier(when they knew they were going to need him) they brought him up the day of his turn. That's bad when you have to wake up early in the morning to catch a flight to whereever, not being able to go over pitches with your catcher and then as soon as you get there it's pretty much, put on your uni and go out there. The one shot he was given when he didn't have to fly in for the gameday was when he faced the Cubs at home and he did pretty well for 6 innings(I think he only gave up 3 runs that game). What the Sox need to do is when they know they need an emergency start from someone in their minors, they need to have them fly in a day or two earlier than their start date.

Totally right...

Except your missing the outstanding start against the Mariners. The other start he had without being jerked around.

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