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Recruiting Thread

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I never said that you were one of the Illinois fans who flys off the handle. I specifically did not attribute that to you, because I know that you are not one of them.


as for carr in illinois you said yourself that michigan hardly recruits there. why is that? because there aren't great players? no. it's because they don't have great connections there now. maybe in the future they will, but now they don't.


This is not what I said at all.


I said that of the big time recruits Illinois has so far, only 1 of them even listed Michigan as a team that was interested. Now Brent, Martez, do have UM and OSU. But I feel that if UM and OSU knew last year that Zook was going to be this successful in his recruiting of Illinois that UM and OSU would have stepped up their recruiting.


As it was many were very suprised that these players chose Illinois, even going as far as claiming that Illinois is doing something wrong. I dont believe that, but I do believe that UM, OSU, and ND completely underestimated Zook's recruiting abilities. They thought they could just swoop into Illinois and grab the best players as they usually do, and not even have to worry.


Thats where I think you will see the biggest change. Not only has Zook taken some of their recruits, but now he has slapped UM and the entire Big 10 in the face, basically saying "the SEC is better."


It looks to me like Zook stabbed the Big 10 in the back.


He could of been like Spurrier and said "Hey I went to UF, Im gonna vote Florida."

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QUOTE(whitesox61382 @ Dec 15, 2006 -> 03:49 PM)
whitesoxfan99, if you call someone a worthless human being I would like to know the justification. I can understand being mad at Sampson about the Gordon situation, or not liking the fact that he made a few too many calls recruiting, but that certainly doesn't make a person a worthless human being. He is one of the most respected coaches in the game, routinely does community service/programs to help kids(especially in poor communities), and has a reputation of being one of the good guys in the game. I think calling him a worthless human being is a little harsh, especially if you are not going to provide justification for your feelings.


Hyperbole. It would be better to say I have no respect for the man at all. But a man who cheats while being the head of an ethics committee clearly has moral issues. His players never graduate and a lot of coaches question his ethics so I don't buy the rep as being one of the good guys.

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Indiana men’s basketball coach Kelvin Sampson had already persuaded Indianapolis high school senior Eric Gordon, who had a year-old oral commitment to Illinois, to change his mind and sign with Indiana this fall. So we probably shouldn’t be surprised that he has his sights set on an Ohio State recruit, Indianapolis Warren Central junior Walter Offutt, who committed to the Buckeyes a year ago.


Offutt told The Indianapolis Star that he has been getting feelers from Sampson.


And the "unique situation" thing that happened with Gordon doesn't hold water here. Honestly, hearing this pisses me off far more than the Gordon thing does, although Sanctions is out of his league recruiting against Matta (although who isn't?)


or not liking the fact that he made a few too many calls recruiting


Few? Try 700 plus.


He is one of the most respected coaches in the game


Might want to do some homework before making egregiously inaccurate statements like that. You can say he did nothing wrong in regards to Gordon (which is fair), but that statement is still amazingly wrong.

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QUOTE(whitesoxfan101 @ Dec 16, 2006 -> 07:12 AM)

And the "unique situation" thing that happened with Gordon doesn't hold water here. Honestly, hearing this pisses me off far more than the Gordon thing does, although Sanctions is out of his league recruiting against Matta (although who isn't?)

Few? Try 700 plus.

Might want to do some homework before making egregiously inaccurate statements like that. You can say he did nothing wrong in regards to Gordon (which is fair), but that statement is still amazingly wrong.


For starters, when a new coach arrives at a program it changes the perspective of recruits. Gordon wasn't a huge fan of Davis and despite the fact that he was seriously interested in playing for homestate IU, decided that the UI was a better option AT THE TIME. I have little doubt that Gordon would have committed to IU originally if Sampson was the coach a few years back, so I don't consider it to be that bad. The fact is that Gordon wanted to go to IU, and when the circumstances changed(ie: a new coach that the player liked) I think Gordon had every right to reconsider his college choice. Remember, at no point does a verbal commitment constitute a written in stone agreement. I do think Gordon should have decommitted and gone about the process a little differently to be fair to the UI, but in the end he went to the college that he wanted to be at. Why don't UI fans be mature and take the high road for once and move on?


Junior, you have no clue what goes on in the recruiting world do you? Let me toot my own horn for a second to help bring a little perspective. Coming out of high school, I was a little regarded football and baseball player who was looking to play at the next level. I was looking at mostly D-two schools because I wasn't that good, but I had a few low level D-one schools interested in me. I took a handful of recruiting visits, and on each one AT LEAST one NCAA recruiting violation was broken. A couple examples include, my recruiting host taking me to a party and pointing to a row of women and asking me which one I wanted. Or an alumni coming up to me a shaking my hand and putting an envelope in my pocket(with 500 dollars) as my host took me on a tour of the facilities(a separate incident at another school). And there are plenty of other examples, but the point is that I was a nobody recruit at a low level D-one schools(not going to mention any names) and they still broke recruiting rules to get me interested in their school. The point being that a few extra calls is like the jaywalking of recruiting violation. Yes, it is against the rules, but in the grand scheme of things it is very petty. That is not to say that two wrongs make a right or that just because other programs break recruiting rules does it make it ok for your program to do so, but I think you need a little perspective before you burn a guy at the stake or call him a worthless human being for making a few extra phone calls.


You guys provide little/no examples of how he isn't respected. Saying that four coaches in the conference showed their displeasure with him is like me saying six coaches in the conference think he is a great guy. I am sure that if you polled all the coaches the majority of coaches in the college ranks would say that he is a very good coach and human being. UI fans and Weber need to change their tampax already. It has become clear that you are allowing one incident(that at the absolute worst was boarderline frowned upon) effective your opinion about a guy and compounding the issue by digging for any evidence to help support your weak argument. No need to take your frustrations over the fact that the UI is becoming a mediocre irrelevent program under Weber out on others.

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QUOTE(whitesox61382 @ Dec 16, 2006 -> 02:16 PM)
For starters, when a new coach arrives at a program it changes the perspective of recruits. Gordon wasn't a huge fan of Davis and despite the fact that he was seriously interested in playing for homestate IU, decided that the UI was a better option AT THE TIME. I have little doubt that Gordon would have committed to IU originally if Sampson was the coach a few years back, so I don't consider it to be that bad. The fact is that Gordon wanted to go to IU, and when the circumstances changed(ie: a new coach that the player liked) I think Gordon had every right to reconsider his college choice. Remember, at no point does a verbal commitment constitute a written in stone agreement. I do think Gordon should have decommitted and gone about the process a little differently to be fair to the UI, but in the end he went to the college that he wanted to be at. Why don't UI fans be mature and take the high road for once and move on?


Junior, you have no clue what goes on in the recruiting world do you? Let me toot my own horn for a second to help bring a little perspective. Coming out of high school, I was a little regarded football and baseball player who was looking to play at the next level. I was looking at mostly D-two schools because I wasn't that good, but I had a few low level D-one schools interested in me. I took a handful of recruiting visits, and on each one AT LEAST one NCAA recruiting violation was broken. A couple examples include, my recruiting host taking me to a party and pointing to a row of women and asking me which one I wanted. Or an alumni coming up to me a shaking my hand and putting an envelope in my pocket(with 500 dollars) as my host took me on a tour of the facilities(a separate incident at another school). And there are plenty of other examples, but the point is that I was a nobody recruit at a low level D-one schools(not going to mention any names) and they still broke recruiting rules to get me interested in their school. The point being that a few extra calls is like the jaywalking of recruiting violation. Yes, it is against the rules, but in the grand scheme of things it is very petty. That is not to say that two wrongs make a right or that just because other programs break recruiting rules does it make it ok for your program to do so, but I think you need a little perspective before you burn a guy at the stake or call him a worthless human being for making a few extra phone calls.


You guys provide little/no examples of how he isn't respected. Saying that four coaches in the conference showed their displeasure with him is like me saying six coaches in the conference think he is a great guy. I am sure that if you polled all the coaches the majority of coaches in the college ranks would say that he is a very good coach and human being. UI fans and Weber need to change their tampax already. It has become clear that you are allowing one incident(that at the absolute worst was boarderline frowned upon) effective your opinion about a guy and compounding the issue by digging for any evidence to help support your weak argument. No need to take your frustrations over the fact that the UI is becoming a mediocre irrelevent program under Weber out on others.


I disagree strongly. I'm not saying he's the most horrid human being on earth or close to it, but he's not considered widely around the NCAA as a great guy etc.

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QUOTE(He_Gawn @ Dec 16, 2006 -> 10:30 PM)
I honestly don't give two s***s if Illini fans or they're coach like him. As long as he wins and continues to pull in good talent I will take it.

So character is not an issue in sports to you?

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QUOTE(WHarris1 @ Dec 17, 2006 -> 11:30 AM)
So character is not an issue in sports to you?


I'm getting tired of this BS.


Until Kelvin Sampson was hired by IU, his "character" was never mentioned. I have asked before and I will ask again. Take out the phone call issue and give me one publicized issue with his character. We all know about the phone calls. That is a moot point. But in way too many posts on this and another board, Illini fans (predominantly, if not exclusively) want to act as if he is a horrible human being.


I'm still waiting for someone to give me something that goes to a questionable character beyond the phone call issue. If you've got something, speak up. If not, then how about just shutting the F*ck up about him and worrying about your own damned team?

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QUOTE(CanOfCorn @ Dec 19, 2006 -> 04:27 PM)
OT Jack Cornell committed to Illinois.


Damn, that Zooker is a good recruiter. Now, if he could work on play calling and game management........

f***ing huge!!!


Apparently Brent and Tez are no longer announcing together, hopefully it means nothing.

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QUOTE(Soxbadger @ Dec 19, 2006 -> 06:21 PM)
I can only hope the Brent news is because Wisconsin has made a late push and some how changed his mind.


He was at the Wisconsin-Pitt game over the weekend, so while its unlikely, maybe he has had a change of heart.

He changed the date because he has a basketball game that night, but how would he have not known that before hand?

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Rex, it's just Sour Grapes for all of the ILL fans that they lost Gordon.


For those in the know of the situation, it's pretty evident that EJ grew up an IU fan and simply didn't want to play for Mike Davis and rightfully so. Davis was horrible at IU, what stud like Gordon would want to go there and receive no coaching and no discipline?


When the switch was made, the GORDON family put out feelers to IU that he wanted to be recruited and things went from there.


Unfortunately ILL fans have nothing better to do than to cry over this situation that is over and done with now that EJ is signed and delivered to IU. I realize the frustration from Illini fans, but after a while, just get over it.


Making excessive phone calls is not an indication that someone is a bad person or unethical. Do these people not realize that this goes on EVERYWHERE?


Bottom line is Kelvin Sampson is a very likable guy who has busted his ass to work his way up the coaching ranks and get to where he is right now. Reading his personal story will tell you of a man who is self-made and put in the work to get where he is today. Those who know him personally would tell you that he goes out of his way to do nice things for people and is one of most friendly guys out there among coaches.


Although I like several of the ILL fans that frequent here and talk to them regularly, hopefully we can put this to rest as time goes on and everyone can realize that it's over and done with. To sit here and attack Kelvin Sampson over and over is ridiculous and unwarranted. Show some class and rise above it rather than re-hashing this nonsense over and over.

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QUOTE(aboz56 @ Dec 19, 2006 -> 10:38 PM)
Rex, it's just Sour Grapes for all of the ILL fans that they lost Gordon.


For those in the know of the situation, it's pretty evident that EJ grew up an IU fan and simply didn't want to play for Mike Davis and rightfully so. Davis was horrible at IU, what stud like Gordon would want to go there and receive no coaching and no discipline?


When the switch was made, the GORDON family put out feelers to IU that he wanted to be recruited and things went from there.


Unfortunately ILL fans have nothing better to do than to cry over this situation that is over and done with now that EJ is signed and delivered to IU. I realize the frustration from Illini fans, but after a while, just get over it.


Making excessive phone calls is not an indication that someone is a bad person or unethical. Do these people not realize that this goes on EVERYWHERE?


Bottom line is Kelvin Sampson is a very likable guy who has busted his ass to work his way up the coaching ranks and get to where he is right now. Reading his personal story will tell you of a man who is self-made and put in the work to get where he is today. Those who know him personally would tell you that he goes out of his way to do nice things for people and is one of most friendly guys out there among coaches.


Although I like several of the ILL fans that frequent here and talk to them regularly, hopefully we can put this to rest as time goes on and everyone can realize that it's over and done with. To sit here and attack Kelvin Sampson over and over is ridiculous and unwarranted. Show some class and rise above it rather than re-hashing this nonsense over and over.


Good point, but I wonder how you would react if the situation was reversed. And don't tell me that you wouldn't feel the same way, etc. because you have no idea how you would react.

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QUOTE(CanOfCorn @ Dec 19, 2006 -> 10:46 PM)
Good point, but I wonder how you would react if the situation was reversed. And don't tell me that you wouldn't feel the same way, etc. because you have no idea how you would react.


Actually, I can tell you how I would react. I would understand how it went down, I wouldn't like it, but I would get over it and not whine about it.


My friends tell me I am a pretty objective and fair guy. They say I see both sides of a situation and don't overreact without all the information. Even if I don't agree with something, I try hard to see why and how a situation came about and give those involved the benefit of the doubt.


While I am opinionated on here, I do think that is a fair representation of my demeanor. So I DO know how I would react. I also know I wouldn't like it, but that is not the point.

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you know, i didn't particularly care for the way the gordon thing went down, but i understood it. i also put more blame on the gordon family for the way they handled the situation. fact is, they just weren't straight with illinois and if they were the situation would have gone down differently. my issue is more with their handling of it than sampson pursuing the situation. if sampson was my team's coach, i'd want him to do exactly what he did.


but let's not get on our high horses and put this as "oh, illinois fans are just pissed they didn't get their guy." tommy amaker, tom izzo, matt painter, and jim delaney are all on record saying they thought the situation was handled poorly.


now, whether that situation is an example of poor character, lack of ethics, or just a guy trying to get a foothold in his new home state is up for debate.


i'm also not at all comfortable just absolving sampson of blame in the phone thing because "everyone does it." that's b.s. the rule is the rule and to flout the rules while your chairing the nabc's ethics committee strikes me as at the least hypocritical. if you can't see that you need to take the crimson and cream goggles off.

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If the Gordon's want to re-open the process...fine. But, and we all know this now, EG REALLY wanted to go to IU, then de-commit and re-open the recruiting. If he wants to make it just UI and IU, fine. But, he held the Illini by the sac by saying he was still committed.


That's where I think Gordon was wrong. It's over and done with. We will go into '07 with who we got and start working on '08.

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QUOTE(CanOfCorn @ Dec 19, 2006 -> 11:46 PM)
Good point, but I wonder how you would react if the situation was reversed. And don't tell me that you wouldn't feel the same way, etc. because you have no idea how you would react.

No doubt I'd be pissed, but at the player and not the coach. And to me it's really hard to be angry with an 18 year old kid for a prolonged period of time. Kids change their minds all of the time. EJ will have to hear enough when he visits Champaign next season. My prediction is it will be nothing short of ugly based on comments I have read from Illini fans on other message boards online. I just don't blame KS for coming in and doing everything he can to start getting kids from Indiana to come to IU. He missed out on Moore, Hummel, Martin and Johnson and the Gordon recruitment was important for stopping the long line of kids who are leaving the state (Oden, Conley, James, McRoberts, Courtney Lee to name a few). It will probably be the start of a reversal of fortune for IU keeping in-state talent.

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