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QUOTE(Rex Kicka** @ Jan 8, 2008 -> 10:08 PM)
Michigan has no delegates. And Obama isn't even on the ballot there.


NV is important for Obama, less so than SC though. If both these states keep them neck and neck however, we'll see this go through Super Tuesday. Clinton will win NY, probably NJ and CT as well... Obama will do well in IL, WI, MO and a large part of the South. Partially because of his IL roots, partially because he is African American and southern primaries for the Dems have a super high African American component, and partially because he does very well with church going Democrats, according to NH exit polls.


I think Clinton/Obama 08, Obama/Clinton 08 is becoming much more likely as this contest continues to draw on.


Trivia: Hillary Clinton now officially becomes the best performing woman candidate for President in US history. Who held this spot previously?



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QUOTE(Balta1701 @ Jan 8, 2008 -> 09:45 PM)
Clinton Vs. McCain. My God, the media is going to go harder for the Republican candidate than they did in 2000.




just like the Huckabee supporters complaining about the liberal Rush Limbaugh and FOX news being against their candidate.

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McCain :wub:


Looking on the GOP side, it has looked so obvious to me that McCain is their best candidate. I was thinking that Edwards could slip in as everyone's #2 choice, but now I'm starting to soften on that stance. Perhaps the big two will eat everyone.

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QUOTE(Athomeboy_2000 @ Jan 8, 2008 -> 10:07 PM)
Edwards is too damn stubborn to do that. He wont drop out until it is too late for Obama even if he CLEARLY has no chance of winning.


He'll stick around for his ego and for free tv face time.

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QUOTE(Athomeboy_2000 @ Jan 8, 2008 -> 10:20 PM)
Disclaimer, I dont like Hillary...

Ok, so we hear Hillary attacking Obama on his experience and knowledge. Yet, tonight she said it took NH to "find her voice". It took her almost a YEAR to find her voice? yea, not someone I want in charge.


Well Bill was out doing a number on Obama saying that Obama says he was the first to be against the war and thats not true. I blame Monica for this. If she could of cleaned her dress, ditched the tie, and not told her gossipy friend about the swimmers making a splat we might not have the blackmail, I mean loving husband based support of the Bill for Hillary campaign.




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So does anyone think her breaking down a little yesterday actually helped her win this primary?


I mean just going on the polls and the talk on here, you would have thought Obama was about a 75% favorite going into tonight, with the momentum all on his side from Iowa.


I guess the 2 idiots who suggested for her to "iron their shirts" didn't really do Obama a favor either.

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So what does this really MEAN political gurus out there? I personally think Obama supporters mailed it in because of the predictions.


I am highly disappointed with this... Hillary rips off "change" and then starts crying and now she's winning? I see nothing fresh out of her camp... it just seems like she's trying to "change" herself with whatever people are looking for.


Please, someone with much more knowledge on the subject enlighten me.

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QUOTE(Steve9347 @ Jan 9, 2008 -> 12:40 AM)
So what does this really MEAN political gurus out there? I personally think Obama supporters mailed it in because of the predictions.

I don't think anyone mailed it in. I just think we're once again seeing the weakness in pre-election polling and exit polling.


If the predicted large victory for Obama helped anyone, it might have been McCain. Some independents could have thought their vote wasn't needed in Obama's camp, and thought they could make a difference in McCain's favor. Though I acknowledge that percentage is probably extremely small.

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Balta, this doesn't win it for Hillary any more than Iowa won it for Obama. MI is irrelevant (as Rex said), so SC and NV are big. If Clinton sweeps those, then I think Obama is on the ropes. If Obama wins both, Clinton is on the ropes. A split means Super Tuesday is really fun.


By the way, that huge lead she had nationally (for Super Tuesday)? Going... gone. Super Tuesday is very much an open question.


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QUOTE(Steve9347 @ Jan 8, 2008 -> 11:40 PM)
So what does this really MEAN political gurus out there? I personally think Obama supporters mailed it in because of the predictions.


I am highly disappointed with this... Hillary rips off "change" and then starts crying and now she's winning? I see nothing fresh out of her camp... it just seems like she's trying to "change" herself with whatever people are looking for.


Please, someone with much more knowledge on the subject enlighten me.

No, you are dead on. People saw Obama and Edwards gaining traction with the word change now EVERYONE (even the freaking Republicans!) are using it. Obama needs to find a new buzzword. "change" is white noise now. Maybe his "Yes we can" will be a new cry.

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QUOTE(Steve9347 @ Jan 8, 2008 -> 11:40 PM)
So what does this really MEAN political gurus out there? I personally think Obama supporters mailed it in because of the predictions.


I am highly disappointed with this... Hillary rips off "change" and then starts crying and now she's winning? I see nothing fresh out of her camp... it just seems like she's trying to "change" herself with whatever people are looking for.


Please, someone with much more knowledge on the subject enlighten me.


You saw the Clinton machine in action.

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QUOTE(YASNY @ Jan 9, 2008 -> 10:10 AM)
You saw the Clinton machine in action.



Plus, these sorts of "shifts" will occur for a number of candidates from now until after Super Tuesday. Obama will probably now change his buzzwords - his "change" thing has been ripped off, now its "Yes We Can" or whatever. He will probably also get a little more specific in his speeches on his plans - instead of leaving the specific to his policy documents. Basically, they all adapt to the perceived shortcomings.


Hillary was thought to be too cold and unlikeable - so she has now "transformed" herself to be softer, more heartfelt, in her speeches. I watched her last night after the win, and sure enough, she changed her whole demeanor - her tone and pitch of speech, her body language, even her hair and makeup. She is a master and playing the game.


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