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QUOTE (Chet Lemon @ Jun 8, 2009 -> 04:27 PM)
I'm not where most of you are yet, but if this team is 5 or more games out at the end of the month, would a firesale make sense? Would Tampa overpay to get one of our bullpen guys?

or the NYY to set up Mariano or the Cubs, or many other teams. Hell, if Dye stays anywhere close to what he's at, someone would trade for a bat

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QUOTE (caulfield12 @ Jun 8, 2009 -> 04:24 PM)
It's not a horrible move if AJ wasn't on 1st base (PR with Nix/Anderson/Beckham, then put in Castro). Of course, AJ WAS on first base, lol.


LH batters usually have a much easier time getting down a bunt against a hard-throwing righty, and Zumaya has almost zero movement on his fastball....now bunting Jenks when he's on and throwing 96-99, that's much tougher because of his movement.

Jenks has a very straight fastball as well, at least when he's in the high 90's. A hard fastball is extremely tough to bunt effectively. You'll be able to bunt it, but it'll likely be a pop up, be fould, or a hard grounder.

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QUOTE (Dizzy Sox @ Jun 8, 2009 -> 04:26 PM)
Let's don't get carried away :unsure: Although it would be close I think Lillibridge might actually be worse than Wise.


That being said, we do need to take a blowtorch to this team. We stink.


I'm not getting carried away. Lillibridge, at this point, brings a lot more to the team than Wise does (which is nothing). As long as Brent doesn't start a single game, that is.

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QUOTE (tommy @ Jun 8, 2009 -> 04:32 PM)
What if we are at 5 games out by the end of the month.. That's something we can make up in 3 months.




You are thinking this team can compete with the Brewers and Dodgers right now? Nevermind the Cubs, which I am sure we will manage to wake up as well.

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QUOTE (watchtower41 @ Jun 8, 2009 -> 04:35 PM)
You are thinking this team can compete with the Brewers and Dodgers right now? Nevermind the Cubs, which I am sure we will manage to wake up as well.


I'm a sick optimist, I just wanna see how this team does when Carlos comes back..


I know Carlos probably won't be the 08 Carlos, but I hope for a spark or something.

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QUOTE (watchtower41 @ Jun 8, 2009 -> 10:35 PM)
You are thinking this team can compete with the Brewers and Dodgers right now? Nevermind the Cubs, which I am sure we will manage to wake up as well.


The Cubs pitching will just destroy our hitters, especially with no Thome at Wrigley.

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Our starting CF, beloved by our manager, is hitting .150

He'll be out their facing Bonderman tonight because Brian doesn't have a good history against Jeremy. Of course Ozzie said back in 2006 that before Brian ever face Bondo. Yeah, but he doesn't have anything against him.


I'm trying to give up on Anderson (had him in my please don't bring back sig) but Wise is making it harder and harder each day.

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QUOTE (ChesterCopperpot @ Jun 8, 2009 -> 08:53 PM)
Man, that Wise guy sure is fun to watch. Why is he batting so low in the batting order?



I think it's because Ozzie wants to put off the inevitable as long as he can and just toy with us. The other one is Fields, who can't

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QUOTE (Thunderbolt @ Jun 8, 2009 -> 04:26 PM)
Our starting CF, beloved by our manager, is hitting .150

its funny bcuz u make it seem like he has better options. anderson?yea well hes playing just as bad right now,if not worse. blame kw for giving ozzie sh** players for cf

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QUOTE (TitoMB345 @ Jun 8, 2009 -> 09:06 PM)
Honestly, I'd rather have Lillibridge. At least the guy could take a walk and provided a late inning PR who could steal a base.



If I remember right he was hitting lower than Wise

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QUOTE (Melissa1334 @ Jun 8, 2009 -> 09:53 PM)
its funny bcuz u make it seem like he has better options. anderson?yea well hes playing just as bad right now,if not worse. blame kw for giving ozzie sh** players for cf



Makes one want to really bash KW for his winter moves doesn't it? What did we gain at all? I hope that whenever Flowesr comes up we see something that will make us feel we did get a return on a trade.

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QUOTE (Thunderbolt @ Jun 8, 2009 -> 04:56 PM)
I think a serious argument can be made that Ozzie deserves to be fired because of the decisions hes made this year. And honestly, at this point, I dont know if Id really be against the firing.

colon,jose,miller,fields,nix,ba,wise,lilli, the list goes on-fire kw first if ur going to fire ozzie

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With TCQ out, what do you guys expect? He carried the Sox for most of '08... Blaming KW is silly, He traded Swish/Vasquez because Ozzie wanted them gone. KW filled every position... Who knew Fields / BA wouldn't perform to their capabilities?


Also Ozzie will be here through '12. :unsure:

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QUOTE (Melissa1334 @ Jun 8, 2009 -> 06:00 PM)
colon,jose,miller,fields,nix,ba,wise,lilli, the list goes on-fire kw first if ur going to fire ozzie

KW didn’t bench BA for Wise when BA was hot. KW didn’t bench Beckham for Fields and Getz. KW didn’t consistently put Betemit and Lillibridge on the field despite consistent failure. KW didn’t put a gold-glove caliber defender like Jayson Nix in LF. KW didn’t bat Wise leadoff for the first week in the season.

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We should bring up a ton of minor leaguers and one will have to get off to a sizzling start by law of averages to break that jinx.

We got nine hits and lost? What a bummer.

p.s. Paulie is a stud. And Pods has hit well.


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