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MIAMI -- The list was written in April, in the hand of Biogenesis of America clinic founder Anthony Bosch. Among the names is the Milwaukee Brewers' Ryan Braun, and to the right of that name is a figure: $1,500.


That list, a source familiar with Bosch's operation told "Outside the Lines," indicates that those players received performance-enhancing drugs from Bosch, and owed him money. The document, one of dozens obtained by "Outside the Lines," suggests a closer link to Bosch and the now-shuttered clinic he ran in Coral Gables, Fla., than Braun has acknowledged.


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Anthony Bosch's past includes a tangle of ties and titles in which he befriended players while tapping the expertise of hormone-therapy doctors, write Mike Fish and T.J. Quinn. Story


The list is not definitive proof that Braun either received or used PEDs -- either would be a suspendable offense under Major League Baseball policy -- but may draw him more squarely into the spotlight as the league investigates the scandal and tries to draw the interest of law enforcement.


The Brewers outfielder was first connected to Bosch in a Yahoo! Sports report last week -- citing a different document -- that did not connect his name to drugs. Braun explained the report by saying he had consulted with Bosch during his successful appeal of a positive drug test a year ago. Why he consulted with Bosch, who is not a physician but presents himself as one, has not been made clear.


Bosch had been identified four years ago as a source for the HCG prescription that led to Manny Ramirez's 50-game suspension. That prescription was written by Bosch's father, Pedro, who is a licensed physician in the Miami area. According to the documents cited by Yahoo! Sports, Bosch sought $20,000 to $30,000 from Braun.


players' names appear in a clinic notebookESPN


But a source familiar with the documents obtained by "Outside the Lines" said the list with Braun's name, which also includes New York Yankees Alex Rodriguez and Francisco Cervelli and Toronto's Melky Cabrera, was a list of players who received PEDs, and that there is "no other reason to be on that paper."


One of the documents shows plus signs next to the players' names, which are circled for players who paid their fees, a source said. Braun's $1,500 fee is marked as being unpaid. Braun's name appears on another list of player names, dollar amounts and dates but is not included in the listing; rather, his name is at the bottom of the page under a line with "Expenses" written on it.


Martin Singer, a well-known Los Angeles attorney for celebrities, responded to questions posed to Braun's publicist by saying, "My client confirmed last week that there was an alleged claim for money owed to Mr. Bosch because he had been used as a consultant by my client's attorneys in his successful appeal with MLB last year. Several witnesses can corroborate how Mr. Bosch requested over thousands of dollars for his consulting with my client's attorneys last year. My client has no relationship with Tony Bosch, and the only relationship Mr. Bosch had was with my client's attorneys as a consultant."


Singer said if Braun's name appears in the documents it is only because Bosch was trying to get whatever money he could from Braun from the consulting arrangement. "It is clear that this is all false," Singer said. He threatened legal action against ESPN if it aired or published this report. The two attorneys who represented Braun's appeal last year, David Cornwell and Chris Lyons, declined comment.


Braun told reporters in Phoenix on Friday he would not discuss Biogenesis. "I understand why a lot of you guys are probably here but I made a statement last week. I stand behind that statement. I'm not going to address that issue any further. As I stated, I'm happy to cooperate fully with any investigation into this matter."


On a Biogenesis document obtained by "Outside the Lines" that shows Braun's name, Rodriguez is listed as having paid $4,500, and Cervelli as having paid $2,500, with no amount listed next to Cabrera.


Cervelli, speaking to reporters Wednesday at the Yankees' spring training camp in Tampa, said he had consulted with Bosch after a foot injury but received no illegal substances. He said visiting Bosch was "a mistake."



Mike Fish/ESPNTwo unidentified men last fall leave Biogenesis of America in Coral Gables, Fla., a clinic under investigation by Major League Baseball.


For a year since he successfully overturned a positive test for performance-enhancing drugs, Braun has maintained that he was the victim of a "flawed process" and suggested that a drug specimen collector had motive to doctor the test. Sources told "Outside the Lines" at the time that Braun had failed both an initial screening test, and a more sophisticated follow-up test that can determine whether someone's testosterone was produced by his own body or an outside source.


The sample was collected after a Brewers playoff game Friday, Oct. 2, 2011, but the closest FedEx facility was closed for the weekend. The collector decided to keep the sample stored in his basement for the weekend before shipping it to a laboratory, rather than let it sit unattended at FedEx. Arbitrator Shyam Das agreed with Braun that the collector had not followed proper procedures and cleared Braun, stunning MLB and the anti-doping community. Das was later dismissed by MLB.


MLB officials have been investigating Bosch and his connections to major league players since his name was brought to their attention in August. Investigators have not received cooperation from players or former Biogenesis employees. Without official documents like shipping receipts or sworn testimony about Bosch's business records, MLB would not be able to suspend players under its drug policy.


Bosch told "Outside the Lines" the allegations against him are "bulls---" and "all wrong."


Since last season's all-star game, three MLB players whose names appear in Biogenesis records -- Cabrera, Bartolo Colon and Yasmani Grandal -- have been suspended after testing positive for performance-enhancing substances. Cabrera, in the midst of a breakout season with the San Francisco Giants, walked away with MVP honors in the All-Star Game played last July in Kansas City.


Records indicate that at one point Cabrera was on the Biogenesis books for a $9,000 "monthly fee.''


Clinic notes obtained by "Outside the Lines" reveal Bosch routinely wrote up regimens for players that contained very high concentrations of testosterone, in some cases as much as 20 percent, in creams and lozenges that they were encouraged to apply or take prior to games. Players linked to Bosch who tested positive are believed to have had extremely elevated testosterone levels, with one source saying they were "through the roof.''


Sources familiar with MLB's investigation said officials have tried to spark an investigation by the U.S. Drug Enforcement Administration. So far, the DEA and FBI have not initiated investigations, several sources told "Outside the Lines." Nor have state authorities hinted at an interest, with a Florida Department of Law Enforcement saying, "FDLE is not investigating Biogenesis of America, and we have not received any complaints.''

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QUOTE (flavum @ Feb 15, 2013 -> 04:47 PM)
You gotta be some kind of arrogant to get off on a technicality, lie right to public while your teammates stand by you, and continue to juice. We'll see what happens, but there's just way too much smoke with this guy.

I don't think it's arrogance with these guys. I think they're something closer to addicts...they're getting paid hugely for things that they're only able to do because they break the law, and they know it.

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QUOTE (Jillian Michaels' Abs @ Feb 6, 2013 -> 11:37 AM)
I joking said to a friend of mine who is a Brewers fan - that with the latest news to come out - Braun should give his 2011 MVP award to Matt Kemp.


This resulted in an epic debate about Braun's percieved guilt - and it got me thinking (and looking up stats)...


Braun 2011: .332 / .397 / .597 / .994, 38 2B, 33 HR, 111 RBI, 33 SB ( fangraphs WAR 7.6 | BBref WAR 7.7 )

Kemp 2011: .324 / .399 / .586 / .986, 33 2B, 39 HR, 126 RBI, 40 SB ( fangraphs WAR 8.8 | BBref WAR 8.3 )


Braun's team won 94 games and won their division. Remove Braun's WAR form the team record and they win 89 games and still likely make the playoffs.

Kemp's team won 83 games and finished third. Remove Matt Kemp's WAR from the team record and the Dodgers finish 74-88, well below 500.


Braun hits in a offense-friendly park 82 times a year.

Kemp hits in a pitcher-friendly park 82 times a year.


Braun had a 5.2 oWAR guy hitting behind him all season.

Kemp had a 1.6 oWAR guy hitting behind him all season.


Matt Kemp was CLEARLY more deserving - juice or no juice.


Being a knee-jerk reactionary baseball fan... and as a Dodgers fan, I feel the same way about the 2003 MVP voting with Frank Thomas getting the shaft.


I think you meant 81 games instead of 82.


And Frank had a nice season in 03, but he really didn't deserve it that year. I think you meant 2000. He probably should have won it over Giambi if you take into account that Giambi was juicing out of his mind.

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The problem with taking an MVP award away from someone, in this case Braun, is how do we know that the runner up (Matt Kemp?) isn't a roider as well. All of the awards are tainted in my book as no one in MLB is above suspiscion. What if MLB took the MVP away from Braun and then evidence turns up inditing Kemp.


I can vividly remember several years ago when everyone hated Barry Bonds and many wanted Arod to hurry up and break the home run record because he was seen as clean. We now see how that turned out.

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QUOTE (balfanman @ Feb 18, 2013 -> 07:33 AM)
The problem with taking an MVP award away from someone, in this case Braun, is how do we know that the runner up (Matt Kemp?) isn't a roider as well. All of the awards are tainted in my book as no one in MLB is above suspiscion. What if MLB took the MVP away from Braun and then evidence turns up inditing Kemp.


I can vividly remember several years ago when everyone hated Barry Bonds and many wanted Arod to hurry up and break the home run record because he was seen as clean. We now see how that turned out.


This is why, unfortunately, Giambi retained the MVP award that belonged to Big Frank

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QUOTE (KyYlE23 @ Feb 18, 2013 -> 07:38 AM)
This is why, unfortunately, Giambi retained the MVP award that belonged to Big Frank


True, while I do think that Frank is clean, can you imagine the firestorm if MLB took the award from Giambi and gave it to Frank, then Frank turned out to be dirty.

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QUOTE (balfanman @ Feb 18, 2013 -> 08:01 AM)
True, while I do think that Frank is clean, can you imagine the firestorm if MLB took the award from Giambi and gave it to Frank, then Frank turned out to be dirty.



If Frank turned up dirty, it would probably be about the worse day I could image as a Sox fan.

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QUOTE (Tex @ Feb 18, 2013 -> 08:05 AM)
If Frank turned up dirty, it would probably be about the worse day I could image as a Sox fan.


I've said multiple times that if Frank Thomas is ever indicted for steroid use - I could care less about amphetamines - that I would give up the game of baseball.

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