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Look at Ray Ray Run

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Everything posted by Look at Ray Ray Run

  1. Lol Barstool is a national embarrassment. A collection of guys who decided they were going to act like college idiots for their entire lives. Many of us had college years but the majority graduated and grew up a bit.
  2. The Sox got more swings and misses later in the game because they actually threw first pitch strike and strikes in general. Hopefully that trend continues. This team will kill you when you get behind in the count and they know a strike/fastball is likely coming.
  3. Let me get this out of the way first - Fuck the Astros. That said, Tepera (who is a known conspiracy theorist weirdo) saying that didn't make much sense at all when you consider the Stros scored 6 runs and the Sox were bad on the road but great at home. That said, Sox in 5!
  4. I'm pretty sure he likely asked for that to avoid being booed.
  5. Yeah, but Carlos is different than Cease. With Cease, the velocity isn't necessarily an indicator of his stuff as his stuff is always good. With Carlos, velocity means the arm is back and if the arm is back and not fatigued he's a different animal.
  6. Let's GOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO! If Carlos is throwing 93-95 in the first inning tomorrow it'll be time to get really f'ing hype.
  7. Yeah, I'd much rather face their best pitcher in the park that we have the best record in baseball in. Sox offense is different at home. Last thing we should want is to face McCullers on the road again imo.
  8. Bummer, I can't go tomorrow. Too many projects at work due; was hard enough to get off Monday on short notice. Now I have the afternoon off with nothing to do. No one has worse baseball takes than Leila Rahimi. Los should absolutely get the start if he's feeling good; if you want to have Lynn back him up out of the bullpen, fine, but Carlos has earned this start. Giolito goes game 5. Lynn shouldn't start another game this series. Might be nice to get McCullers in Chicago instead of Houston. You were going to have to beat him once regardless.
  9. Thanks, last night was pretty intense. Hoping the crowd shows up the same. Got home at like 1am, up for work at 7. Great game but pace of play improvements would be nice.
  10. Maybe buy yaz a beer since he turned the entire game around.
  11. I always wanted leury to play. Knew it all along. My guy lol
  12. Maybe the best crowd I've ever seen. Right up there with Game 2 of the WS. Fucking Yaz turned the entire game around and hopefully the season with that homer. The haters were furious
  13. Everyone in the crowd chanting no. Why the fuck is bummer being pulled
  14. I think the truly amazing thing about this is the implication he is making is you can NOT take someone like Leurys bat out of the lineup 😂
  15. Seager is going to cost like 150 million more than Semien, how in the world is he more realistic?
  16. Except for the games he's already played and been better than replacement level? Weird post.
  17. It turns out that when you acquire HOF'ers when they're 150 years old, they're not actually as good as they were when they were in their prime. Who knew?
  18. The irony is the move was bad BECAUSE the process was bad. Investing that much capital in a set up man, when you already had a dominant closer, was asinine given the holes on the roster in RF and 2B.
  19. I just can't with you and this nonsense today. Have a good one. The bottom 3 in the sox order are 2-22 with 9 k's and 0 bb's. bottom 4, 3-30 with 11ks
  20. Yeah, how will a team ever score runs with a 444 obp, a 778!!! Obp and a 556 OBP. You should honestly just log out and change your password if you're going to whine about those 3 and you should consider not being a fan of the sox anymore if you're going to cry about luis robert production being too many singles.
  21. Fair, kinda... Yaz has crushed the ball a few times in big spots but hit it right at people. Some bad breaks. But he's gotta step up and put it where they aren't. I'll give you some of that.
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