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Everything posted by TheBooneLoganEra

  1. The worst part of all this Getz talk is that it means Pedro probably stays. Not only is he bad, but so brutally unlikeable.
  2. I always liked Dan Evans. He's been away long enough maybe he can provide some Intel from outside the organization. Like that he's been scouting. Better than nothing right now.
  3. Continually evoking "Fox News" as a condemnation is lazy and uninspired. And per capita is simply a way to push aside uncomfortable facts to pigeon hole a point. Per capita the Fillmore neighborhood is the deadliest in the country. Per capita Rogers Park is one of the safest neighborhoods in the country. Both facts neglect the bigger picture and can be manipulated for a one sided argument. Bottom line is that violent crime is reaching parts of the city it never used to....the west loop has exploded with carjackings, the south loop has quadrupled shootings and murders since pre-2020, gold coast, Logan Square, all vast increases. My wife worries about taking our kids on the dan Ryan to the game. Earlier this year I tried to reassure we'd be careful as we were preparing to go. My words fell on deaf ears as traffic was backed up from....an expressway shooting. It sucks, but I'm not going to ignore it or downplay it because I love my city. I'm going to acknowledge because I love what my city use to be and I'd like it back.
  4. You can love the positives in your city while also acknowledging the negatives. It's the only way things improve. In my experience those denying the worst of this city haven't the slightest clue how bad parts of it truly are. And that's okay. Just don't pretend everything is fine.
  5. Few arrests, but the response has led cpd finding gunshot victims before a 911 call is placed. It's saved a lot of lives.
  6. A good portion of the city's murder/robbery arrests have come from that system. One of the few things the city does right.
  7. The recovered round was mostly intact which gives credibility to it being fired outside the park. Nobody in custody, no weapon recovered, and the area south of the park is a shooting gallery. Good luck getting free agents to sign here knowing a round could land on their head.....however that's a problem in most major cities now. Good thing Brandon Johnson accidentally wrote shotspotter a check in that at least there's some lead.....kinda.
  8. Pretty light graze wounds. Only one of the 3 people went to the hospital. The others declined ems. The time is on some preliminary notifications starting to pop up.
  9. Probably an accidental discharge by some clown who snuck a pistol in....pure guess based on all I've heard. Real question is how you allow the game to continue regardless of circumstances.
  10. If it is Getz/Moore, which it will be, Pedro is going nowhere. And that might be one of the worst things about this.
  11. That 04 team would've gone to the playoffs had Maggs and frank stayed healthy, and in most years the 06 team would've gone too. The central was actually at its strongest then. That was a good team which peaked in 05, not the fluke a lot of people think.
  12. She's been taking credit for this all evening and I'm totally fine with that lol.
  13. Not gonna lie, I truly appreciate this news came as I sat in Reggies having a drink. Same location as the famous Rick Hahn White Sox Talk podcast. Cheers all!
  14. Couldn't have done this 25 days ago
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