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Everything posted by TheBooneLoganEra

  1. Perez is the perfect candidate to end his career here with a whimper.
  2. If there was ever a player who was going to up the effort in a contract year its Yoan Moncada.
  3. Just checked the score. It's a good thing Pedro's job is safe. He's truly changing the culture and getting the best out of everyone.
  4. Stop. The first organization to have a Black manager and general manager at the same time (Manuel and Williams) is not opposed to diversity. There are so many things to be upset over, this is not one of them. I get that had they done it, an actual search would be required rather than internal garbage, I get that. But Jerry has always prided himself on diversity and rightfully so. It's okay though, because now they'll be forced to take on a diverse hire for another leadership role whether they deserve it or not.
  5. Mully and haugh actually doing a pretty good dive into everything this morning.
  6. You said it right there. The trade of Burger is a much larger failure now in light of their commitment to compete immediately and the continued talk of Moncada as a problem. KW really screwed us otw out.
  7. I dont understand the public commitment to Grifol. He and Pedro reportedly have a good relationship. That was apparent when Pedro greeted him after the conference. If that's the case why don't you privately tell Pedro he will be back in 2024. Then when asked publicly state something to the effect of "nobody's job is safe and everyone should be playing, coaching and managing like someone is pushing to take their job." An easy win with the fan base and maybe a kick in the butt to the players. I dunno. This whole organization just makes things so much harder than necessary.
  8. Unless they prematurely call that 20 yr old catcher, and 21 yr old shortstop up in order to "compete." Which they will, thus ruining their natural development the same way they've always done it.
  9. These were not hard questions. They were softballs and he missed on all of em.....similar to his playing career.
  10. Right. And then allowed no follow up. Basically the stadium is completely safe even though he thinks bullets are falling from the sky.
  11. I do love that since the organization has said nothing about the shooting, and Jerry refused questions, Getz was immediately thrown to the wolves in what was supposed to be "his" moment.
  12. At least when Hahn said nothing he did it in an intelligible way. He basically said he's different from Rick and Kenny in that he's a different human being.
  13. That was absolutely brutal. He has all the personality of a wet paper bag. I should have been taking shots everytime he said "sit down with" and "culture." They're going to lose 120 next year.
  14. Voice your disapproval any way you can to the organization. I withdrew from email notifications and will write Brooks later. Not planning on attending games moving forward. Sadly that's all we really have. All the bad press in the world doesn't seem to change things.
  15. Anything ever come of the Dan Evans stuff? I'd fully take that over an impending Getz announcement.
  16. If you plan on bailing let Brooks Boyer know. Don't make this easy on them.
  17. The worst part of all this Getz talk is that it means Pedro probably stays. Not only is he bad, but so brutally unlikeable.
  18. I always liked Dan Evans. He's been away long enough maybe he can provide some Intel from outside the organization. Like that he's been scouting. Better than nothing right now.
  19. Continually evoking "Fox News" as a condemnation is lazy and uninspired. And per capita is simply a way to push aside uncomfortable facts to pigeon hole a point. Per capita the Fillmore neighborhood is the deadliest in the country. Per capita Rogers Park is one of the safest neighborhoods in the country. Both facts neglect the bigger picture and can be manipulated for a one sided argument. Bottom line is that violent crime is reaching parts of the city it never used to....the west loop has exploded with carjackings, the south loop has quadrupled shootings and murders since pre-2020, gold coast, Logan Square, all vast increases. My wife worries about taking our kids on the dan Ryan to the game. Earlier this year I tried to reassure we'd be careful as we were preparing to go. My words fell on deaf ears as traffic was backed up from....an expressway shooting. It sucks, but I'm not going to ignore it or downplay it because I love my city. I'm going to acknowledge because I love what my city use to be and I'd like it back.
  20. You can love the positives in your city while also acknowledging the negatives. It's the only way things improve. In my experience those denying the worst of this city haven't the slightest clue how bad parts of it truly are. And that's okay. Just don't pretend everything is fine.
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