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Everything posted by TheBooneLoganEra

  1. He was great and insightful on the score yesterday. Last year I'd say nay, but now...
  2. And a great play at first. This is a great stretch for him to build confidence.
  3. Maybe after years of pushing a showboat as a leader who crumbled at the first sign of adversity, they're trying someone who puts his head down, runs hard (slow) and appears to genuinely want to get better. This kid was deprived any time to develop. If he was moved along properly it'd be what, his 1st? 2nd full season this year? I still think he'll settle in as a .270 to .280/25 - 30 hr guy and will be fine. As far as pushing him as a leader? I hadn't noticed. He showed me he was one on Saturday. If they were smart, at the deadline they would've told him "I don't care what your numbers are, or what the w/l record is. You are our 1st baseman this year and next. So go play and don't think about it anymore." Maybe they did. He's looked better lately. And I agree with what someone else said about Robert being shy. If he wanted to be in the limelight more he would be.
  4. I too have heard the front office morale is terrible. Sucks because there are decent, smart hard working folks there who have to suffer through this. So really Rick just straight up lied. To imply that he knew for 100 % certainty that nobody slept in the bullpen is treating fans like fools. To suggest that the general manager had a better idea than a relief pitcher is insulting the intelligence of those listening. Middleton had zero to gain with this, Hahn has everything to lose. 10 years pal. 10 years to instill a culture and its still a work in progress. He'd be better off not talking from here on out. Pedro was worse. To imply that he waited through a horrid start to try to instill some order and think that that's okay tells you there has been no sense of urgency in this organization. Today's press conference did more harm than good.
  5. Exactly this. I think that's part of why they were so listless in 2022. They had clear holes and were inferior to Houston in 21. They did nothing to address it. And the players, whether consciously or subconsciously, phoned it in.
  6. I've been on teams with horrid coaching/structure. All the speaking up in the world wasn't gonna change a thing.
  7. Honestly Sox fans are great at Black outs for the once a decade playoff game. If it was billed like that it could get some traction.
  8. I mean......it certainly seems like nobody followed his lead. In that they missed time for every hang nail and Jose would play with a broken arm if he could. I'm sure he tried tbh, and his failed efforts may have contributed to his desire to move on.
  9. You said it yourself. He put HIMSELF on the pedestal. You want to be a great ballplayer, put your head down and hustle and don't bother anybody....fine. People will be fans and respect a good ballplayer. If you want to invite the limelight and try to make yourself a household name, you create greater responsibility for your image. Tim didn't seem to understand that, and probably should have taken the former approach since he really can't seem to handle aaaaany adversity. And because all of his issues are unnecessarily created by his own choices I have no sympathy. If it didn't effect his play fine, live and let live. But it does and I'm a paying customer.....or at least I was.
  10. I think we can officially kiss Soxfest goodbye after this one.
  11. I thought this exact same thing. How is it possible he has almost zero redeeming qualities as an MLB manager? There isn't one thing he's done well here and it really isn't hard to see that. I dont see how any free agent with legitimate talent signs here after this. Any small prayer they had at competing next year will be gone unless wholesale changes occur.
  12. Thank you Kenyan Middleton for speaking up. This is damning and Pedro should be fired tomorrow. I don't understand how there is an entire coaching staff that allows this to happen. What in blue hell is going on there?
  13. They were still issues, but when he's performing its easier to shuffle them aside and say, "well he may be an immature blow hard but at least he's a batting champ leading a winning team." None of those things are true now so we're just left with an immature blowhard. There's a reason they say "winning fixes everything."
  14. If they are truly going to try to "compete" next year Clevinger will be back.
  15. Can't believe this hadn't been talked about more. I'll usually defend Sox players regardless of whether they're right or wrong but if you look at the whole story starting Friday TA looks like a tool.
  16. Pedro continually proving to be dumber than I thought.
  17. Ozzie making a great point that nobody out there went after Ramirez with Tim when s%*# went down. Something to think about. Props to Vaughn for literally lifting Tim off the ground and throwing him to the dugout.
  18. Ramirez instigated, TA got absolutely clocked, Grifol is a moron, fastest I've seen Grandal run ever.
  19. The Brewers I suppose. And hate watching the cubs. I'm so dejected. I'm thinking about skipping the opener next season which I've only missed once since 1992. Maybe the brew crew can win me over.
  20. The biggest problem with all of this is it's just more middling. They did too many trades for a "retooling" and not enough for a rebuild. No real direction just more half assing. And enough of this trading Burger at his peak, or because of his defense nonsense. They traded him instead of Eloy because they are too stubborn and stupid to admit failure. Instead they're doubling down on this atrocious core out of spite.
  21. Ask me in 5 years. I'm busy grading his last teardown.
  22. Well said. I'd trade eloy over burger 99 times out of 100. However I value attitude, health, and results in ballplayers....clearly something the sox don't. Good get, bad trade. This team, at least for now, is even more unlikable. Something I didn't think was possible. They may be at the bottom of the league in most categories, but they'll certainly be number 1 in attendance reduction.
  23. My God he's such a f*cking clown. Quero is 20. Please just don't ruin him.
  24. It's honestly hard to imagine why any other team would want a player from this garbage heap.....any of em.
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