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Everything posted by 2Deep

  1. Interesting. Just curious as to why Boras would want to do that?
  2. What Brennaman did was wrong. However, we are human beings. nobody is perfect and each one of us have made mistakes that we deeply regret. However, it's what you do as a person after you make that mistake. If he genuinely has grown as a person and changed his ways because of the mistake he made then as every other Human being......he deserves another chance. We are quick to cancel people and give up on people. That is not what is taught in many cultures and religions.
  3. How is bummer a very good lefty reliever? How? What has he done to earn this reputation?
  4. I dont think so. I have seen enough of bummer pitch and hill pitch. Hill may get hit but won't piss down his pants with walks in big situations time after time like Bummer. Believe me I know Hill is a below mlb player but that is how lowly I think of bummer
  5. What is the plan here? I just don't understand.... Are they filling the different holes on the roster with cheap, old FA's and then going to spend some money on a SP and RF???
  6. Has been solid up until last year. Nothing to get excited over but he is still better then bummer and lot cheaper (this matters to jerry)
  7. The comments from fans like us are priceless on the post. You would think that someone or someone's are relaying the disdain the fans have for this organization and team to the FO and the Grinich himself?!
  8. Soo much hand ringing over Luis Patino The dude absolutely sucks. If Tampa Bay gives up on you there is a reason. Let it go fellas and hope Cousin is decent
  9. And the least amount of interest to get better The least amount of interest to pay someone, anyone who can play baseball WE SUCK!!!
  10. What i most appreciate is that all the jabronis that were Worried about Selvy perez can please shut the F up. We still suck. But that narrative was like a conspiracy theory that wouldn't go away
  11. I'm giving him the benefit to figure this out. If these are the moves we make then he might be the biggest dumbass GM in the history of GM's
  12. Nothing wrong with this move
  13. I just saw him do a saki bomb with the jatts at mothers on Rush
  14. I dont know much about this guy..... https://www.sportsmockery.com/chicago-white-sox/white-sox-sign-former-brewers-reliever-to-minor-league-deal/
  15. I'm fine with Whitt playing 2nd base for us next year. He is probably the best 2nd baseman we will have since Tad Iguchi
  16. I disagree. I think he is a project for Banister and there is way too much talent there
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