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Everything posted by SoxFan562004

  1. QUOTE (KyYlE23 @ Apr 16, 2014 -> 10:09 AM) well, guess he isnt coming back to the Score, apparently That appears true and, to me, that's ridiculous. The guy is sharp and funny. Someone they should make room for.
  2. QUOTE (Jenksismyb**** @ Apr 11, 2014 -> 02:05 PM) I find it really annoying that the media continues to cover him like he's an actual threat these days. He's been hurt and basically had no chance this week. Even this morning on Sportscenter they were talking about his chances. I get they do it because non-golf fans know who Mickelson is and may tune in because of it, but it's annoying when young guys with actual talent and a chance don't get the coverage they deserve. That's the awesome thing about golf these days. We're over the Tiger Woods era where a single guy dominated the sport for a decade. Now we're beginning a chapter where 10 guys in their 20's are really, really good, and 5-10 guys in their early 30's are really good. Let's promote that instead of boring everyone talking about how Tiger isn't there. f*** that. The tournament is still great without him. I 100% agree, I hate the coverage he gets, but the Open from last year added a few years to that.
  3. QUOTE (witesoxfan @ Apr 11, 2014 -> 01:36 PM) FanGraphs said they liked the move, even though it was too much for a closer and went against Beane's philosophy basically stating "well he has the money to spend, so he spent it on a closer." I really don't agree with that ideology. All the outlets have their pet teams/executives. They'll bend over backwards to justify their moves or pimp their farm systems
  4. QUOTE (Rowand44 @ Apr 11, 2014 -> 12:22 PM) He basically saved the lives of Scott Hall and Jake Roberts. Long story short, brought both of them into his home and helped get them sober when they were both basically goners. There's obviously more to it if you want to google the whole story but that's a real quick summary. There's an HBO Real Sports segment on it. HBO would not make it a puff piece on purpose and DDP comes off looking good.
  5. QUOTE (ptatc @ Apr 10, 2014 -> 09:44 AM) It's most likely just a sprain of the AC joint, a capsulitis (jam) of the glenohumeral joint or a subacromial bursitis. If this is the case it's no more than a week or two on the conservative side. He didn't move it so it's impossible to know if there was an injury more serious such as a SLAP lesion or bicep tendon injury. Those are unlikely but possible when you force the humerus straight up into the acromion. Thank you again, much appreciated.
  6. QUOTE (ptatc @ Apr 9, 2014 -> 10:36 PM) Looked alot like an AC injury from the way he hit and the way he held it. Herm did all the right tests it was difficult the results. Hopefully its' just a mild one. If the X-rays didn't show a separation it shouldn't be too bad. Thanks as always for your insight, so it sounds like a separation would be out with X-Rays, what else major would be ruled out by a negative x-ray and what is still on the table?
  7. QUOTE (Soxfest @ Apr 7, 2014 -> 12:08 PM) Following last night's match with Brock Lesnar at WrestleMania 30, the Undertaker was taken to the hospital. There was a fear that he had suffered a concussion and a possible neck injury. He was expected to remain overnight for observation. The injury was believed to have happened early in the match when Undertaker took a bad fall off a single leg takedown. This had nothing to do with the finish of the match; the finish was said to have gone off exactly as planned. Speaking of the finish, the story going around was that only a few people knew, but the betting did not reflect that. Lesnar went from a 40-to-1 underdog to the actual favorite on several gambling sites in the last hour before the match. Per 411wrestling I think WWE does not know what to do with Sting now, I think Taker is done. does 411wrestling have a time stamp when they posted this? This is word for word meltzer's report from 22:38 last night. Just curious on who is posting from who... although I assume I know.
  8. QUOTE (Soxfest @ Apr 7, 2014 -> 12:08 PM) I think WWE does not know what to do with Sting now, I think Taker is done. I knew Sting was coming in, but didn't know exactly what the plan was. So if they were going to do a match with him and UT and 31, were they going to introduce him at the end of 2014 and do like a 4 month build? Was he going to come in soon and do something? For UT losing to Brock, I see it. This was a MAJOR put-over. I know people are excited about the younger guys mentioned in this thread, but honestly, they haven't earned it IMO. Brock is part time yes, but unless there is something crazy, he's not going back to UFC. No reason he can't be the part time star UT was for many years, and to me, that's an appropriate passing of the torch.
  9. QUOTE (Soxbadger @ Apr 7, 2014 -> 12:02 PM) I kind of think Taker may be done. Lesnar looked terrible as well, there were a few moments when I wasnt sure that he could finish the match. And my friend thought he messed up the one lock to slam move so they had to redo it. I agree with you on UT, I thought throughout the match he looked awful. I'll cut Brock some slack and place most of the "blame" on UT, Brock has a good track record of putting on good matches, but I don't think he's the type of worker who could carry that type of match.
  10. Was in Seattle in 2012 when The King pitched, they did something similar and it was cool. I'm sure the logistics of selling based on Sale's day of pitching can be dealt with (if you pre-bought you're in, any unsold prior to a certain period get the deal could work). I just know it wasn't a robust crowd when I went to the Mariners game but that section was packed.
  11. QUOTE (KyYlE23 @ Mar 20, 2014 -> 03:16 PM) i think the Dudleys would be way over to come in as heels right off the bat. The crowd would love those two You underestimate Bubba's mic work, he would be limited in the new era of WWE, but seeing it in person many times, that guy can flat out turn a crowd.
  12. QUOTE (KyYlE23 @ Mar 20, 2014 -> 02:52 PM) I think people love Cesaro too much and Swagger is just too meh. Talk is to keep Ambrose and Rollins together as a tag team after the Shield disbands, they could potentially be a big heat magnet D-von is already gone from TNA, but I think Bubba re-upped, if they were looking to have a team to draw heat that would have been the perfect fit.
  13. If you have a large group you may want to plan ahead, while bars/restaurants obviously like business, if you roll in with a large group it can quickly turn chaotic and just a pain. Obviously that's dependent on how busy they are, so during day, you might be good, might want to call ahead to a place or two near whatever hotel you stay at so they can reserve something.
  14. QUOTE (NorthSideSox72 @ Mar 10, 2014 -> 09:00 AM) I think people are underestimating how hard it is to find aircraft debris in an immense stretch of ocean. If the plane did break up badly in middair, the pieces are so small, you need to fly pretty low to spot them. Flying low also means you have to take a LOT of time to sweep an area of thousands of square miles. ah, OK, that makes sense, I didn't know that. Thanks!
  15. QUOTE (HickoryHuskers @ Mar 10, 2014 -> 08:40 AM) I meant more along the lines of allowing two people on the plane with stolen passports. Interpol keeps a pretty good database, and it's not hard to run your passenger list through it. I would think a country as well off as Malaysia would do this, but I guess not. Also, Malaysia seems to be an odd target for terrorism. There aren't any groups that I'm aware of that are pissed off at Malaysia. Oh I agree it's odd, I was genuinely asking if it's a realistic possibility, again, I just know nothing about aviation and how planes are tracked in the air to know if something like that is possible.
  16. QUOTE (HickoryHuskers @ Mar 10, 2014 -> 06:40 AM) Malaysia is a pretty developed country. I would not expect it to be the kind of place where something like this could happen. I know zero about aviation, so is it possible that all the tracking technology was disabled and it flew into another country... say North Korea? It's just such an odd situation that they can't find any debris.
  17. QUOTE (scs787 @ Mar 4, 2014 -> 08:53 PM) If anyones interested, there's an RoH show in Chicago Ridge on Saturday. Fromer NXT rastler Chris Hero aka Kassius Ohno and former TNA rastlers Jay Lethal and Homicide....Maria Kanellis, one of the sexiest WWE divas ever, is also a manager. If you like tag team wrestling, this show should really tickle your fancy. 2 huge tag team matchups, Young Bucks(Who are just awesome) vs reDRagon (Never seen em wrestle, but they're the champs, I guess they work some MMA type gimmick) and The Briscoes(Again, just awesome) vs Outlaw Inc (Homicide and Eddie Kingston, haven't seen em as a tag team but individually awseome). Haven't been to an ROH show in years, but was fortunate to go to the one in '06 with the Dragon Gate 6-man that earned 5 Stars from Meltzer.
  18. Agreed with earlier comment, seems like calling will clear it up, but if it doesn't, involve your credit card company and dispute it. I've had fantastic service via that route in the past. They take care of it.
  19. I took one look at the forecast and wanted no part of the slop. I opted to Work at Home today.
  20. QUOTE (The Critic @ Feb 18, 2014 -> 11:57 AM) I don't think The Streak will ever be broken, and I'm okay with that. I don't believe the powers that be have the level of confidence in anyone to have them end it now. There was a time when Mr. Kennedy was considered to end it, and then like a year or so later he was gone. My guess is they'd like to drag Taker out to 25-0 if at all possible and have that be that. Agreed, I'd hate to see the streak end. Trust me, I know the importance of passing the torch, but in this case, I think the streak should remain intact.
  21. QUOTE (KyYlE23 @ Feb 17, 2014 -> 09:28 AM) I think cbs has plans for Goff. I will be very surprised if he does not replace Boers when Boers retires I tend to agree, so this move may move things along quicker depending on contracts. At a certain point, if you're Goff, you would probably have to take an actual offer instead of promises. Who knows how this will work out, but it definitely will effect some things short term.
  22. and McNeil has a horse-shoe fall out of his ass again. If memory serves me right, his contract is up soon, if WGN is serious about making a go at this I imagine they make a run at him. Intersting though, will be interesting to see who they make a run after, if they are really going after younger audience, if I were them Goff and Holmes would be the top of my list when their contracts allow.
  23. QUOTE (Soxfest @ Jan 30, 2014 -> 10:03 PM) TNA is in the s***ter.................on the plus side Sting to WWE sounds like a done deal. This is really cool to me, having a hard time saying why, but I'm not a regular WWE watcher at this point (been wrestling fan literally as long as I can remember, going through a bit of an "off" time), but would definitely tune in for that angle.
  24. QUOTE (southsider2k5 @ Jan 23, 2014 -> 09:13 AM) 3 years if things going according to plan... to which I say LMFAO. Unless they somehow turn the pitching situation around, 3 years is a complete pipe-dream. Even trading young hitters for young pitchers likely won't be 1-1, more like 2-1 at the best. Theo's loopholes were closed.
  25. QUOTE (fathom @ Jan 18, 2014 -> 10:58 AM) I believe Levine also tweeted that having a big Japanese-American community would be important for where they choose. If so, then Tanaka will be signing with the Dodgers. I don't get why Levine thinks it's such a big deal that the Cubs offered a "real contract". Agreed, I thought the "real" thing was bizarre too.
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