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Everything posted by LosMediasBlancas

  1. Oh c'mon, we had Koch. What a non story. De Luca must have been bored and was really reaching at trying to find a Chicago angle in this WS.
  2. Those problems went away after they implemented some policies that should have been in place all along on half pice night.
  3. Ok, but whatever the figure is, would you agree that for most games, it's not exactly a hot ticket?....but suddenly for the WS the same fans who won't pay $35.00 for a ticket will shell out 2K? I just wonder how much scalpers could get.
  4. but then you break even, all the revenue from the boosted attendance on those nights is evened out by giving the season ticket holders the same discount, No?
  5. Sorry if this has been brought up before, I'm still kinda new here. I heard a rumor that half price nights will be done away with for 2005. If it's true, how do you guys feel about that?
  6. What are your predictions for the next 3 games at St.L. I say the Cards take 2, would not be shocked if they took all 3.
  7. YEP, either that or the party started WAY earlier in the dressing room.
  8. It would be interesting to see what the asking price would be. I mean the team draws what 15,000 on average, makes the WS and suddenly people are paying 2K for tix?
  9. How about porn dude?........he's not hurtin.........this has really sidetracked.
  10. It's true, he's not filthy rich, but he never needs to work again. I guess he saw the chnace to make easy money, so why not? Wasn't Vince Neil on one of those show too and I KNOW he's not hurtin' for loot.
  11. I'm sure that's ok with her. She's already made more loot than most people will ever see and if she's smart with it, she'll be fine. Hell, I heard Vanilla Ice owns his own island somewhere and is set for life.
  12. What happened to Cotts becoming a starter for 2005? Has this idea been abandoned?
  13. I saw the show and you almost have to be TRYING to screw up that badly. Based on her 'band's' reaction on SNL, they got a big kick out of it. She then turns around and blames them for it. Something tells me all is not well in the Ashlee camp.
  14. Terrible, quite weak. I was laughing more than anything, what was with the cat sounds? They left it wide open for a part 2, too bad.
  15. Not to mention, even if they had the money, is it worth the time and wear and tear on your cab?...... and you'd still need a fare BACK. At what point did he recruit Dad for the road trip?
  16. well she's done TV which is written for her and mostly bad. The she does a lot of "G" rated stand up which is bad, and then she's done HBO and Showtime comedy specials which are funny as hell.
  17. Very few, if any. Remember the show "Suddenly Susan" with Brooke Shields? Remember the little spunky red head sidekick? Kathy Grifith or Griffin. Ive seen her stand up act and she's ok.
  18. Wow, interesting, give me the 11 runs allowed broken down by which Astros pitcher allowed them.
  19. Clemens is starting and Houston has already said that Oswalt will be the 1st guy out of the pen if neccessary, followed by Lidge to slam the door. On paper, that's tough. Astros 8-4.
  20. Final score or other predictions? Let's have em.
  21. Yep, too bad it's just about dead. I hear Northwestern kids have one they use whenever they are getting the s*** kicked out of them: "It's alright, it's ok, you're gonna work for us some day"
  22. Maybe you're right. The only way it would make sense to me is if it was, say game 3 and you wanted him to kinda get into a game with a nice lead against the Yanks to get the monkey off his back and maybe rebuild his confidence for game 6 or 7....but it was game 7.
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