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Everything posted by LosMediasBlancas

  1. I like Jet also. They get a alot of flack for sounding like other bands. That may be true but they sound like good bands. Sometimes it's more important to be good than original.
  2. Right wing? Even right wingers should be embarassed by North. The guy is bigoted, ignorant trash. He rides that whole "I'm just not P.C" crap which is just a convenient excuse for being an ignorant bigot. His show is less and less sports and more and more shock jock crap. Maybe he is positioning himself to replace Stern when he's gone. Listen the WBBM news in the morning, or music on FM, North is garbage.
  3. Not much of a rivalry with the Bo-Sox is it?
  4. Funny. If you're between the ages of say 18 and 60, is a flu shot of any real benfit to you? I remember getting one when I was like 28 years old, 2 days later I had the WORST flu ever and then got it once more before winter was over. I'd normally get the flu like once every winter, if at all. From what I understand, what a flu shot does is it actually GIVES you the flu, so that you are then immune to it for the rest of the season. I'll take my chances and go without.
  5. I remember when I was a kid, my thought process on picking which team would get to the WS was very simple, it was based on which team had 'all the good guys'. It's still that simple. Yankees again.
  6. The 60K thing is probably just a stat, not really based on a cause and effect.
  7. Wow 84, but I'm a little shaky on the extended family health history. Drugs don't figure into it?
  8. They're still here...... you just have to creatively reinvent them.
  9. What was F. Garcia's W-L record and ERA since joining the Sox?
  10. Exactly, whatever works for them. Think about how in the old days women used to get punked all the time and didn't complain, divorce was almost unheard of. lol.
  11. The opposing view. I think however they want their relationship to work is the only thing that is important. Personally, yes I think that sux. But, if he has no problem being bossed around and not standing up for himself, so be it. Besides, no one knows what goes on between them behind closed doors. Maybe he's just selective about the things he puts his foot down about. Maybe a bachelor party wasn't that interesting or important to him in the 1st place and he really wanted to look and feel energized for the big day. My thinking is, I give in to my wife on most of the little things and then I drop the hammer on the big things. For example, 'sure honey let's do the bathroom in all pink and by the way we won't be having any more babies'.
  12. Schilling shoulda kept his mouth shut. Usually when you make commnets like those, it fires up your opponent. Game 2 is a MUST-MUST win for the Bo-Sox.
  13. The baseball fans of Atlanta get a lot of flack for not showing up for playoff games. People say they're spoiled and they don't deserve a team, etc. Maybe they know that the team will inevitably choke, as they always do. Maybe Atlanta knows baseball, or at least the Braves.
  14. I hope she recovers completely and then her 'friends' have to face her again.
  15. Part of the problem they had in finding her is that she had left a party where there had been underage drinking. I guess the other kids at the party wouldn't tell where the party had taken place, so the cops had no idea on where to focus their search. Some group of 'friends' huh?
  16. This is an old topic that has been beaten to death and was only re opened to sell a book. Mary M. shows up in other siginificant parts of Christ's life. She is present at both his cruxificion and resurrection, if I'm not mistaken. The theory is that she MUST have a major importance in his life=wife.
  17. OK, I'm gonna end up sounding like a big softee (and like something else that rhymes with softee) here, but there is a very sweet sentiment underneath his stupidity. "...to save his marriage"
  18. Exactly, NONE of my black friends mind me calling them black. If anything, white people made up the term "African American" to try to make black people seem overly sensitive to race issues.
  19. Real Sports on HBO recently did a piece on an African American guy (forgot his name) who is like the s*** in fencing. That might not sound like a big deal, but it is when you consider that he is the only African American fencer, like ever. I'm not sure if that counts as 'fun', but hey we're talking about fencing, remember?
  20. Uh huh, so when they pull this off and the economy suffers and consequently jobs are cut and men lose their jobs........wait I'm lost now. How exactly will this help women??
  21. Wait, wait, wait a minute. Glasgow?... as in Scotland??!! How many black people are even IN Glasgow to be offended by it?
  22. Hmmmm, can it be Mary Magdalane?.... his wife, gasp!
  23. I'd like to see Astros/Cards, then Cards/Boston, with Boston finally taking it all.
  24. Sad. I'm not a Dr., does anyone know how a guy who must have been under good medical care including a good diet, develops hear failure. I guess the inactivity must played a part, but wow.
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