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Everything posted by whitesox91403

  1. QUOTE(aboz56 @ Jan 30, 2005 -> 12:13 PM) Upload them to imageshack or photobucket and then just link from there. Alright, How do I go about doing this then?
  2. QUOTE(Tony82087 @ Jan 30, 2005 -> 11:48 AM) Everett is a great player to have on the bench, and like I keep saying, I think Carl is going to have a GREAT season this year. Keeping Carl around is important. Agreed. Everett is going to be vital to this team this year. I think if they wanted to move Everett it would have been down by now. Keep Hot Carl Everett here on the southside.
  3. I have seen the flags people are using in their sigs. But, when I try to put some into my sig, all I get is the address and am not able to get the image to appear. Can anyone help?
  4. QUOTE(qwerty @ Jan 29, 2005 -> 08:49 PM) http://ideaspot.net/mlb/ Thank-you
  5. QUOTE(AnthraxFan93 @ Jan 29, 2005 -> 08:45 PM) Here is a side note.. this is 2005 not 1995. I don't care what year it is, his batting average is down, but he is still capable of putting this team on his back and carrying them. PS- where are you guys getting the flags with the teams on them in your sigs?
  6. QUOTE(Punch and Judy Garland @ Jan 29, 2005 -> 08:37 PM) I would disagree with oyu on this. I'd much rather have the Hurt than Konerko. Frank is one of the bet hitters to ever play the game, still can hit at a high level, and deserves to finish his career where it started. Amen
  7. QUOTE(SoxFan101 @ Jan 29, 2005 -> 06:52 PM) well if i remember right, didnt Mike Jackson start off pretty well? Idonno best of luck to him I thought so too. I remember actually wanting him to close at one point early last season.
  8. QUOTE(DBAH0 @ Jan 28, 2005 -> 08:48 PM) Everyone thought that last season too after they lost Everyday Eddie and LaTroy Hawkins. They deserve to be the favorites until someone can knock them off the top. I agree, I was one of those people last year also. But now you throw Koskie and Guzman on top of that. I just think this is the year all of them pile up and Minnesota is dethroned.
  9. QUOTE(DBAH0 @ Jan 28, 2005 -> 08:34 PM) What's your reasoning behind the Twinkies not being able to win the division this season? Radke and Santana are back, and Mauer should be able to play for a whole season, and Morneau as well. Those guys obviously are all good, if not great players. It's just my opinion that this will be the year that all those FA losses will finally take their toll on Minnesota. And, if the reports are true that will have to trade Jones if they lose their arbitration hearings, that doesn't bode well for them either. Unless, of course they have settled with their arbitration players, I haven't heard.
  10. QUOTE(Gene Honda Civic @ Jan 28, 2005 -> 08:34 PM) I don't know why this has taken hold... Rozner grew up as an usher and vendor at Old Comiskey.... He didn't have those jobs because he was a Cubs fan. I've never seen anything written by him that would prove that he's anything other than an objective journalist, who does a good job walking the fine line of nuetrality in his columns. He'll take his jabs at the Sox/riensdorf, but there's an equal amount of shots at the Cubs and Sosa. Good enough, I wasn't exactly sure. I just I thought I remembered hearing that he was a Cubs fan.
  11. We just all need to let this thing play out. I will honestly say that I don't think Minnesota will win the division this year. It's going to be the Sox or Cleveland. Just my honest opinion. One other thing, isn't Barry Rozner a huge Cubs fan? The reason I ask, is everywhere people are talking how The cardinals got worse, I know they lost a bunch, but I really don't think they got worse. They have a full season of Larry Walker, provided he stays healthy and Mark Mulder.
  12. This may be premature. but, I've noticed apattern with all the Sox FA signings this offseason. Dye, El Duque, Hermanson, and Iguchi all got 2 year deals with some containg a 3rd year option. Do you see this as The Sox going for it all the next 2 years and then after that rebuidling? I'm not sure off the top of my head as far as Buerhle, freddy, and Contreras when their current contracts expire. Just looking for your thoughts............
  13. QUOTE(TLAK @ Jan 27, 2005 -> 09:24 PM) I wonder if KW had JR's defibrillator in his hand, waving it around the room 'Now Mr. Riensdorf, I could drop this or we could pay Iguchi ...' Classic Stuff
  14. I got all those e-mails too after ordering my 9 game plan. But before I received that 2nd e-mail, my credit card was charged and my tickets were here.
  15. I cannot say this enough............ Way to get it done Kenny, the whole off-season, way to get it done.
  16. I always thought Rocky Biddle looked like Droz.
  17. QUOTE(The Critic @ Jan 27, 2005 -> 04:59 PM) Looks more like Bastion Booger to me.....look him up.... Oh yeah, bastion Booger. Perfect.
  18. QUOTE(SleepyWhiteSox @ Jan 27, 2005 -> 02:55 AM) Too bad it won't translate to recruiting... Your right, I mean Bruce Weber obviously doesn't know how to recruit, being that he took a National Power like Southern Illinois to the Sweet 16.
  19. The Most Electrifying Pitcher In Chicago I can see it now: Freddy calling for The People's Fastball, taking off his glove, slowly going into his wind up, and striking out Sosa. Then walking back to the dugout, he looks to Sammy, motions with his hand and says:
  20. Now, to follow the thread......... Podsednik on offense and El Duque pitching.
  21. QUOTE(Y2HH @ Jan 26, 2005 -> 10:51 PM) Sometimes, pictures of Freddie Garcia freak me out, like the one you use as your avatar. I sometimes think he's the Rock reincarnated into a baseball player. If a fight ever breaks out he needs to peoples elbow someone, or even better, he should start referring to himself as the Peoples Pitcher in media appearances. Best Post Ever. The People's Pitcher, classic stuf right there.
  22. QUOTE(qwerty @ Jan 26, 2005 -> 02:59 AM) Couldn't hit in the minors either. He is a piece of s*** and that is being nice. While that may be true, did The Sox sign him?
  23. I think sadler was a top prospect with Boston a few years back, but hasn't amounted to anything. I hope he isn't our back up SS either. I would rather take my chances with............well anyone.
  24. http://sports.espn.go.com/mlb/teams/salaries?team=chw When did The Sox sign him? I know this isn't the first time I have seen him listed with The Sox. Number 22 on the salary list
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