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Everything posted by chitownsportsfan

  1. MLIVE forums are a joke, as bad as ESPN. Here is much better. Welcome aboard.
  2. The Cubs can fire Baker and pretend it's a shakeup, but the real blame lays with Hendry and upper management. They've got a 94 million dollar payroll, and the talent of the Pirates.
  3. I saw this over on NSBB and thought it was funny: "Actually, the fans just were completing the unholy trilogy: trash on the field, trash in the field, and trash in the dugout."
  4. QUOTE(knightni @ Jul 2, 2006 -> 03:12 AM) Pinella needs someone to offer him a managerial job. He's Singleton-like brutal. Wow, Singleton like brutal? Touche. I'm unfortunetely a Detroit Lions fan, and our games always get the 4th or 5th FOX crew--try sitting through Ron Pitts and Kenny Mayne a few times in the midst of another disasterous season.
  5. QUOTE(Dam8610 @ Jul 2, 2006 -> 12:17 AM) Sometimes Miller will call Iguchi "Taguchi". That's the one that pisses me off the most. Sometimes? Seems like he does it every damn time to me. God, the people that are supposed to "teach" baseball to kids are some of the biggest idiots in broadcasting: Buck, McCarver, Morgan, Miller, etc. It's disgusting. Two random good Soxtalk posters know much more about baseball than these guys. Morgan has to be the worst. The sabermetric guys think he's the best 2B of all time because he hit with power and got on base and had speed, but he wants to hear none of it--"a computer can't tell me how to play the game", like there is some random AI program that Billy Beane or Dave Wilder asks every offseason: "who should I sign and trade for", and the Hal 2000 superbaseballcomputer spits out the answer. Ok Joe...
  6. QUOTE(Kalapse @ Jul 1, 2006 -> 11:00 PM) I have no problem with warranted criticism but this IMO is just ridiculous. Exactly, well said.
  7. Teams that have won over 54 games by the All-Star break aren't due for anything except more winning.
  8. Anderson hit well in AAA last year despite the strikeouts. It's not being "rushed", it's being broken in to the big leagues. Rookies struggle, it's the very rare and very special rookie position player that comes in and lights up the scoreboard the first go round. He obvously was overwhelmed this spring playing for the Champs, but he's worked through it and isn't half as bad at the plate as he was even a month ago. It's growing pains with young players, and I can't believe some of you guys expected much more. I'm not making excuses for him, and he needs to continue his improved hitting to warrant a spot in the lineup everyday. However unless a trade is made, he should get the call most days in CF, as Mack is just brutal out there and doesn't slug well enough to justify it.
  9. The Royals have a good shot to take the SERIES from Stl this weekend. The Royals are putting together a good stretch, and with the Pirates winning, the Cubs are even closer to the Cellar. Cubs only have a 2 game lead on KC and PIT for worst team in the league. Hahahahahahahahah, Cubs, Pit, and KC, the all s*** league.
  10. QUOTE(tigerfan @ Jul 1, 2006 -> 10:12 PM) You wish, 1.5. Same as it ever was.
  11. Probably just Leyland conceeding the game.
  12. No, it's not anymore an abberation than our own loss to the Pirates.
  14. QUOTE(loltrain @ Jul 1, 2006 -> 09:06 PM) Baseball has some really stupid rules Bottom of the 6th: Pirates batter grounds into easy double play....bounces off the umpire and he is somehow awarded a single. Top of the 7th: Guillen with a double down the line where Rodriguez would have been safe at home without a throw...bounces into the stands he has to hold at third. Ugh. That has pretty much summed up this game for the Tigers, I wouldnt' be suprised if the Pirates pull it out. "Over the line Donnie, mark it over the line"
  15. Wow, lame. People get exicited over the dumbest s***.
  16. QUOTE(valponick @ Jul 1, 2006 -> 07:34 PM) You continue to embarrass yourself, I'm done with you. LOL, Drama Queen!
  17. QUOTE(RockRaines @ Jul 1, 2006 -> 05:59 PM) What was that? Contribute something, then get back to me, thanks. Anderson has played good of late, and was great on D. Some of his deep catches may have gone for doubles if poor jumps Mackowiak was in the game. Failed bunts happen, in fact, it happened to many of our players today. The gidp's hurt us much much more than those. Rock the voice of reason? Damn! A blown bunt? Wow, it happens. Gooch, the "pro's pro", the guy who "sacrifices his power for the good of the team" (nm how dumb that sounds), missed one too. So did Uribe. Obviously bunting is something the team should work on in practice. But a blown bunt is about reason #2323 I'd can Anderson. Poor defense or mental mistakes in the field are up there, but a blown bunt? Come on. Anderson's line looks terrible because of how slow he started the season. He's hitting mediocre the past month, and that's all we need out of him. If he gets his average up around .200 by the ASB, I'll be happy. I sure as hell don't want Mackowiak out there with Buehrle on the mound, or any of our SP for that matter. And I don't buy the argument that "You can't win a championship with a guy batting .170. Obvs it doesn't help the team much offensively, but it hasn't prevented the team from completely running roughshod over MLB again this year.
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