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Dick Allen

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Everything posted by Dick Allen

  1. Its about time KW makes a move just to say he won't stand for this BS. Guys are running half-assed again down the line on routine grounders. Bernie Williams is a far more decorated player than anyone on the White Sox current active roster, and he busts his ass to first on a comebacker to the pitcher. I would love KW to send Crede to Charlotte, but there doesn't seem to be much out there, and Blum while hitting a little better lately still hasn't driven in a run. What other team in the major leagues would ever have Timo Perez leading off, Carl Everett batting third and AJ batting clean up? The offense must be addressed. Podsednik returning isn't going to suddenly give this team 3 or 4 more runs a game.
  2. QUOTE(fathom @ Aug 20, 2005 -> 02:56 PM) Ozzie just said it's not his, Greg Walker or KW's fault they suck at the plate. Ozzie said a week or so ago if they didn't win the division it would be his fault. Looks like he's windsocking. 8 year old kids could see this team needed more offense, but they didn't want to disrupt the "chemistry." I could have sworn we were told the Sox would avoid long losing streaks because of their pitching and newly "balanced" offense. In 5 games against the Yankees this season, 2 against Mussina, 2 against Chacon, and 1 against Small, they have scored a whopping 7 runs. That's not going to get it done. If for some reason the playoffs don't happen for this team, KW and Ozzie need to go. Using a line used when the Bulls dismissed Doug Collins, and the Sox canned Larry Himes, they don't appear to be the guys to get the Sox to point C.
  3. QUOTE(fathom @ Aug 20, 2005 -> 09:11 AM) I've never been a big fan of our management (Ozzie/KW). I've officially lost all faith in them to be able to make the right decisions to get this team out of a slump. Rip me all you want, but this slump starts from the front office down. I agree.
  4. It will be a miracle if this line-up generates more than 3 runs.
  5. I know these guys get 10 day suspensions, but is there any other hurdle they must pass before being eligible to play. I know steriods stay in your system a while, you should at least have to submit to a test and have a clean result before you are allowed to play again.
  6. He's not getting fired. I could see if players have underperformed from career norms, but most are at or slightly above what you would expect. B
  7. QUOTE(LosMediasBlancas @ Aug 17, 2005 -> 10:29 AM) ......don't forget that rumor has Mike Sweeney going to Anaheim real soon. This is why KW should have claimed Sweeney on waivers. Sweeney has a no-trade and wants to play on the west coast if the Royals don't want him., chances are very slim he would accept assignment to the White Sox. The chances of the Royals awarding the White Sox Sweeney's contract would even be slimmer. There was virtually no chance the Sox would be on the hook for his contract, but it would have blocked any move with the Angels. If the Angels eventually get Sweeney this season and the Sox have to play them in the playoffs it would be considered a huge blunder in my book.
  8. Griffey isn't happening, that's pretty obvious. But the offense needs a big jolt. Pods being out isn't the problem either. Timo accounted for a couple of runs in the leadoff spot yesterday. I love Hawk, but I'm glad I'm at the games when he's talking about how Griffey has no place to play on the White Sox. I heard it for 2 games, and was insulted. Another thing is when Pods is out, this is a station to station team. They don't have any running game. I don't know what happened to stolen base attempts, hit and runs etc. Monday night was the first time I ever saw back to back singles off the wall.
  9. If the Sox tried to slide BMac through waivers and KC didn't claim him, their GM should be immediately fired. There used to be a gentleman's agreement not to claim guys, but that agreement is long gone. I read claiming guys could ruin future relations, that's total BS. GM's trying to win will deal with anyone they think can make their team better.
  10. I just got back from the game. Adkins was horrible, but the Sox weren't going to score if they played 10 more innings. Was the guy safe on the bunt for a non DP in the 16th? And one more thing, why the hell was Crede playing way off the line for Stewart. That was another DP ball. This team is now playing how the so-called experts expected them to play this season. If Garcia and Contreras didn't pitch out of their minds in NY, it would be a 7 game losing streak right now, going up against Santana tomorrow, and 3 with the Yankees who you know are going to score a lot more than 5 runs in this series. Big time trouble because KW and Ozzie thought they had the whole game figured out and stood pat with a team playing way better than could be reasonably expected.
  11. I understand the Sox not claiming Griffey, what I don't understand is why they wouldn't make a claim for Mike Sweeney. He has a no trade I believe and really wants to play in KC or the west coast. He most likely would reject coming to Chicago, plus I really doubt KC would award the Sox Sweeney's contract considering they play each other 19 times a season. Putting in a claim would have blocked a team like the Angels from acquiring him.
  12. QUOTE(JUGGERNAUT @ Aug 15, 2005 -> 09:28 PM) Majority means 50% plus 1. Most can mean majority but it's more often associated with nearly all. Consider an example: You have 10 petri dishes. If 6 out of the 10 cultures were good. You would say the majority of cultures were good. If 9 out of 10 were good you would say most of the cultures were good. Without question, yes. You can even assume that there are more requests for ML waivers than any other type. In the lastest Cincinatti Enquirer where the Reds COO is denying the Griffey rumors, he said that 800 players have cleared waivers. Considering that doesn't count all those that were claimed, its just another source making your continuing denial laughable.
  13. QUOTE(sayitaintso @ Aug 16, 2005 -> 12:12 AM) Bruuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuccccccccccceeeeeeeeee said that he thinks KGJ will be on the Sox by the end of the week today on Silvy and Carmen. I totally trust Bruuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuccccceeeeeeee that he is right. Levine thinks it will happen, that means there is no chance. Its nice to know I'm not the only one who feels that way. What about AJ Burnett? What about Omar Vizquel? Remember when Levine said there was no way Freddy Garcia would sign an extension with the Sox before going through free agency? I also agree with fathom, there has been nothing that indicates the Reds owner has changed his mind. In fact, there has been nothing but denials with the Reds that this trade is even being discussed anymore.
  14. QUOTE(marsh @ Aug 15, 2005 -> 10:07 PM) I honestly don't think he gave him the plate. When he slid around mauer, not straight to the plate, he wasn't even near enough to tag the plate. If he runs straight to the plate there is a collision. You are right, but I don't blame him for not plowing into him. He had a legitimate shot at being safe by trying to avoid the tag.
  15. QUOTE(WHarris1 @ Aug 15, 2005 -> 10:00 PM) Ozzie really oughta take a chair, put it in left, and lead it off. Chair>Timo Anybody but Timo. All you hear is how nobody was available. Well, Oakland got Payton and all he does is gets big hits for them. Matt Lawton was had for hardly anything. They claim Pods was hurt before the All Star break. Either he didn't tell anybody he was hurting or they have been sitting on it. If he didn't tell anyone, he's an asshole. If they have been sitting on it hoping he would magically heal, they are fools. KW better have something up his sleeve, or the dissapointment of the ending of this season is going to be very hard to swallow.
  16. The bottom line is if you have a lineup with Timo Perez leading off, you're not going to score many runs. As aggressive as KW has been over his tenure, he really overestimated "chemistry" this season, and really is sitting on a team that if they make the playoffs will more than likely get ousted very quickly. The offense is pathetic. Think about it. If the pitching wasn't spectacular in NY they would have been swept.
  17. QUOTE(SnB @ Aug 15, 2005 -> 03:23 PM) i win I saw it and deleted mine. You're quick. Any word on Iguchi? I hope he's not hurt as well.
  18. The guy that reported this on WSI is pretty reliable.
  19. QUOTE(southsider2k5 @ Aug 15, 2005 -> 09:19 AM) This is a second injury for Pods. It isn't the same one he had originally. They claim he hurt himself playing CF against Oakland right before the All Star break.
  20. For a team that supposedly has been in "going for it" mode, Timo leading off the past couple days and Willie Harris potentially playing LF is inexcusable. Matt Lawton was available for a song, he could lead off and play LF. Pods was injured before the All Star break, and well before the trade deadline, his situation should have been addressed long before this weekend. Lawton isn't that great, but is so much better than Timo and Willie its sickening. This season is starting to take a very familiar turn. Hopefully a major deal can be struck soon to avoid the inevitable.
  21. QUOTE(southsider2k5 @ Aug 14, 2005 -> 08:11 PM) And you wonder why no one takes anything you post seriously. You are flat out wrong. I have documented three sources and you are still hanging to whatever pathetic strings that you can manage. Crap like this is exactly why you have zero credibility as a poster here. Keep hiding in your fallout shelter, meanwhile everyone else is laughing at you. The Hawk was one of the worst GMs ever. He is great as an announcer, and was solid as a ballplayer, but he was a HUGE f***up as a GM. Hawk wasn't that terrible of a GM. He only was one for the 1986 season. The draft sucked, but a lot of White Sox drafts have sucked. In fact, in 1985, Roland Hemond's last year as GM, they drafted Kurt Brown with their first round pick. Barry Bonds was then selected by Pittsburgh. He traded Britt Burns to the Yankees, and he never pitched again. Picked up Bonilla in the Rule 5, traded him for Jose DeLeon, who eventually was traded for Lance Johnson. He traded for Ivan Calderon who was productive for the Sox and eventually was traded for Tim Raines. As far as LaRussa, I don't think the White Sox would have been any better the years since his firing with him at the helm than they were with all who have followed him.
  22. More rain is forming right on Boston. Unless they want to wait 2 or 3 more hours, today's offensive explosion will not count.
  23. QUOTE(Flash Tizzle @ Aug 14, 2005 -> 04:45 PM) The last update was definitely not a recording. And there was not one visible raindrop falling on Fenway Pawk. Red Sox officials are dragging their feet. It's obvious they don't want to make this game official before any more heavy rainfall occurs. Red Sox officials have nothing to do with it once the lineups are turned in. The fate of this game is with the umpires.
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