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Everything posted by Texsox

  1. I am guessing that a setting in IE was blocking java scripts. Firefox is a cool little browser also. It does cause one agravation on these boards. If you highlight some text to make green and then try to pull down the menu, it drops the highlighted text.
  2. How about that ncorgbl guy, I really miss him
  3. Anything to get my mind off of yesterday. We have had steady ownership through the years. I believe CW has some insight about the Allyn regime.
  4. Shoot, the system I am on will not allow me to see how to check the Java controlls in IE. You may have Java blocked in your browser. Which version of IE is it? If you are interested here's a link to a cool little browser, if you like, try downloading it and using it to browse. I believe Jas is using it now. Firefox 0.8
  5. I knew you like Bevington
  6. A little White Sox history until we can even our record for 2004 I've always had a soft spot for Veeck. I wonder how life as a Sox fan would have been if DeBartola had been allowed to buy the team. I have a gut feeling, it would have been good.
  7. Let's go to tech support 101 Turn off your system fully and if you are on a broadband connection disconnect as well. Make certain you shut down "Hard reboot" not just restart. Then try it. Tech support says this while jumping in the manuals trying to figure out what to tell you next. Also, sometimes to everyone's amazement, it works after a hard reboot.
  8. Each of us doing this individually is nice, but is it possible for those of us with web pages included with out ISP accounts to "bulk move" some of the pics to our sites? For example I have 15 gigs just sitting there, not being used. I could host a bunch of pics on that.
  9. With all the talk about Ozzie's first game, lets' look at some of the greats in WS history. Whose the best?
  10. 17th All-Time in Win percentage.
  11. We also fail when a solitary child is "accidentaly" killed in a gang related drive by. We fail when a youngster in the US fails to be vaccinated, or doesn't have adequate food or shelter. We fail when a grandmother cannot walk to her bank without fear of crime. We fail when our schools do not provide equal education for all. Why just the west? Where was China, Russia, etc. in all this?
  12. Because almost no one manufacturers textiles in the US. The textile industry went from the northeast down to the border regions, then overseas. When was the last time you spent more money to buy US? To be competitive, I know of one manufacturer who cuts the cloth in the US, sends the materials to Honduras for sewing, then re-imports them to the US. It is the only way they can remain competitive and sell to Victoria Secrets. They use to cut here and truck it 18 miles away to Mexico for sewing, but that became too expensive. The key to clothing manufacturing is the Gerber cutters. A great cutter can make you a lot of money. So that remains in the US, also, where they can maintain properly some very complex pieces of equipment. I have seen estimates that clothing prices would almost double is they were sewn fully in the US. The reality for my geographical area was this. We lost some manufacturing jobs in the process, we picked up fewer, but higher paying logistical and supply chain jobs, along with transportation and warehousing jobs. Sewing is about the most basic of skill used in the manufacturing process. Almost anyone can be trained in a matter of hours to run a sewing machine. If WalMart suddenly only stocked made in the US clothing, people would beat a path to Target, Penny's, K-Mart, etc. We all want lower prices. I was part of a group that worked to find jobs for the sewers who were out of work when Levi's, Dickies, Converse, Hagger, and a few others left the area. What we found was people with 20 years experience, zero to limited English speaking skills, who had sewn the same pocket on the same jeans for 20 years. They did not have 20 years experience, they had 1 year experience repeated 20 times. These are not jobs we necessarily want in the US. These people are toast if the plant closes. And they will when their Levi is selling for $40 and Wrangler is selling for $30.
  13. Bigger than Jesus? Oh no, could that be a Beatles message?
  14. Are you on a public computer? Java may be disabled
  15. All I know is Ozzie has the lowest all time winning percentage of any White Sox manager. A win Wednesday will jump him past quite a few guys
  16. I am going to hell for this one but if they could swim they would have been on the US side I am joking people
  17. At what point did he think f***! He missed, I have to steaaaaal this base
  18. On one hand WalMart does help you "stretch a dollar" in small communities where the local hardware store also sold three baseball gloves and "dress shirts". But like any business in town it isn't always a net gain in jobs. You gain the Wally World and lose the local grocer, pharmacist, sporting good store, music shop, etc. Downtowns slip to nothing, etc. But will people continue to pay more to shop at the downtown store? No.
  19. I was thinking to really save bandwidth we could vote some people off the island. Then I realized it would be me
  20. L.A. Suburb to Vote on Wal-Mart Building Tue Apr 6,10:56 AM ET Add Business - AP to My Yahoo! By GARY GENTILE, AP Business Writer LOS ANGELES - Wal-Mart wants to offer its bargains in Inglewood, but many residents aren't buying the pitch. Voters in this working class city were to decide Tuesday whether to allow the nation's largest company to open a shopping development despite opponents who say it will skirt zoning, traffic and environmental reviews. Wal-Mart has argued in Inglewood and elsewhere that its stores create jobs and said residents should be able to decide for themselves whether or not they want the stores in their community. Last year the Inglewood City Council blocked the proposed shopping center that would include a traditional Wal-Mart as well as other stores. That prompted Wal-Mart to collect more than 10,000 signatures to force Tuesday's ballot initiative. Religious leaders and community activists, including the Rev. Jesse Jackson (news - web sites), rallied Monday to urge voters in the city of 117,000 to defeat the ballot measure, which is backed by Wal-Mart. The initiative's opponents argue it would give Wal-Mart the right to build without having to go through the usual array of public zoning, traffic and environmental hearings or reviews. "You don't get to get around all of the environmental impacts accepted in this country," Rep. Maxine Waters said Monday. "You don't get to bypass the city and their building and safety and their planning departments. What they have done is they have gone over the top." Wal-Mart has faced strident opposition from unions, resident groups and some municipalities who say the company's gargantuan shopping centers hurt independent businesses, drive out higher-paying blue-collar jobs and worsen traffic congestion. Wal-Mart has spent more than $1 million in its Inglewood campaign, according to campaign finance records, while opponents have spent a fraction of that amount. Objections to the Bentonville, Ark.-based Walt-Mart Stores Inc. have surfaced around the country, including Chicago, where the City Council recently stalled a measure to approve the first Wal-Mart inside Chicago's city limits because of concerns about the company's labor practices. Wal-Mart officials defends the number and quality of jobs its stores create. "They are nonunion jobs, but they are not low-paying jobs," company spokesman Bob McAdam said. "Wal-Mart pays competitive wages with other retailer and we offer health benefits to every employee."
  21. That's the worse HMO I've heard of.
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