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Marky Mark

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Everything posted by Marky Mark

  1. It's to a minor league contract, so no worries. Not bad for adding some depth. Now do something of significance.
  2. I'm still upset to this day about how long Andy Gonzalez was up at the MLB level in '07 while Jason Bourgeois was in Charlotte and had so much more capability. That wasn't a 100% GM kind of decision though, I'd assume. Other than that, KW has never done anything that absolutely infuriated me, and for the most I've been pleased with his tenure.
  3. The real issue is getting people the motivation to be buying upper deck tickets. When I was younger I didn't mind, but once I was old enough to start making my own money, the UD feels much less enjoyable than the LD (even if I'm front row behind home plate in UD). I say, budget a million dollars for the season to have former, yet recent Sox greats literally just hang out in the UD throughout the game and take pictures/autographs/have a beer with fans etc. Sox can say, "Hey Frank Thomas, we'll give you 12.5k a game to just hang out in the upper deck for 40 games". I would definitely be attracted to that. The other idea I have is probably too expensive, but if they could figure out a way to put a bar in the UD that overlooks the skyline (near where they have the beginning of the exit ramp), that'd be awesome. People love a nice view at a ballgame, but usually you don't see it at the Sox games until everyone's leaving.
  4. QUOTE (RockRaines @ Oct 9, 2012 -> 10:19 AM) Agile development is AWESOME and in my opinion is THE way for cutting edge software companies to develop. For your questions: Depends is you want to be the go-between or on the actual dev team. The Scrum guy can have a better career path moving away from Dev into the business layer, but the Agile PM will be able to move up within Dev and also within other companies since that position is highly needed. Depends what you want to do. You think so? One of my concerns is that no one seems to know what the real career path is for a scrum master. How do you think they could move into the business layer?
  5. QUOTE (BigSqwert @ Oct 8, 2012 -> 09:48 PM) I'm just starting to learn about these roles. If I'm not mistaken, isn't the project manager a higher position? Wouldn't they manage the Scrum Master? It really depends on the organization. Where I work, the project managers are responsible for managing the project, not the people. The Scrum Master is going to get into the nitty gritty with team, working in sprint planning, daily stand ups, running around removing impediments. The project manager is going to take a higher, release level approach of managing the project. They may be responsible for removing impediments for the Scrum masters in a "Scrum of scrums". But in terms of money and power, they're pretty similar roles.
  6. I'm being promoted at work from an analyst position, but I'm being given the choice of either being a Scrum Master or an Agile project manager. Not sure which to take. My assumption is that the Scrum Master position will not have as much of a career path as a straight up project manager. I have never done either besides as a backup. Anyone have any experience with this?
  7. Popularity is not always the right thing. That whole Nazi party was pretty darn popular back in 1940s Germany. Same thing as the Cubs.
  8. QUOTE (Reddy @ Sep 4, 2012 -> 09:41 PM) beyond ambitious. cutting your body fat in HALF in 4 months is damn near impossible. what's your plan though Mark? I'm curious what your diet will be like. Definitely ambitious. But I am honestly more concerned about being able to build the muscle than lose the fat. 4 years ago I was really shocked by how my body would respond to a protein increase, so I'm banking I can do it again and lose fat by staying low calorie. Every day I have been eating 6 meals a day. Pretty typical of what you'd find on a fitness website. Something along these lines... Meal 1 Some form off eggs (omelet, scrambled,etc) with egg whites - Roughly 25g protein, 200-400 calories, depending on what I eat it with. or Oatmeal with a scoop of strawberry protein powder - Roughly 26g protein, 280 calories Meal 2 Myoplex Original RTD - 42g protein, 300 calories Meal 3 ~7oz of healthily cooked chicken, some green veggie, and brown rice/sweet potato. 40-50g of protein, 350-500 calories, depending on how much I'm eating. Meal 4 Myoplex ORiginal RTD - 42g protein, 300 calories Meal 5 ~7oz of healthily cooked chicken, some green veggie, and brown rice/sweet potato. 40-50g of protein, 350-500 calories, depending on how much I'm eating. Meal 6 Protein smoothie (I mix strawberry protein powder, frozen fruit, skim milk, and yogurt) - 45g protein, 350 calories or Chicken tacos with corn tortillas w/either no cheese or low fat cheese and only a little. Throughout the day I am drowning myself with water. Probably have to piss like four times while I'm at work. Hope that doesn't wind up getting me in trouble. So in a day I'm gearing to get in around 200-250g protein and 1800-2200 calories. Probably one cheat meal in a week when I can eat whatever my heart desires. Just had my weigh-in after week 1. Was a little surprised by the results, hoping my scale is accurate on BF%. [After having starting stats of 179.8lbs and 15.8% body fat before diet and exercise started] Weighed in at 181.2 with 13.7% body fat. In other words I lost 3.5 pounds of fat (if my scale really is accurate for BF%) and gained almost 5 pounds of lean body weight (probably mostly water, but I'm hoping a pound or two is muscle gain) in one week. Prior to this my diet was all over the place, but mostly just lunch and dinner and was eating about 1700 calories a day. So I plan on eating more calories every day and still losing weight.
  9. Don't you guys remember a few years ago when a White Sox scout started posting on this forum. He talked about how PEDs were far far more rampant in baseball than fans realized. Something like 40-50% of MLBers in his opinion were using. You don't think your Ryan Braun's and Bartolo Colon's are just foolishly getting interested in PEDs at random and then getting caught right off the bat? No, there are loads and loads of guys using who are not getting caught. At least according to that poster. If AJP is busted that sucks, but don't think that our team is now unclean. I'm sure every team has plenty guys using.
  10. My wife and I decided last week that we would make the financial investment in me joining a gym and dieting appropriately. Having not worked out for a while, I was a little surprised by how weak I had gotten, but my body is the type that cannot gain nor maintain muscle at all without protein coming in. In 2008 I bulked from 160 to 200 LBS in about three and a half months (yes there was probably about 10 pounds of fat gain in there), but could not financially afford to keep up with it. Before starting last week I was... 6'1 179.8 lbs 15.8% body fat (28.4 lbs BF) Benching 135x7 Squatting 135x8 Have not gotten in Dead Lift yet By Jan 1 I expect to be.... 190 lbs 8% body fat Benching 250x4 Squatting....I don't know. Heavy squats kill my knees so I may look for some alternatives here. Not sure how long "muscle memory" lasts, but I'm thinking it should be a positive factor here. I'll post back to update you on how awesome I'm doing, because I will be doing awesome.
  11. Who is this Todd Kibby fellow? I like the cut of his jibb.
  12. Jose Valentine. Just so I could watch the beer's froth get stuck on the 'stache.
  13. You are allowed to bring water bottles into the stadium from home. Go to Jewel and pick up a bunch. As long as you're hydrated, you will be able to enjoy the game if it's a good one. While you're at Jewel, see if they have those automated fan/spray bottles.
  14. Where'd you find a picture of Peavy Orgasming?
  15. QUOTE (Soxfest @ Apr 24, 2012 -> 11:37 PM) Another lose to a soft tosser who next game will go 4 innings and give up 5 runs and be knocked out...............very sad! Uhhh...Milone has been will be really good this year.
  16. Honestly, if Beckham can't show some sign of progress by the end of the month, I think sending him down to the minors would be the best thing for him. He needs a confidence boost and an environment where he can let himself hit without pressure to make the right kind of adustments.
  17. I'd like to see Tank moved up in the lineup.
  18. Remember when we had Mike Myers and he came out to the Austin Powers theme? I loved that.
  19. Marky Mark


    QUOTE (Quinarvy @ Mar 9, 2012 -> 01:04 AM) Peanut Butter and Marshmallow Fluff. Amen to the fluffer-nutter! I used to eat those everyday for lunch in middle school. It's been so long, I wonder if I'd still like it.
  20. Who gets to have the honor of being Timo Perez?
  21. QUOTE (SoxFan1 @ Mar 1, 2012 -> 07:28 PM) I always loved Greg Norton too for some odd reason. "Nawton, yo' the greatest!" GREG NORTON Frank, Mark, Paul
  22. I just don't understand how any other team can have any idea of how good of a coach he is outside of looking at before and after images of his team's offense.
  23. QUOTE (BigSqwert @ Dec 18, 2011 -> 11:46 PM) Adding this for the awesome song. Ignore the dumb video. This is hilarious. My wife is getting so pissed because I keep replaying it.
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