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Everything posted by Jerksticks

  1. If this is true just hire him. Get as many people from that organization as you can
  2. I discovered internet baseball when I was in college- I remember trying to find info about the CLee for Pods trade and the rest is history. Didn’t start posting at WSI until 06 I think. Got banned pretty fast. Found all of you guys a few years later. I used to be all over the ESPN MLB boards- I hope some of you got to enjoy that before it went away. That was so pure. As far as I know there still isn’t a place for the world to talk baseball.
  3. I haven’t seen anything from the MLBPA about personally subsidizing everything when prices go up. Was that announced yet and I missed it? I’ve been busy reading “Basic Economics”. Interesting read. It explains nicely how when one of the costs of producing something goes up, owners usually personally cover the difference instead of raising prices or slashing costs in other areas. It also says that thinking anything different is called trickle-down. Is there a Basic Economics 2: The Keys to Accumulating Zero Wealth coming out anytime soon?
  4. Hey so is everybody who works for baseball collecting paychecks right now? Trainers, PR, Sodfather, FO people etc?
  5. Somebody at the bottom loses their money or the customer pays more for the product. You’re saying the parking lot paving isn’t a cost paid for by team revenues? What am I missing here?
  6. What I’m saying is the owners aren’t going to take the hit. Either they cut stuff out or they raise prices, no? I mean none of us see the owners becoming Santa Claus all of a sudden and giving up a piece of their pie. So either way the regular guy loses. I appreciate the condescension to try to help me with this issue, but I’m still confused.
  7. Maybe I don’t understand this then? I always thought the CBAs were about the players as a group and their chunk of the overall baseball revenues. When a bigger chunk of the pie moves to players…doesn’t that mean by default that the amount of money allocated to anything else is inversely proportional to the gain the players get? Like less money for companies to pave parking lots, stadium construction projects, vendors for those construction materials, stadium personnel, vendors for that support stadium personnel, analytics people, trainers, vendors for front office equipment, bonuses and benefits for these people etc. For you, when a new stadium is built and the geotechs take core samples, maybe once in a while they find something crazy and ask a geologist to take a look… Don’t all the other wallets get lighter unless ticket prices rise?
  8. I tend to never root for the players in these cases. Every dollar sucked away from ownership is another dollar sucked away from the support structures of baseball, ie the little guys.
  9. Dump everybody except fields and any young linemen. Maybe keep Mooney and Monty?
  10. I’m so pumped to watch Dylan Cease take another step this year. I think he can break into the top 10 fWAR.
  11. Absolutely. The narrative on here that Kimbrel’s contract is going to be hard to get rid of has always seemed crazy to me. This Segura-or-bust thing, what the hell?
  12. Poor Kendall Graveman probably found Soxtalk, thinkin “hey cool let’s check out how pumped these fans are with this roster”. Opens the front door and hears the chorus “we haven’t done jack shit all offseason! Not a damn thing!”
  13. Yea that’s really interesting. None of the good teams did much of anything. I wonder if we were actually one of the more active good teams, signing Leury and Graveman. Wouldn’t that be a big funny sausage slap in the face
  14. I don’t understand the opinion that the Sox were unprepared or misread the market. We have young Allstar-caliber players at almost every position. I still expect them to supplement this team in a bigger-than-needed way, but in no way am I pissed they didn’t shell out 40M/Yr to Max or $325M to Seager. As currently constructed, I see this team winning close to 100 games, even in a tougher AL. We have that much talent.
  15. Yes. They have the most talent even right now. This talent cannot shit all over itself in the playoffs. I still can’t believe it. I think the Sox would have massacred the Braves.
  16. There is basically an offseason, boilerplate script that all 30 GMs follow on their interviews. Did I miss something where front offices decided to actually start answering questions? Wouldn’t that be breaking rule #1: “Don’t be an idiot and give out any information.”
  17. Maybe the plan is Story. He doesn’t get hurt like these other guys and won’t cost as much either. Plus he’s a really good defender right?
  18. I love the “first” shoutouts. My absolute favorite part of the baseball offseason is the whole farce that there are scoops going on or actual investigative journalism. And then the people faking to be a part of the already fake thing. It’s priceless.
  19. Lol says the fan from somewhere else. I know you didn’t mean it this way but it reads funny like you actually believe you are a more knowledgeable baseball person than these other “meatballs”.😂🤣😂🤣
  20. Tim is probably a better catcher than Schwarber.
  21. What are you basing his ability to throw on? Just curious, because i know the first couple years he “played outfield” full time, especially the first one, teams were trying to take extra bases on him like crazy because they looked at him playing outfield as an insult to outfielders everywhere. So he had a bunch of assists and whatnot because teams were trying to take bases they normally wouldn’t. It was pure disrespect across the board, so yea, he had inflated assist numbers. credit to him for working hard and not being the worst defensive player in the history of the game, but I’m pretty sure he’s just about as bad as it can get out there.
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