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Everything posted by oldsox

  1. Because White Sox do stupid things. Actually, I was being sarcastic. I'm a Ramos fan, so I wouldn't be surprised if Sox throw him in to make a trade, and then get burned for it.
  2. They still haven't gotten over the John Elway rejection.
  3. My predictions are that Wolkow will go up, and Gonzalez will go down. Last year we had a young catcher at DSL who hit a ton. What was his name, and is he scheduled to be at Arizona this year?
  4. I remember when he was a player in the low minors.
  5. Here's a real ugly thought. Sox want Westburg. Orioles say No. Sox offer to throw in Ramos. Orioles say Yes. Westburg struggles with Sox, Ramos stars with Orioles.
  6. IMO, many of us here, including myownself, have overvalued Cease's trading value.
  7. Are any of third base prospects better than Ramos?
  8. I don't think he was that bad on defense. Now, he can't throw; I'll give you that. I'm surprised baserunners don't challenge him more at second base. But, he covers the ground in left field as well as most outfielders, if not better. As long as he hits the cutoff man, he won't hurt the team much with his lousy throwing.
  9. Okay, someone tell me who was responsible for drafting Gonzalez.
  10. Iowa known for its Tight Ends, not much else.
  11. I saw his interview yesterday. Convinced me he was set up. Not that he doesn't have his faults and flaws.
  12. Put Jacob Burke on the fast track.
  13. I can't help wondering if Omar ever went to a Treatment Center for sex addiction, or whatever they call it. I remember reading about him a few decades ago when he was still playing, and the subject was which MLBer led the league in getting laid. Allegedly, Omar had that distinction for several years. Probably a badge of honor back then. Who knows, there might be dozens of little Omars running around. Somehow, the White Sox got stuck with him.
  14. This signing is beyond stupid. So now the White Sox are leading the league in signing way over the hill catchers who can't hit. Getz can't be this dumb. He must have been told to do this. Meanwhile, I'm done.
  15. He also figures to have a better offensive season next year. Still improving.
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