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Everything posted by ron883

  1. This dude can't throw a strike. Don't swing
  3. My gym is no longer requiring masks if you are vaccinated (but they don't check). Damn, it feels amazing to work out without a mask again.
  4. Do you have any statistic for this? I'd be interested in reading it to see how we compare to other countries. Is it common in Europe and South America?
  5. ron883


    Why would you want the quality of a team to influence a statistic meant to evaluate a single player, though? That's why win-loss record for pitchers is irrelevant now a days. It's too heavily dependent on how the offense and bullpen did. It's not good for evaluating a player. If the White Sox win 90+ without Eloy and Robert, it means the team was really fricken good. It means they'd be even more dominant with those guys. WAR is wins above replacement. It calculates how much better a given player is than a replacement level player in that season. Team success has little to no influence on it.
  6. ron883


    WAR does not take into account the team around a player. It attempts to evaluate players individually.
  7. Tim has been pretty vocal with his defense of Yermin. I hope he starts REALLY pimping his home runs from here on out, just to trigger TLR. Something tells me we will see a good bat flip from him soon.
  8. Strike first, strike hard, no mercy
  9. I've said this before, but it will be interesting to see how the lack of rookie ball impacts future high school picks. Unless the player is a complete stud, they will probably struggle big time with the jump to A ball.
  10. Thank you for posting the first link!!! It pains me when that isn't posted on these threads.
  11. I thought the exact same thing. Long live Felipe!
  12. He kind of looks like George Costanza in his BBref picture
  13. Lol that's pretty funny, but I agree with your sentiment
  14. Rust is a lot of fun, but it's just such a grind. You have to commit so many hours to it.
  15. I could see Barstool possibly hiring him
  16. Thank you Quin. I totally forgot about Gonzalez. I guess I view him more as a 4th OF/Engel type, while I'm hoping Rutherford and Sheets may be able to hit well enough to play RF regularly. Still early, but those 2 have played well. I'm excited about Sheets now since he started hitting more homeruns. Do you have any idea how his defense is supposed to play in the OF?
  17. You're talking to the number 1 Yermin Mercedes fan.
  18. Lots of choices. Believe it or not, Eaton is on pace for about 3 fWAR. I don't think he will be able to stay healthy and keep up that pace, though. Who will be the RFer(s) by year end in your opinion?
  19. Lol settle down man, it's not that big of a deal. Your claim is baseless. That's all there is to it.
  20. You're asking why somebody wouldn't leave work early while getting their full paycheck. Of course some would.
  21. 99 out of 100 players would be against it? Quit exaggerating bro.
  22. He just blew the game a couple nights ago. If he's locking it down, great, do whatever. Right now he's earning HUGE bucks and not pitching like a top closer.
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