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Everything posted by ron883

  1. peavy44 has a Ron kittle connection! This is awesome. I like that the typing is consistent lol
  2. Was it your not who also wasn't the best at typing? I wonder what happened to him. I think he frequents a blackhawks forum. Forget his name. Used to post a lot here
  3. Entertaining that idea on here is an eternal sin. Prepare to be burned at the proverbial soxtalk stake.
  4. You're right, apparently bellinger is better than I thought. Wasn't aware he played a solid CF.
  5. Why would they want him when they have bellinger? He moving to the OF permanently? Bellinger is better than Abreu. Don't understand this.
  6. I said as of late, not during his tenure. There's no denying he is an all time great.
  7. I wonder, and I hope. I love Herm, but it is time for him to go. The injury issues with the organization as of late have been bad. It's time for fresh blood.
  8. Well who is going to write Greg an essay on why team payroll is important? 2 pages, single spaced.
  9. Are we really arguing why team payroll is important? There isn't some infinite pile of money to sign every player with.
  10. @southsider2k5 anything illegal done here? Will Avi need to lawyer up?
  11. I wouldn't make a bet I'm not winning, so I don't see that happening
  12. It took you 2 whole minutes to respond to me? You seem to be slowing down a bit SS. That's longer than normal
  13. Gotta say, you've really been struggling lately
  14. Sorry dude, but using batting average to compare Avi and Bryce is a joke. Batting average is an outdated stat
  15. Any specific reason why you don't trust Hahn to sign any free agents?
  16. So you would rather they just not try to sign either of them?
  17. Extending Abreu would be an awful mistake. You only do it if Bryce and/or Machado coming here are contingent on that.
  18. If we don't get Machado and Harper I'm gonna be pissed
  19. If I'm Hahn, I don't allow him to play winter ball. Just not worth the risk.
  20. You just read it incorrectly. Saying "this profession" doesn't imply that it is mine. However, that's not to say I can't make it mine.
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