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Centerfield Job For Next Season


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I think this could be one of the most interesting battles in Spring Training next season, with Rowand winning the job...Reasoning on this is that he is a KW guy and he's never really been given a fair chance at the position everyday. Gotta believe that Reed will land in Triple-A along with Borchard.


I'd be pretty happy with Rowand in CF opposed to spending big time money to get a outfielder. I think Rowand will bring a lot that Ozzie looks for in a player and could enjoy a season somewhere along these lines: .270, 12-15 HR, 60 RBI and a solid defensive game in centerfielder.


Interested to hear other's opinions on the CF job in the spring.

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If's Rowand healthy during Spring Training he'll get da job. He's a scrapper and I think he'll become one of Ozzie's favourites. Reed needs time at AAA, and Borchard needs to work out his plate disclipine bf he comes back up to the majors.

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if you look at Rowand's career numbers the at bats prject out to what would be close to one full season. The numbers he's put up have been very respectable in limited and erratic playing time. Given the chance to play every day, i think Rowand could do a pretty good job, not to mention he's the best defensive outfielder on the team. At the same time, i could see Reed winning the job out of ST if he has a very good one. At the least, he will either be our 4th outfielder or be called up in June. We wont have to wait long for him to make his debut.

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How do I start Borchard over Rowan? Did I say that???


What I said was...Rowan does not have enough up side potential for me as a starting CF and IF we are going with "on the job training," I'd prefer to see them play one of two younger players with much higher potentials: Borchard or Reed. Both Borchard and Reed have much higher ceilings than does Rowan.


In my opinion, Rowand ain't a starting CF in the majors. Will Borchard be? I don't know. Ask me after spring training. Same with Reed. BUT I do know both have tons more talent than Rowan.


Sorry. That's just the truth.


I'd prefer a CF with some experience, personally. Or maybe Soriano. I don't think Rowan will be enough. Just my opinion.



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I'd prefer a CF with some experience, personally. Or maybe Soriano. I don't think Rowan will be enough. Just my opinion.


Since when was Soriano a centerfielder. I liked what I saw from Willie Harris out there last year.

There is talk about him moving to CF for the Yanks. He is as athletic as Willie. There has been alot of talk about Magglio for Soriano on SoxTalk lately.

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All I said was that I didn't see anything in Rowan to lead me to think he can be enough of a player to start as CF for this team.


You all can crap on Borchard all you like...Most of you posting this have very short attention spans and swing from over enthusiasm to depression depending on the prevailing winds...Borchard is in his third year TOTAL of full time organized baseball. He has shown flashes of his hitting ability and unquestionable power. He spent all of last year fighting nagging tendonitis, plus recovering from his prior foot surgery. Let's see how he does now that he's healthy.


Reed? It's difficult to tell how fast he can make it to the bigs. He certainly outpaced even the most optimistic projections for his move up the minor league system, with great success. Give him a chance in spring training. The worse that happens is he goes back down. But maybe he'll surprise everyone once again.


You can keep saying all you want about Rowan. I just don't see it. Sorry.



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I think this could be one of the most interesting battles in Spring Training next season, with Rowand winning the job...Reasoning on this is that he is a KW guy and he's never really been given a fair chance at the position everyday.  Gotta believe that Reed will land in Triple-A along with Borchard.


I'd be pretty happy with Rowand in CF opposed to spending big time money to get a outfielder.  I think Rowand will bring a lot that Ozzie looks for in a player and could enjoy a season somewhere along these lines: .270, 12-15 HR, 60 RBI and a solid defensive game in centerfielder.


Interested to hear other's opinions on the CF job in the spring.

I think Rowand can put up good numbers. I think .275/.280 20 Homers, 85 RBI's and 15/20 steals is possible for Rowand. :headbang

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Question though, didnt he get hurt at a Bears game? How is he, and think management is mad? Could that effect a descision, or at least sway one?


He is in Puerto Rico ready to start playing Winter Ball and from what I understand he is healthy, so either the incident you refer to didn't happen or it was overblown.


You can keep saying all you want about Rowand. I just don't see it. Sorry.


Forkit, I generally agree with you, but I disagree with you on this. Aaron will have to take advantage of what could be his final opportunity to be a regular, but I think the potential is there. Will he be an all-star caliber player? No But I do think he can be a serviceable CF who can bring positive attributes to a club.


He has better power potential than he has shown and will hit in the .260-.280 range. He may just be a one year stopgap until Borchard or Reed are ready or he may surprise and keep the job. Or he may fail. Either way, unless the Sox decide to spend some money, I think Rowand deserves the opportunity to prove one of us right.

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If Willie was our full-time centerfielder next year; I think his #'s would look like these.. 240 AVG 3-5 HR's 40-50 RBI's and 40+ steals

I think Willie is capable of being a lead-off guy. Hell, he hit .400 down in Charlotte for a period of time. Sure Charlotte is considered a hitters ball park, but not all of Harris's hits were bunt singles.


I like Willie Harris, he has incredible speed. He can play multiple positions, and he hustles his ass off whenever he's in the game.


He's the type of player Ozzie wants on this team.



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I'd give Rowand first crack.


He's hard-nosed. He's got solid power. He can definitely play the position and throw. And he's hungry.


What Rowand has to improve on is his plate discipline. He needs to draw more walks.



That said, I think Ozzie will also look at Willie. Remember he's leaving a team with Pierre and Castillo at the top of the lineup.


Willie can but, run and go from first to third just that quick. He, too, needs to improve his ability to draw walks. He's not the outfielder Rowand is.



But I think we could win with either guy in CF.


What we need is another stud pitcher.

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forkit, what do you consider to be a solid CF? All I want is a guy that will post an OPS around .750+ and play solid D. IMO that defines a solid CF. In limited playing(582 AB's which is about a full season) time Rowand has posted a .743 OPS and played solid D. What makes you think that he can't put up similar numbers next year. Furthermore, I think Rowand was affected by his offseason injury at the beginning of the year. You also pretend that Rowand wasn't a good prospect, but he put some pretty impressive numbers up, especially power numbers and was consided a top prospect. Rowand has the inside track and deserves to get a shot in CF. If he struggles then the Sox can turn to Reed or Borchard.

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I think this could be one of the most interesting battles in Spring Training next season, with Rowand winning the job...Reasoning on this is that he is a KW guy and he's never really been given a fair chance at the position everyday.  Gotta believe that Reed will land in Triple-A along with Borchard.


I'd be pretty happy with Rowand in CF opposed to spending big time money to get a outfielder.  I think Rowand will bring a lot that Ozzie looks for in a player and could enjoy a season somewhere along these lines: .270, 12-15 HR, 60 RBI and a solid defensive game in centerfielder.


Interested to hear other's opinions on the CF job in the spring.

I think the interesting job will be right field cause I got a feeling Soriano will be playing CF.


I'm just gonna keep telling myself this at least :D

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I think this could be one of the most interesting battles in Spring Training next season, with Rowand winning the job...Reasoning on this is that he is a KW guy and he's never really been given a fair chance at the position everyday.  Gotta believe that Reed will land in Triple-A along with Borchard.


I'd be pretty happy with Rowand in CF opposed to spending big time money to get a outfielder.  I think Rowand will bring a lot that Ozzie looks for in a player and could enjoy a season somewhere along these lines: .270, 12-15 HR, 60 RBI and a solid defensive game in centerfielder.


Interested to hear other's opinions on the CF job in the spring.

If Rowand is starting in CF again next year, that means Sox did nothing to improve team.

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I think this could be one of the most interesting battles in Spring Training next season, with Rowand winning the job...Reasoning on this is that he is a KW guy and he's never really been given a fair chance at the position everyday.  Gotta believe that Reed will land in Triple-A along with Borchard.


I'd be pretty happy with Rowand in CF opposed to spending big time money to get a outfielder.  I think Rowand will bring a lot that Ozzie looks for in a player and could enjoy a season somewhere along these lines: .270, 12-15 HR, 60 RBI and a solid defensive game in centerfielder.


Interested to hear other's opinions on the CF job in the spring.

If Rowand is starting in CF again next year, that means Sox did nothing to improve team.

I gotta disagree here...


If you think overpaying for a centerfielder is considered an attempt to improve the team when we can use the money to get pitching, you're mistaken.


Rowand's never been given a fair shot to have the job over an extended period of time and now is his time.


Since he's one of KW's boys, he's gonna get the shot, like it or not. And I tend to believe he's gonna flourish given the chance.

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I think this could be one of the most interesting battles in Spring Training next season, with Rowand winning the job...Reasoning on this is that he is a KW guy and he's never really been given a fair chance at the position everyday.  Gotta believe that Reed will land in Triple-A along with Borchard.


I'd be pretty happy with Rowand in CF opposed to spending big time money to get a outfielder.  I think Rowand will bring a lot that Ozzie looks for in a player and could enjoy a season somewhere along these lines: .270, 12-15 HR, 60 RBI and a solid defensive game in centerfielder.


Interested to hear other's opinions on the CF job in the spring.

If Rowand is starting in CF again next year, that means Sox did nothing to improve team.

I gotta disagree here...


If you think overpaying for a centerfielder is considered an attempt to improve the team when we can use the money to get pitching, you're mistaken.


Rowand's never been given a fair shot to have the job over an extended period of time and now is his time.


Since he's one of KW's boys, he's gonna get the shot, like it or not. And I tend to believe he's gonna flourish given the chance.

I never said anything about overpaying for anyone , I just said Rowand is NOT the answer and he has been given more than a fair chance in CF, time to cut bait.

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I think this could be one of the most interesting battles in Spring Training next season, with Rowand winning the job...Reasoning on this is that he is a KW guy and he's never really been given a fair chance at the position everyday.  Gotta believe that Reed will land in Triple-A along with Borchard.


I'd be pretty happy with Rowand in CF opposed to spending big time money to get a outfielder.  I think Rowand will bring a lot that Ozzie looks for in a player and could enjoy a season somewhere along these lines: .270, 12-15 HR, 60 RBI and a solid defensive game in centerfielder.


Interested to hear other's opinions on the CF job in the spring.

If Rowand is starting in CF again next year, that means Sox did nothing to improve team.

I gotta disagree here...


If you think overpaying for a centerfielder is considered an attempt to improve the team when we can use the money to get pitching, you're mistaken.


Rowand's never been given a fair shot to have the job over an extended period of time and now is his time.


Since he's one of KW's boys, he's gonna get the shot, like it or not. And I tend to believe he's gonna flourish given the chance.

I never said anything about overpaying for anyone , I just said Rowand is NOT the answer and he has been given more than a fair chance in CF, time to cut bait.

When was this so-called fair chance?

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