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Split from the Pyrz Thread

jackie hayes

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Most of the posters here seem to have IQs over room temperature. Why can't intelligent people find some other adjectives to use in describing people? There is a time and a place for almost all forms of communications. While this place seems like home, and from a long ago poll, we know that some people are so comfortable here, they have posted in the nude, this is a space with both friends and strangers. Let's not allienate potential new members.

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I think negotiations are pretty par for the course right now.


Don't anybody get too worked up over articles like these. The Sox have officialy offered $2m...ok...that doesn't mean we won't make the jump up to $3M.


Now, onto the jap second baseman. I haven't been shown anything to believe negotiations have ended/slowed down. I think Kenny has just as good a shot at both AJP and Iguchi now as ever.


...and for the goof that went ballistic over the "racial slur"...gimme a f***ing break.

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QUOTE(Chisoxfn @ Jan 6, 2005 -> 02:01 PM)
:lolhitting :lolhitting


Thats going into the post of the month archive Tex.


I was thinking of adding each one written by someone with half a brain. but it seemed too harsh :D



I know you kid because you care ®

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QUOTE(AddisonStSox @ Jan 6, 2005 -> 08:00 PM)
I think negotiations are pretty par for the course right now.


Don't anybody get too worked up over articles like these.  The Sox have officialy offered $2m...ok...that doesn't mean we won't make the jump up to $3M.


Now, onto the jap second baseman.  I haven't been shown anything to believe negotiations have ended/slowed down.  I think Kenny has just as good a shot at both AJP and Iguchi now as ever.


...and for the goof that went ballistic over the "racial slur"...gimme a f***ing break.


Ass wipe, someone was offended. Let it go. You bringing this s*** up again shows you to be a classless clown

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QUOTE(beck72 @ Jan 6, 2005 -> 02:14 PM)
Ass wipe, someone was offended. Let it go. You bringing this s*** up again shows you to be a classless clown

Classless clown?


Um...I would have to award that to the guy that responds to a racial slur with a racial slur.


Define irony.

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QUOTE(beck72 @ Jan 6, 2005 -> 08:14 PM)
Ass wipe, someone was offended. Let it go. You bringing this s*** up again shows you to be a classless clown

and the perpetuating cycle continues... lets all offend eachother so we can really see how f***ing hopeless and clueless the human race is... lets all offend eachother so we can all see how f***ing stupid it is to allow words like c*** to control our emotions and behaviors.


here, ill start off the orgy of hate for you all....



you know those retards that get around in electric wheel charis? i f***ed one of them yesterday in the mouth... it hurt.



i mean seriously everyone, try not to take things like these so seriously... its just an internet msg board... there are other things in live that i feel are more deserving of our energy.... asswipe, jap, retard, f***face.... its all bulls***, so everyone chill, eat some diritos, and talk about


"White Sox exact offer to A.J. Pienrzynski."

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QUOTE(YASNY @ Jan 6, 2005 -> 07:28 PM)
I'm not going to turn your words back on you.  In fact, I'll give the stereotypical image of trailer trash.  It generally means poor, white ... usually Christian ... people.  I can accept your point that "Jap" can be considered offensive.  I can also see where it can be used in a non-offensive manner. 


Here's the crux of my entire arguement.  Anytime someone uses anything that can be considered offensive to any race other than white Anglo-Saxons people generally get all up in arms about it.  Yet, when a term such as trailer trash gets used, which is stereotypically discriminatory towards white ... maybe southern ... poor people, nobody says s*** about it.  As proven by the fact that I was the only one to call it as it is until you had to concede the point to make yours.  I just get tired of people overlooking obvious discriminatation unless it's against a minority or foreigner in this country.  Hell .... people are more tolerant of discrimination against ... 1. Whites ... 2. Christians .... 3.  Southerners ... than any other race, creed, sexual preference or whatever. The fact that you jumped on the "jap" thing and not the "trailer trash" thing reinforces my point.

I didn't think the discussion was going overboard either, but apparently everyone else did.


Again, you had already answered the "trailer trash" comment, and noone had responded to you, so it seemed to have ended on that. I had nothing to add, but I have said elsewhere (around the election) that it's no better to be talking about "rednecks" voting for Bush. I don't think we should tolerate stupid terminology on either side.


Meanwhile, a bunch of people were saying that there is nothing wrong w/ "jap", that it's just shorthand. Noone had answered that, that's why I chose to respond to it. That's all, to suggest o/w is bs.


For those who don't know -- "Jap" is usually meant to suggest that the Japanese are sneaky and devious (after Pearl Harbor it gained that meaning). For those who say the meaning has disappeared, think of Parcells "Jap plays". Everyone knew what he meant by that. And no, I wasn't alive for Pearl Harbor, but I've known for a long time that the word can be nasty.


I don't think it was meant offensively, and I never accused anyone of intending it that way, I just asked that it not be used in the future. Honestly I'm surprised so many people are apparently so angry at that.

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QUOTE(FlaSoxxJim @ Jan 6, 2005 -> 02:26 PM)
Let's play nice, folks.  :nono


For the record, as a card carrying Classless Clown in good standing, I was not offended by that last remark.  But if someone does offfend me, they're gonna get a BIG RED SHOE in the ass.  :)


:lol: :headbang


But then, since you're classless, you're gonna high-tail it like a little b**** ( no offense intended to female dogs ) in your tiny little clown car....

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Jesus, have any of you morons who bickering over the absurdity of the terms"jap" and "white trash" ever realized that the OP didn't mean any harm by the term jap, but was probably just too damn lazy to type out Japanese? Goddamn, he didn't refer to him as "the nip 2B" did he?


Where this white trash nonsense came from, I haven't a clue. The mere fact that people are up in arms about it on the internet is more perplexing than the root of the word itself.

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To whom it may concern,


I want to offer an across the board, so to speak, apology. I, in no way, considered the discussion between jackie and I as a battle royale. In my eyes it was a lively discusion between two people with differing opinions. And, may I add, a discussion I was enjoying while in progress. However, I saw that most perceived it as a battle and for that I am truly sorry.


To jackie,


If you felt you were under attack in any way, shape or form, I offer a personal apology to you as well. That was not my intent.




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QUOTE(raff @ Jan 6, 2005 -> 05:33 PM)
if this doesnt go through, i sure hope timo can be our starting catcher and bat .270+

and by the way, dude, jap is not the preffered nomenclature, asian american, please...    (life points to whoever comes up first with the movie that is from, the underlined word was changed to fit this post)



Haha, dunno if anyone replied but Big Lebowski. I love Walter. Great movie, great quote man.

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QUOTE(YASNY @ Jan 7, 2005 -> 12:41 AM)
To whom it may concern,


I want to offer an across the board, so to speak, apology.  I, in no way, considered the discussion between jackie and I as a battle royale.  In my eyes it was a lively discusion between two people with differing opinions.  And, may I add, a discussion I was enjoying while in progress.  However, I saw that most perceived it as a battle and for that I am truly sorry.


To jackie,


If you felt you were under attack in any way, shape or form, I offer a personal apology to you as well.  That was not my intent. 






There are some topics that some posters use to continue old stuff and to just hear themselves argue. No bid deal. This was just tossed way higher in the air than it needed to be.

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QUOTE(YASNY @ Jan 7, 2005 -> 06:41 AM)
To whom it may concern,


I want to offer an across the board, so to speak, apology.  I, in no way, considered the discussion between jackie and I as a battle royale.  In my eyes it was a lively discusion between two people with differing opinions.  And, may I add, a discussion I was enjoying while in progress.  However, I saw that most perceived it as a battle and for that I am truly sorry.


To jackie,


If you felt you were under attack in any way, shape or form, I offer a personal apology to you as well.  That was not my intent. 




I was mostly just confused, at least by the whole "trailer trash" dimension, since I kept saying that I agreed w/ you. I wasn't sure, but I couldn't figure out why you kept pressing on this, unless you were insinuating something. But I'm not ticked. I see your point on that and I agree with you (again). I just didn't think it needed any further comment.


As for everyone else, I DO resent the implication that I was just trying to ruin the thread. If you look at my original post, it was only included as a sort of postscript, not addressed to the original poster, but to everyone who saw it as a harmless word. I thought (I know there are a lot of pretty young posters) many people may not have heard it used that way (as in "jap move", or "pull a jap"), so I just wanted to point out that it really does have that meaning. Some Japanese are not offended by it, I'm sure, but I'm sure that there are a few who are. Imo, it's important that those people feel welcome here too. (Considering that this is a Sox message board, it would seem especially relevant now -- w/ Shingo already on board, and with Iguchi perhaps signing on soon, it would be great if fans of those players who know them from Japan want to participate in the site.) If this were just a pc thing, I wouldn't care so much, but it is seen by some as a slur, rather than just a 'non-preferred' term. (I mean, Hispanic/Latino is a pc distinction, imo, but "s***"/Hispanic is not.) That's all, I'm done with this.

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Oh man! You guys just won't let this die will you!

Well as the self-proclaimed #1 supporter of free speech, free assembly, & right to be heard on this board I have this to add:


Until a moral relativist can provide me a link strongly supporting their believe that the majority of dago's, mick's, japs, aussies, pollacks, nords, swedes, frenchies, brits, & germs find those terms offensive I will look at their objection as nothing more than their attempt to impose their moral relativist ideas on the rest of us.


Political correctness w/out majority support = thought control & censorship.

Moral relativists feel a need to do this because they lack the talent & power to influence the majority into their way of thinking. Since the majority think their full of s*** they then resort to defining their way as the correct one. It's that elitism that pisses most people off.


Let me clue you in on a relevation of humanity: there is no correct way.

Not now. Not ever. We are a species that is driven primarily to fullfill our unquenchable desires. When we fill our desires we become board & seek new ones. That's why the only constant in our race is change.


That's why even the english language itself undergoes radical & revolution changes in slang. It is molded by each new generation not out of efficiency but rather the desire to escape boredom. Hence we now have new definitions of the words "verb" & "word" that we never would have conceived a generation ago.


That's why there are black people in black circles calling each other "n"'s & hoes. The popularity of which has white people in white circles calling each other the same exact names. You may not like it & you may find it offensive to your ideas of what those words mean to you but you have no right to compel them to conform to your ideas. That's the essence of what free speech is all about. The free expression of ideas whether you strongly agree or disagree with them. It's a general principle upon which there should never exist a relative morality as a filter.


To the moral relativists out there, why is it ok to make references to biatches, m-fockers, whores, & hoes, but not gays? Are not all of these terms sexually-oriented slurs? It seems you object to a reference of gay

but not the others. That's a double standard. How do you reconcile that?

If someone uses gay in a non-sexual context (as that poster did) is it then not wrong to use these other terms in a non-sexual context?


We are a creature that is best defined by that which we do to escape our own boredom. That is what seperates us from every living organism on this planet & quite possibly our solar system our universe & the very boundaries of our space time itself. Every other creature on the planet needs only that which it requires for physical existence. We need more.

We need to escape boredom. It means more to us in many cases than our physical existence itself.


Color is what defines us. All the colors. The ones you like & the ones you don't like. Don't be breakin' other people's crayons.

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