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NBA ASG Weekend

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QUOTE(Felix @ Feb 19, 2006 -> 01:35 AM)
I just watched the highlights, and yea.  He got robbed.  Robinson got the sympathy vote for being short, but oh well, its only a dunk contest.


Oh, it was definitely just a dunk contest. I don't even like basketball, but it's the principle of the thing. I hate to see someone get cheated like that. The crowd and the announcers showed their disapproval at the end results. It's not often that you hear the crowd boo or sit in stunned silence at a dunk contest.

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I watched all of it last night. I forgot what the first thing was called, I'm going to call it 3-Ball if anyone remembers the old 2-Ball they used to play. But it was cool seeing the first 2 shots from nearly half court go in. The Spurs easily won it that one. Then the skills contast was sweet, I was kinda dissapointed with Nash but oh well. I'm not surprised that Dwayne Wade won it. The 3-Point Shootout was corrupt, Nowitzki shouldn't have gotten out of the 1st round but they don't have replays. Then the Slam Dunk Contest was even more corrupt, Andre should've won that. I loved watching Nate Robinson do his dunks but I just got tired of seeing failed try after failed try to do his dunks. I wish they had a rule about that still. Then the judges looking at other scores and changing theres to make Nate have a better score and Andre have a worse score. If it would've gone into a second dunk off I think most knew Andre would win it, just because there's only so much a 5'9" guy can do. I loved listening to Charles Barkley last night, normally I don't have a preference either way for him but last night he was making some funny comments. All around a pretty good night though, glad I decided to watch it.

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QUOTE(Rowand44 @ Feb 18, 2006 -> 10:49 PM)
Bad, bad move if you missed this.


Lol...well I did miss it. Not because I intentionally chose not to watch it but because I didnt have access to a television. I wasn't home. No big loss In my opinion. My life shall go on.


To be honest I much more enjoy dunks like Brian Randles today during the Illini game. :D

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It turned out to be a good game. Definitely one of the more boring all-star games I've witnessed. I got a kick out of Kobe making a concentrated effort to pass the ball in a game where passing doesn't really matter. He should try that passing thing more in games that actually count.

Edited by Jordan4life_2006
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LOL, Bill Simmons always makes me laugh:


The Frozen Envelope Award for "Biggest scandal directly involving the Knicks"

You know how you're guaranteed an Oscar if you lose or gain a ton of weight or play a special needs character? Well, if you're short or female, your odds of winning a dunk contest increase exponentially. For instance, Nate Robinson won Saturday's contest even though it took him roughly 75 times to complete two of his dunks. This went well beyond "It's time for the Birdman to fly" territory, or even feel-good "Costner in 'Tin Cup'" territory; Nate's complete disregard for the fans was almost overwhelming. I mean, we were sitting there for like 10 minutes watching him try dunks with a 2.5-percent probability of succeeding. I don't know how it played on TV, but in person? Excruciating.


Of course, when Nate ended up winning over the far superior Andre Iguodala, that's when it surpassed the Wilkins-Jordan contest in '87 as the all-time Dunk Contest Travesty That Will Never Be Topped. Nobody even had the energy to boo because Nate had already ruined our collective will to live; we ended up hightailing like people fleeing a murder scene. Even more tragically, the grisly ending overshadowed two of the greatest dunks ever -- Robinson's scaling Spud Webb (he was available), and Iguodala's incredible other-side-of-the-backboard dunk, which was, unequivocally, the best dunk I've ever seen in person. (It nearly caused a riot -- for a second, I thought the players on hand were going to charge the floor, almost like a delirious college hoops crowd after a buzzer-beating basket.) No matter how contrived the dunk contest is, or how fixed it is, few in-person sports moments compare with someone's bringing the house down in a dunk contest. That still ranks right up there.


(And while we're here, kudos to the NBA for figuring out how to get stars such as Nash, LeBron, Wade, Kobe and Nowitzki involved on Saturday night, as well as how to move the night along much more efficiently. Sure, they refuse to try H-O-R-S-E, the High Dunk or Half-Court Shot Contest, and they continue to shove the WNBA players down our throats ... but at least we weren't there for four hours, and at least it felt like there was some star power there, even if the ending made us feel like we were walking out of a snuff film. Still, a decent night all around.)

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