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QUOTE (DrunkBomber @ Sep 19, 2016 -> 03:36 PM)
Sorry, I didnt take the bait on your sad analogy.


Sorry, right, though we could easily identify the short logic if we were dealing with children, but it's somehow valid when dealing with adults is ridiculous.


If you think "she did it first" is so damning when

1) She didn't do it first

2) The staffer that did peddle it was fired

3) She has not made her career blasting the president for being born elsehwere when he has proven he's born in US



What else do you think may be irrational as damning?

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QUOTE (DrunkBomber @ Sep 19, 2016 -> 04:34 PM)
The difference is that Hillary is the one who tried to bring it back up to label Trump a racist knowing damn well it started with her. She has repeatedly brought it up in this election to attack her opponent all while blatantly lying about her involvement.


If Hillary's camp thought it was a racist attack, they may take actions such as firing a staffer who peddled it.

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A person commits the crime of tampering with evidence when he or she knowingly: alters, conceals, falsifies, or destroys. any record, document, or tangible object. with the intent to interfere with an investigation, possible investigation, or other proceeding by the federal government.


"'By using a private email system, Secretary Clinton violated the Federal Records Act and the State Department’s Foreign Affairs Manual regarding records management, and worse, could have left classified and top secret documents vulnerable to cyber attack,' Cause of Action Executive Director Dan Epstein said in an email to reporters.


'This is an egregious violation of the law, and if it were anyone else, they could be facing fines and criminal prosecution.'”


"Agencies that allow employees to send and receive official electronic mail messages using a system not operated by the agency must ensure that Federal records sent or received on such systems are preserved in the appropriate agency record keeping system."




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QUOTE (DrunkBomber @ Sep 19, 2016 -> 04:34 PM)
The difference is that Hillary is the one who tried to bring it back up to label Trump a racist knowing damn well it started with her. She has repeatedly brought it up in this election to attack her opponent all while blatantly lying about her involvement.


Come on, there is not one piece of evidence that Hillary ever even said it.





The scary part about history is that if you say something loud and repeat it enough, some people will believe it. There is literally no excuse for how ignorant people have become. Its not like the 18th century where you had to rely on the news, we all have access to almost unlimited information on the internet.


There are people who would have killed to have access to all the information we have, yet we waste it on a daily basis.

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QUOTE (bmags @ Sep 19, 2016 -> 04:39 PM)
If Hillary's camp thought it was a racist attack, they may take actions such as firing a staffer who peddled it.

Yet meanwhile Sidney Blumenthal is still a close confidant of Hillarys.




Obama wouldnt let Hillary hire Blumenthal in the State Department because of his part in spreading the rumors about Obama too. However, because of a FOIA we know Hillary was paying Blumenthal with the Clinton Foundation while he was advising her on policy in Libya.

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Trump peddling a conspiracy theory that the first sitting Black president was born in Africa doesn't become racist when Hillary says so, it was already racist as he was doing the act of stealing Obama's humanity and "Americanness". Just like it's not calling for a wall, these accusations aren't rhetorical barbs, they are because they are hurting real people.

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QUOTE (DrunkBomber @ Sep 19, 2016 -> 04:43 PM)
Yet meanwhile Sidney Blumenthal is still a close confidant of Hillarys.




Obama wouldnt let Hillary hire Blumenthal in the State Department because of his part in spreading the rumors about Obama too. However, because of a FOIA we know Hillary was paying Blumenthal with the Clinton Foundation while he was advising her on policy in Libya.


And did Hillary act on this? Can you show me her campaign going around on Twitter claiming it? You don't need to look it up because you no, you can't. You can't show any action, you can only show "doubts". In zero world is actively promoting a lie for years, and riding that wave to power, remotely comparable to having campaign supporters peddling a lie that was never taken up by the head of the campaign or an official action of the campaign. In any other situation, removed from HIllary's name, you would have no problem assessing the situation.

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QUOTE (bmags @ Sep 19, 2016 -> 04:49 PM)
And did Hillary act on this? Can you show me her campaign going around on Twitter claiming it? You don't need to look it up because you no, you can't. You can't show any action, you can only show "doubts". In zero world is actively promoting a lie for years, and riding that wave to power, remotely comparable to having campaign supporters peddling a lie that was never taken up by the head of the campaign or an official action of the campaign. In any other situation, removed from HIllary's name, you would have no problem assessing the situation.

When Clinton Joined Obama Administration, Friction Was Over Staff, Not Email



https://puu.sh/rh2Cz/3fb5ed0fa1.png Not sure if this link will work and it wont let me copy paste from the NYT. But this is a ways down in the article.



Here Are The 23 Classified Memos Sidney Blumenthal Sent To Hillary Clinton




However, a new claim emerged within a few hours by James Asher, a former McClatchy news service Washington bureau chief. Asher claims that long-time Clinton ally Sid Blumenthal told him in 2008 to investigate Obama’s birth — which he implied was in Kenya. Asher allegedly dispatched an investigator to Kenya to examine the claims, of which they found no proof.
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Also, its kind of sad that people arent bothered by the fact that the media is manipulating information to try and influence our presidential election. I know a lot of people around here dont care because it is attempting to help the dems but it is setting a pretty scary precedent. That and the DHS falsifying statistics because they know the real numbers would help Trump in the election.

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QUOTE (DrunkBomber @ Sep 19, 2016 -> 04:16 PM)
Also, its kind of sad that people arent bothered by the fact that the media is manipulating information to try and influence our presidential election. I know a lot of people around here dont care because it is attempting to help the dems but it is setting a pretty scary precedent. That and the DHS falsifying statistics because they know the real numbers would help Trump in the election.



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QUOTE (DrunkBomber @ Sep 19, 2016 -> 05:16 PM)
Also, its kind of sad that people arent bothered by the fact that the media is manipulating information to try and influence our presidential election. I know a lot of people around here dont care because it is attempting to help the dems but it is setting a pretty scary precedent. That and the DHS falsifying statistics because they know the real numbers would help Trump in the election.


I think we have all become so accustomed to the government and politicians lying to us, under the guise of it being for our own good, that no one seems to care anymore. In fact if it falls under ones political pervue, most likely you will take part in justifying those lies as being good so that whatever boogie man your particular group has erected doesn't sneak in and kill you all.

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More on Blumenthal


Libyan Oil, Gold, and Qaddafi: The Strange Email Sidney Blumenthal Sent Hillary Clinton In 2011


Two weeks after France began bombing Libya, in March, 2011, Hillary Clinton's old friend and advisor Sidney Blumenthal passed her an intelligence memo that supposedly revealed France's true — and quite unflattering— motivations for toppling Libyan dictator Muammar Qaddafi. While France's then-President Nicolas Sarkozy publicly said he wished to free the Libyan people from tyranny, Blumenthal's memo argues that he was driven by a cocktail of less lofty incentives, including a desire for Libyan oil, and a fear that Qaddafi secretly planned to use his vast supply of gold to displace France's primacy in the region.


Edit for more Blumenthal




Asher said Friday and repeated on Monday that Blumenthal did spread the story to him, and that he assigned a reporter to check it out. Blumenthal, who did not have a formal role in the campaign in 2008, denies Asher’s account.


Shashank Bengali, who was the McClatchy bureau chief in Nairobi in 2008, confirmed Monday that Asher asked him to look into Obama’s background.


He said he did report on several tips as well as the false rumor that Obama was born there, and not in Hawaii. Candidates for president must be native born.


“Jim asked me to look into Obama’s ties to Kenya and sent a number of tips to check out and one of the things I looked into was the unfounded rumor that Obama was born in Kenya,” Bengali said, speaking from Afghanistan where he was on assignment for the Los Angeles Times, where he now works. “I don’t have any specific knowledge where that tip would have come from. Jim’s instructions were just to look at everything.”


McClatchy has not been able to reach Blumenthal for comment. He worked for both President Bill Clinton and more recently for the Clintons’ charitable foundation.

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I loath Ted Cruz but Im glad hes fighting this




Ted Cruz and other Republicans are barreling toward a September showdown with the White House over its plan to give up oversight of the internet, as the Obama administration tries to rally support from the tech and telecom industries.


GOP lawmakers have long warned that the administration's plan to relinquish its authority over ICANN, the global nonprofit that manages the internet's domain name system, could give authoritarian countries like China and Russia an opening to make an online power grab. Now, as the actual date of the transition approaches — Oct. 1 — Republicans are looking at throwing up new obstacles.

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Media Gonna Media


CNN added the word "racial" to Donald Trump's Monday comments on terrorism and immigration, and is running headlines reporting that the GOP nominee is advocating "racial profiling".


But a review of the transcript of Trump's comments to Fox News that CNN quoted, however, shows that Trump never put the word "racial" in front of “profiling.”

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QUOTE (DrunkBomber @ Sep 19, 2016 -> 10:50 PM)
Media Gonna Media


CNN added the word "racial" to Donald Trump's Monday comments on terrorism and immigration, and is running headlines reporting that the GOP nominee is advocating "racial profiling".


But a review of the transcript of Trump's comments to Fox News that CNN quoted, however, shows that Trump never put the word "racial" in front of “profiling.”


Well you are right, racial doesnt necessary mean religious, so I think he probably meant race and religion, maybe even nationality. Damn that CNN for making it sound better than it was and limiting profiling just to race.


/shakes fist in anger


Can we just be honest. If you are "profiling" for terrorists, what is the profile? Is it going to be age? Is it going to be gender? Or is it going to be race, nationality and religion. Trump is saying be more like Israel, well that is how Israel does it.





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lol what does that picture have to do with this? The media shouldnt add words into a statement in an attempt to influence the election. If this was an isolated incident it wouldnt be a big deal. But its pretty pathetic that it has happened numerous times because Hillary is struggling.



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Allegedly the gap is closing and Trump today has a chance. I wonder if he'll blow it in the debates? It's a hard call if u are Trump. If you attack Hillary mercilessly you could be seen as a bully. If I were Trump, I think I'd try to be as polite as possible. First of all what does he call her? Hillary? Madaam Secretary (of State)? Gov. Clinton?

I think I'd always be polite and say, "With all due respect, people cannot trust you. With all due respect, people see you as a liar because of things you've said. With all due respect, you would be a disaster dealing with Putin and China."


I think people will be turned off if he just screams, "Crooked Hillary" at her. Yet she kind of ate polite Bernie alive. Can she do the same to Trump? Bernie cost himself the nomination when he backed her on the email thing.

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QUOTE (bmags @ Sep 19, 2016 -> 01:23 PM)
Out of curiosity, not going to actually use someones kid, but - let's be hypothetical parents.


You are called to principals office

Your teenage son/daughter has been spending the entire year spreading rumors and encouraging other kids to bully the class president saying that the president had done something juvenile, let's say peed his pants.


Most of the kids at the school know the story was fake, but your son kept encourging people to use it against the student president because it hurt the president and made him/her feel powerful.


When confronted, your son/daughter said it wasn't their fault and that the rumor actually started with the presiden'ts brother. The brother may have joked about it once but then told everyone it wasn't true and never brought it up again.


How would we all handle this. Because this analogy is actually more critical of clinton than can really be claimed.

It is this example for why I am embarassed about the message we are sending to the young and impressionable children of our generation as it relates to this election. The manner / lack of civility that people are showing one another in this process and the way people are trying to get elected is just deplorable and sets the stage for people thinking this is okay (and yes, I understand it is each parents job to instill quality morals, etc, but man, if you can't look at the president of the US and say that they exhibit fine behaviors, then that is a really bad thing, imo).


I don't agree with Obama, but I certainly don't have an issue to how he holds himself up in the public eye and I would be perfectly fine if my kids looked at him as an example of a mentor, etc, for how to speak / treat others, etc. I would have a problem if it was Trump and to be frank, while to a lesser extent (purely on this ground), issues with the other side as well.

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QUOTE (raBBit @ Sep 19, 2016 -> 05:10 PM)
Oh no, he stole Obama's "Americanness" I am sure Obama lost sleep over it and was really hurt.


Trump said the stuff about Obama being born in Kenya (which isn't racist btw, it's just factually incorrect) and has since reneged on it. Just like HRC didn't support gay marriage for over a decade and then flipped the switch in 2013. I don't see you calling her a homophobe or claiming she stole millions of Americans' "Americanness."



Key point.


Deliberately lying with a racist veneer to take advantage of visceral hatred of the president by a minority of Americans versus maintaining a position that was in alignment with the majority of the country at the time...and her religious beliefs.


You can argue all you want that some Democrats only jumped on the LGBT train when it was too late, but that's politics for you. It's one of the main reasons Obama won in 2008, he was courageous enough to take an early stand against the Iraq War.


Clinton is a politician, and she waffles when it's politically expedient...shifting with the wind and pollsters (see TPT deal or NAFTA.) That said, you can't remotely compare the two, or you're going to end up with every single Republican looking even more intolerant, unless you're going to take the Pence position here that your personal opposition still resides in moral/Biblical grounding and will never waver, no matter what.

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QUOTE (caulfield12 @ Sep 20, 2016 -> 06:17 PM)
Deliberately lying with a racist veneer to take advantage of visceral hatred of the president by a minority of Americans versus maintaining a position that was in alignment with the majority of the country at the time...and her religious beliefs.


You can argue all you want that some Democrats only jumped on the LGBT train when it was too late, but that's politics for you. It's one of the main reasons Obama won in 2008, he was courageous enough to take an early stand against the Iraq War.


Clinton is a politician, and she waffles when it's politically expedient...shifting with the wind and pollsters (see TPT deal or NAFTA.) That said, you can't remotely compare the two, or you're going to end up with every single Republican looking even more intolerant, unless you're going to take the Pence position here that your personal opposition still resides in moral/Biblical grounding and will never waver, no matter what.


This is what I mean about making excuses for it...

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QUOTE (Chisoxfn @ Sep 20, 2016 -> 10:52 PM)
It is this example for why I am embarassed about the message we are sending to the young and impressionable children of our generation as it relates to this election. The manner / lack of civility that people are showing one another in this process and the way people are trying to get elected is just deplorable and sets the stage for people thinking this is okay (and yes, I understand it is each parents job to instill quality morals, etc, but man, if you can't look at the president of the US and say that they exhibit fine behaviors, then that is a really bad thing, imo).


I don't agree with Obama, but I certainly don't have an issue to how he holds himself up in the public eye and I would be perfectly fine if my kids looked at him as an example of a mentor, etc, for how to speak / treat others, etc. I would have a problem if it was Trump and to be frank, while to a lesser extent (purely on this ground), issues with the other side as well.

I don't think you have to worry about sending any messages to children. The Millenials have proven that parents are doing such a poor job of raising kids that they don't want to work, they are lazy and all the other things people say about Millenials. No need to worry about children. They have no chance cause since American adults certainly have proven they don't know how to raise kids. Participation trophies; coddling them, screaming at teachers who give Johnny and Julie a B instead of A, on and on.

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QUOTE (greg775 @ Sep 20, 2016 -> 09:42 PM)
I don't think you have to worry about sending any messages to children. The Millenials have proven that parents are doing such a poor job of raising kids that they don't want to work, they are lazy and all the other things people say about Millenials. No need to worry about children. They have no chance cause since American adults certainly have proven they don't know how to raise kids. Participation trophies; coddling them, screaming at teachers who give Johnny and Julie a B instead of A, on and on.



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