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Everything posted by Sarava

  1. I'm not sure what the motive of Nightengale's tweet was last night. It didn't feel like a plant for any side, and it lacked substance. It was weird. But whatever. Let's hope today is the day the Sox sign Manny.
  2. What we need to end this are wetbutt and katyperrysbootyhole. They trump any of the source that have been mentioned above
  3. Yeah I'm cool with Nightengale. People act like he's this total hack (like Bruce Levine for example).
  4. It will be interesting which Hansen shows up this coming season.
  5. I thought they resolved that, but honestly I don't follow NL teams all that closely,. so I'll let someone else answer that. And as for time running short for owners. He seems healthy and all, but Reinsdorf does turn 83 next month. He's already playing with house money at that age. I really hope he doesn't let this one slip through their fingers. It's literally now or never for him with the Sox.
  6. Everything relating to Manny will be news until he signs somewhere.
  7. The Nationals owner Ted Lerner has been cheap in the past, tying the hands of their GM Rizzo with payroll constraints. Yet there was a whisper, what last week...where he wants to go for it since he is old and knows his time is getting short.
  8. You hit on what I was thinking. That he just doesn't have the situation he wants here. He probably wants the yankees, but they aren't offering the cash. The teams that are offering the cash probably aren't his ideal landing spots. Thus everyone waits.
  9. I guess what my thoughts are, is that there have been reports that he was going to sign in the last week. People in the known kept hinting at that. But he isn't signing. That makes me wonder if he just doesn't want to be here? Why can he not make a decision over these last 2 months?
  10. My gut feeling right now (which has changed about 45 times over the past 6 weeks) is that the Phillies sign both whales, and that they will be announced simultaneously.
  11. They could for sure. But when the moves were made, they mostly looked good. Garpax dont do anything that looks good on the surface
  12. I think his point was that the Sox seemingly have a bright future, where the Bulls ado not.
  13. That's a big offer. But I wouldn't be so sure that they wouldn't still go hard after Manny as well.
  14. It's crazy how long this keeps dragging on.
  15. Eh, he tagged in in 30 more replies after she blocked him. You don't think that's bad? He sounds like a creepy stalker.
  16. I'd hope so. Because if they did this without Manny knowing. It could either make him happy, or come as kind of creepy/weird.
  17. The point is he'd be keeping the seat warm until guys like Rutherford, Robert, Gonzalez, etc,. come and take the spot from him. I mean, you dont give up on the playoffs by any stretch, but this team needs a lot more than Manny Machado to make the playoffs. And as we can see, they haven't been making strides towards filling those holes just yet.
  18. Yeah I'm fine with bringing Avi back if we land Machado. He's probably better than some of the other cheap options.
  19. I find myself cautiously optimistic about the chances for Manny Machado. Maybe 50/50 at this point? I'll be doing cartwheels if they sign him. The Bryce Harper stuff I'm not buying. Early on we were hearing about the Sox not liking their chances. It looked for a whole like he was heading to LA. But that hasn't happened yet. My guess is - the Dodgers saw they were the only bidding team that he wanted to play for and lowballed an offer to him. So Boras and Harper naturally get frustrated, and they decide to circle back to the Sox, Phillies and even the Nationals to stir up the pot and hopefully raise the offers. I still think this is all about prying as many $$$ from the Dodgers as possible and that Harper doesn't want to play here. I get a vibe he wants to be in the middle of all the action. Play in the spotlight and hopefully win a World Series. Signing with a team that lost 100 games last year and had the 6th lowest attendance in baseball doesn't exactly fit that profile.
  20. Oh this is great. We have a rumor where the source is named after a Nazi general from WWII.
  21. I don't see this excess in pitching? IMO the Sox need more young arms, not less. And for what it's worth, I'm not a fan of Jonathan India. I'd rather thew Sox stay away from him.
  22. Today would be a good day for Manny Machado to shock the country and all the rumors and announce he is signing with the Chicago White Sox.
  23. Over the last 3-4 decades at least, the Sox have had a smaller core fanbase than the Cubs - and are dependent on bandwagon fans when they play well. It just is what it is. That doesn't make us diehards any lesser fans than Cuib fan diehards. There's just less of us. But for eroding fanbase? Nah. The Sox last year still outdrew the 1998 and 1999 seasons. for your 2012 example, you're ignoring that with Sox fans at least, fans show up a year after success. 2006, 2007 and 2008 all outdrew attendance in 2005. In your 2012 example, they never gave themselves a chance for spillover attendance, because of the late season collapse.
  24. I was going to express disappointment in the Sox letting yet another player sign elsewhere. But if he seriously got 7 guaranteed years - then enjoy him Seattle!
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