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Everything posted by TheBooneLoganEra

  1. I think our offense will be fine. I think our starting pitching will be mostly fine. I'm not worried about Kopech I think he comes around. But there are only 2 maybe 3 arms in the pen that instill any confidence and that's a large problem. And post cancer treatment Hendricks should not be considered a sure thing. It'll take time to rebuild strength. But you know the company line will be, "Liam will be back soon and we'll be fine." There is always at least one area Hahn fails to address and it always comes back to bite him. He learns nothing.
  2. Kopech was trash today too. But bullpen was equally atrocious all weekend as our starters pitched brilliantly. The bullpen is expensive trash.
  3. Fire up this thread today! This bullpen is trash.
  4. Where is Bummer? Did I miss something or did we use him Thursday and that's it? There have been quite a few high leverage situations where a lefty specialist should've been utilized.
  5. That was a nice baseball game to watch. Sox lose that game last year. Build on it tomorrow.
  6. Nice looking lineup. I like Vaughn hitting 3 with Eloy behind him. Vs a righty swap Tendi or Yoan into the 2 hole and include Colas and we'll have a nice, hopefully consistent lineup.
  7. Personally I'd like to hear from the "release him immediately" crowd...
  8. Ha....it took a lot longer than I expected it to today for someone to throw a garbage race argument out there.
  9. He's not blocking anyone. Neither Romy nor Sosa are ready to be everyday starters. This acquisition allows them to be eased in. You could argue this does them a service by allowing them to further develop without the pressure of performing at a high level immediately. And good clubhouse guy is generally someone with good character who plays the game hard/smart. This signing is a good thing. It's okay to have good things sometimes.
  10. Based on the back and forth of the involved parties here this appears to be nothing more than a white trash custody battle playing out in the public. With mlb not taking any action since opening an investigation back in June it's likely they were gonna drop it and then it was leaked to social media to prevent that. Unless something else major comes out to substantiate, its a waste of time to continue discussing it, imo. And yes the scorecwas highly irresponsible with that interview. If she truly ends up a victim in all of this they've opened her up to litigation with any statements she made that can be picked apart by an attorney. I'm shocked they aired that.
  11. Never would've been but at least it'd be out of the way. They've handled it poorly all the way around.
  12. This all makes me so excited for 2023. Maybe if they'd had soxfest they could've had these pressers there rather than a dark cloud first day of spring training.
  13. It puts the home team at an immediate disadvantage. The road team gets to hit with a tie score and generally, less pressure in the top half of the inning. Whereas in most instances, the home team will be playing for a tie, and a more pressure filled half inning. There have been some quality baseball games I've watched where when this rule takes effect the whole tone of the game changes. Well pitched or defensively sound games go sideways and it detracts from the games integrity. There are many downsides if you choose to examine it.
  14. He'll arrive at spring training. There will be a barrage of reporters and questions. He'll deny accusations and the white sox will remain quiet as they both hope it's eventually forgotten.
  15. Lol lot of internet legal experts popping up. Bottom line is often times you could catch the criminal act on camera as it's being committed and see the case tossed. Especially here in Cook County. So yes, the victim taking her own photos rather than an evidence technician while filing a report makes it highly circumstantial and lacking of credibility. Like it or not. I believe it. Dude seems like a shitbag. But the burden of proof is high and a lot of players get investigated for a lot of things that go nowhere. Ideally Sox would've caught this beforehand and not signed him but they didnt. If he's guilty I hope he gets what he deserves but it'll be an uphill battle for the victim.
  16. Circumstantial evidence and hearsay will rarely do the job no matter how much you want them to. Not saying he's not trash but I still think he ends up pitching and management is hoping this will all fade away.
  17. Took me all of 5 minutes yesterday to find enough questionable material to make this signing egregious on its face. Let the investigation play out so as not to be a pitch fork mob. But all indications are this is a bad dude.
  18. What I implied was they'd fire him privately but publicly allow him to "step down" in order to shield his reputation. Sorry I thought that was clear.
  19. I'll agree to disagree. I have a feeling he'll be axed and I think maybe this Clevinger situation will accelerate it. Kenny has a job for life if he wants it. Most likely is Hahn "steps down" which allows him to save face. Similar to Robin.
  20. I think you'd be hard pressed to find a worse General Manager. Certainly in White Sox history, but even throughout the game he has to be up there.
  21. I'm absolutely in agreement that full investigations need to take place in these instances to condemn a person. But just a little bit of digging through the internet and this looks like a horrible miss on the part of the White Sox. There have been signs that this is semi-regular behavior for this dude and even the smallest amount of vetting probably would've indicated this was a bad idea. Personally, i dont think Hahn walks out of 2023 as the White Sox GM. But the sooner the better.
  22. Wil Cordero? I know he was a piece of shitbwe signed and nobody seemed to care at the time
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