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Chick Mercedes

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Everything posted by Chick Mercedes

  1. If the Sox do win, it’ll still be another game one guy had every RBI. The streak can still live!
  2. Just came back home to see. We’ve gone from one guy each day having all the RBI, to…nobody
  3. Trade all our bad broke down players for good players
  4. Obi Hahn’s failure…is complete
  5. Tony may be interested to learn that the flag wasn't created for the military.
  6. Ryan Poles has the right idea. Guys that get hurt, he basically doesn’t even consider in his acquisitions. Ogunchobi was a mistake he quickly dismissed, but I am sure Poles wouldn’t have signed him if he already knew about the problem. Draft picks have to have good xrays and history.
  7. Yeah that’s the sad part. Making the playoffs is one thing. A World Series team they are not. 2005 was a fluke, the competition out there seems too good to expect this group to compete over multiple series in the post season.
  8. I see them as finishing with less than 90 wins. 10 games above .500 best case scenario. Whatever that gets them.
  9. A new era of accountability after the Gas Can Kuechel news? But Harrison is batting one eighty nothing. So that can’t be it. All bets are off. The FO has to Tonyproof the lineup. But we know this. Moncada could be hurt. But lets not act like it’s impossible he might not be hurt.
  10. Rejoicing is not the word I would use. Relief. Relief that someone took the shovel out of the guy’s hand that was digging furiously at the bottom of the hole in the front yard. And beat that guy over the head with it. And, we are relieved the hole in the front yard stopped getting deeper.
  11. I can’t help but say that yes, there are other options than trotting DK out there every 5th game as has been weirdly argued. Such as, not trotting him out there.
  12. They know how to tear down a team and gain assets. As far as guiding it back in deliberate directions through the building back up phase in real time, not so much. Its like they built a car with no steering wheel, no driver, and put in in drive. And no, Larussa is not a driver. Its way above his pay grade.
  13. HHHhhhhhhhhh. What about the pride of the White Sox? This is not a serious team that trots out Gas Can Kuechel and the nonsense at second base. They. Are. Not. Serious.
  14. Trista Krick says bet the Tigers opponent to beat the books
  15. My pick to click tomorrow on who will have all the Sox RBIs….YOAN MONCADA.
  16. Unfortunately he’s not the only one that thinks we should keep pitching DK. I wish he was the only one, then I could claim a grip on my sanity.
  17. So are we sticking to the narrative Sox have nowhere to go but Kuechel? I have a suggestion where he can go though?
  18. And we were told the Sox MUST keep pitching Kuechel because he’s the best we can do. Please.
  19. Yoan is the extreme the other way. Nobody suggested that either. To a large extent, players do need to earn the room from fans to be the class clown type. Yolmer was insane, but it wears thin unless guys produce. It doesn’t need to be made out to be more than it is whichever way you feel. However some fans are gonna get annoyed. Just how it is.
  20. He basically says Tim took it wrong, and based on prior exchanges, he put the blame for the “misunderstanding “ on Tim. I think I have that right. But NOW, its all good, he straightened Tim out.
  21. I don’t think people are annoyed for any other reason than he hasn’t been productive or available. All that other stuff is fine when first you do your job.
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