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Everything posted by JoeC

  1. To paraphrase a co-worker, "the dumpster fire is contained to a dull roar."
  2. "Mr. Chairman, they're chanting 'put-out! put-out!' They must really like the defensive effort."
  3. Yeah. Just funny given the timing… and one of those “because of course” things
  4. Maybe Grifol is smart enough to know that he and his staff will f*** up the kids' development and give them bad habits that will ruin their careers, so he is brilliantly shielding them from his and his staff's incompetence. Next level genius.
  5. Is Passing on Abreu something this board is doing? Also, I think the grip with the Rodon situation is that we had a chance to come away with a comp pick, but inexplicably walked away from that opportunity.
  6. Meh. Not sure why people are upset over this type of move.
  7. If he were ever on the hot seat, I'd agree with you. We all know he's never been on the hot seat.
  8. and the mutual understanding from the Cleveland player like, "yeah - that's smart." Surely a veteran move honed through years of bullshit in the minors.
  9. The bit about Remillard's glove got me.
  10. If batting gloves can do all that in a fist fight, imagine what Mosies Alou’s urine could do for you.
  11. Mods, i hereby once again formally request a “crying because this is true and it hurts” reaction.
  12. I'm generally less old school than you, I think, but in this case, the team could use something like that... an authoritarian, heavy-handed brand of leadership. Even if it means just bringing the team together only to hate their "leader," sometimes a team is so dysfunctional that that's your only hope.
  13. This random-ass Yankees redditor has demonstrated more knowledge of our roster than I am capable of showing.
  14. For context, this is on the SoxFest 2024 page currently.
  15. This is bad. the rookie pitcher couldn’t have learned the mid-game nap from TLR, further indicating that this rests with Pedro or higher.
  16. I wouldn't say Anderson started it, but he certainly willingly escalated it.
  17. Yeah realized it came off as cocky. Was meant to show I at least understand some modicum of hockey fighting culture.
  18. (I should also mention I've been involved in hockey for 35 years, playing and coaching up through the NCAA level)
  19. Personally i'm waiting for a bullpen brawl. I love how guys can peacefully saunter down side-by-side from the outfield wall together, then push and shove once they get to the infield. One of these days I'm just waiting for a melee in the bullpen.
  20. The equivalent action in hockey of "stand your ground" would have been to stay in his face and shove each other. To square up with a guy when you clearly have no idea what you're doing just makes you look like an idiot who is feeding the other team's confidence. If you're going to answer the bell and square up, at least know what the hell you're doing. Would he be lauded in hockey for what he did? On some teams, maybe. But he showed enough ineptitude in fighting (just look at his stance and hands as he squares up) to clearly show he's not qualified... and, as you should know, it's not just about winning or losing the fight... but if you get embarrassed in a fight, it's worse than backing down.
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