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Everything posted by bmags

  1. one man's inefficiency is another mans job: http://yglesias.thinkprogress.org/archives...er-mans-job.php
  2. QUOTE (Thunderbolt @ Feb 22, 2010 -> 10:22 PM) Can the boy in question add any defensive versatility to the DH position? no but his father works for balco
  3. Have we considered befriending an adolescent boy whose father told him he would return if the white sox won the pennant to be some sort of club house consultant? It may yield some benefits.
  4. QUOTE (BigSqwert @ Feb 22, 2010 -> 05:25 PM) Are you sure? it was so funny i started to hit my coworker with an lol sign over the head
  5. Extrapolating is just not a very good idea to base your projections on. If we extrapolated Jermaine dyes season last year after the all star break he would've been going for a 40 HR season. I mean, extrapolating Beckhams #s for a full season I feel is a lot more reasonable than doing it for a 33 year old injury plagued outfielder who has sucked for 3 years now.
  6. This episode has little to do with it. The Goldstone report was the major factor. It was something that got a little bit of play on the blogs here, but it was a major revelation in other countries.
  7. what kind of shape is rios in? Surely that will tell us.
  8. so happy to hear we won. Hell of a winter olympics for ze U. S . Ahhh so far
  9. QUOTE (Balta1701 @ Feb 22, 2010 -> 02:30 AM) A CF with a bad attitude? If he doesn't turn that around quick, he'll never, ever, ever play. plz tell me he isn't communist
  10. I really don't think dye deserves 4 million or will get it.
  11. If Andruw Jones was playing on the Royals right now I wonder how people would feel about the possibility of a good season for him.
  12. maybe MLB will add a fitness competition that can snag us a few more wins.
  13. there's also a trend of people less wanting to acquiesce to it.
  14. QUOTE (WCSox @ Feb 20, 2010 -> 07:44 PM) Yes, I understand your silly analogy. Ironically, we "got here" by following your own strategy of "spend as much as needed on free agents, so there aren't any holes in the lineup." And for some reason, you insist on incessantly whining about how the team got here when that ship sailed years ago and there isn't a thing that anybody can do about it right now. Freaking get over it. You sound like a 10-year-old who is still complaining about not seeing a Wii under the Christmas tree back in December. This was never my position. DH was the ideal position to fill via free agency because of the depressed salaries it was commanding. As far as criticizing an executive for, imo, making a really shortsighted commitment that will cost them games, sorry. I guess I should just result to insulting posters and trying to convince everyone that putting two horrible baseball players at a position, and relying on a great rotation to overcome what is likely to be one of the worst offenses in the AL, are REALLY great ideas. Because...we're on a budget
  15. QUOTE (WCSox @ Feb 20, 2010 -> 07:06 PM) That's an interesting retort... and pretty much par for the course from somebody who can't intelligently defend his position. If you can't handle the fact that the Sox can't buy their way into the playoffs every year via free agency, maybe you need to become a Yankees fan or something. I don't think the point could've gone further over your head. So let me be blunt: I know we are on a budget. I'm not asking that we don't work on a budget. I'm asking that we spend our resources more wisely, so that we can fill a position that is typically cheap, while still offensively productive. The analogy, of course, is saying that you are looking at the very end point, and crying budget. And refusing criticism because you are only looking at this point. I don't like the position we are in, and I'm complaining about the position and how we got here.
  16. QUOTE (WCSox @ Feb 20, 2010 -> 06:09 PM) Again, you're ignoring the basic concept of operating within a budget. No, again, I'm not, so you need to get over it. If I went to the store to shop for a big birthday party and had $100. And then spent $60 on some real nice ingredients for a great cake. s*** is gonna be a Texas Red velvet cake, will be comparable to any cake any one else could make that day and birthdays are MADE on that cake, and then spent 15 dollars on some nice potato chips, some on some candles, some tomatoes, buns, mustard... and then all the sudden realize I only have $2 left for the hamburger meat! s***! You don't say, "wellp, I was working on a budget, NBD" and have it be a legitimate excuse. And it turns out, a 10 lb package of ground chuck was on sale for $5. But hey, you were working on a budget, nothin you can do. Hey, sorry Insurance company, I'm workin on a budget and I spent the $30 on body shots last night, but it's okay man, I'm on a budget, you don't understand, you're operating in a video game mr. insurance man, if my budget was 500 and i spent it on other things, you have no right to claim that I owe you that money, mr. fantasyland.
  17. I think Phegley needs a good offensive year before we begin to expect anything of him at the ML level.
  18. It would be really great if Flowers bat becomes undeniable this year.
  19. You would think so, but that wouldn't explain putting two vomit level players at DH when your offense is already below average.
  20. That entire first paragraph had nothing to do with anything I'm talking about. If after the 2005 world series when revenues went up, we said increased our budget by that much in the draft, consistently, then we would be in much, much better shape. That's probably even more than we need. And you know what, I don't give a damn about having the pitching staff that we do if it doesn't make the playoffs. I don't really have any positive feelings about 03. It's one thing to have a great ball club that hits a wall in the playoffs. It's an entirely different thing to have a really great pitching staff that can't get one of the 1-2 open spots in a 5 club division, especially one of the weaker ones.
  21. at the very least, we learned through this debacle (as emmitt smith says, we got debacled) that the unknown twitter source is, in fact, not reliable. And we slowly widdle away.
  22. QUOTE (ptatc @ Feb 20, 2010 -> 03:53 AM) Screw the video game crap KW is working in the real world with a real budget. You cannot feasibly put the best players at each position. If you do this you will be just average with average players at each position. When you must adhere to a budget you need to pick and choose where to spend your money. KW chose to spend his money on the pitching. The group of players you mention except for Damon are DHs. The Sox want to go with pitching and defense because that is where they spent their money to be very good in one aspect of the game. THey do not want more one dimensional DH players. They are not focusing on offensive only players. He said "best players you can" And a big problem here is that we have not been able to develop league average players to plug into positions so you aren't paying big major league deals at so many offensive positions when you are on a budget. Only beckham and Quentin qualify as such. While this isn't a problem specific to this offseason, it just shows that allocating 5 million more in the draft can save millions more on the major league roster. And so we hope that these players in the minors are actually talented enough to plug into those holes in the future so we can afford to keep our quentin's and beckhams.
  23. QUOTE (WCSox @ Feb 20, 2010 -> 02:28 AM) Neither will the Sox if they don't start winning. If they put up two more .500-ish seasons with $100M payrolls, Kenny very well may pull the plug and deal Peavy, Rios, etc. and start over with the pieces that he gets in return. When the Twins are consistently kicking your ass with 2/3 of the payroll, it's time to rethink your strategy. This is my point, yes. Thanks.
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