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Everything posted by bmags

  1. more proof that he wasn't born in the U.S.
  2. If they wanted to take over you and your property, I'd fully support it. I truly hate how they could have extended unemployment benefits, that truly must have hurt you and yours. And since they SO WANTED SOOOO BADLY to take over the health care system, the bill proposed pushes 30 million new customers on to them as long as they don't deny. But that doesn't matter kap, everything is equal. If the dems want to (SHOCK!) raise taxes to help raise for the programs the country wants (Medicare, Medicaid) and the the country needs (War Funding) = taking over your property. You really think they won't sell off their interest in GM any taken over company as soon as they can? No you don't. But hey, work hard for those great republicans to go cut taxes and raise defense spending and don't do anything else (except maybe anything the christian base finds immoral). That will solve soooo many problems.
  3. http://www.thenewestdeal.org/2010/02/iranian-hulk.html
  4. I thought Anderson was dead in the water after my junior year. We were having so many damn off the court problems and stefhon hannah left (ha!), and then we have an elite 8 birth and I love our program again. You forget you need time to eliminate the coked out snyder program. THAT SAID yah you need to change coaches or schedule a powder puff pre-conference schedule just to look like you win more.
  5. QUOTE (NorthSideSox72 @ Feb 10, 2010 -> 07:30 PM) JIMB was right about both parties being all about power and not governing, though. This is just kind of a throwaway statement. The point is about one party not really care about governing, is when the republicans had their turn at a health care initiative, they passed medicare part D, a COMPLETELy unfunded bill to gain favor with old people. Now the dems take on a bill that will provide for 30 million, though many in southern states that refuse to acknowledge how federally subsidized they are, and they not only take on the trying to provide health insurance, but made cuts in medicare to make it a bill to bend the cost curve. And meanwhile? The repubs offer a bill with the soundbites "COSTS LESS" but does nothing, say that the other bill is full of death panels and other outrageous s***...and what is their platform right now? Tax cuts. Cutting discretionary spending. Torture. i.e. elect us, we won't make you think.
  6. QUOTE (southsider2k5 @ Feb 10, 2010 -> 10:47 PM) In order for this to really happen, the military has to lose belief in the clerics. Has there been any signs of that actually happening? Its either that or someone like the CIA has to give massive amounts of support to very specific people in Iran, and I just can't see that happening right now. The point is not will there be a coup de tat tomorrow The point is will there still be huge protests despite the major crackdown that is occurring. And if high death tolls accumulate of civilians, and people STILL in the coming months proceed with this movement, then we'll see.
  7. internet has apparently slow to terrible for a week there. I don't know if videos/tweets will get out like they have on previous days, but I'll start a thread soon for all the developments. A lot of brave YOUNG people are putting their lives at risk for the hope that the future generations have a democratic Iran (And I think as a secular democracy, Iran would be the most effective and vibrant in the ME) BUt tomorrow will also show whether brutal oppression will win out the way it did in China. I don't believe the hangings did anything to really deter the green movement, but pro-gov't militias will be doing very devious s*** tomorrow. I have to wonder what Mousavi will do tomorrow. With his nephew being killed, if he continues to try and not be too much of an agitator, or if he really stands up tomorrow. This is just another step in a long process, but I hope this is the beginning of bringing the tyrants to their knees, and not the beginning of another example of how to crush insurrection.
  8. Just a reminder that a lot of s*** is about to go down soon in Iran. Feb. 11th.
  9. also balta, you are confusing wanting to be in power with wanting to be in power and govern. Republicans aren't interested in governing, they are interested in elections, putting all their friends from evangelical colleges with no experience into important positions, and then using a bunch of terse, inciteful rhetoric. And start wars. They love imperialism. That's why you had a FEMA unprepared for it's purpose, a dept. of the interior more concerned with doing blow and having blow-sex, and EPA heads who just thought it was LOL-funny.
  10. Is he a white southern american? Than not only is he the most christiany christian that ever christened christ's country (America), he's also the most american american to ever 'merican up the world (also america)
  11. QUOTE (SleepyWhiteSox @ Feb 10, 2010 -> 07:01 AM) Yup. Hank Rearden annoyed me too. Anyways, I'll go with Travis in Taxi Driver too. One of my favorite movies. Was kinda thinking of another one of my favorite movies, One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest, but I dunno if it fits and, sadly, I haven't read the novel... the fact that Rand couldn't even make her protagonists anything but insufferable says a lot more about her than the world she's dictating to.
  12. Those didn't seem to be the worst super bowl commercials ever. It more just seemed like "10 super bowl commercials I remember and will create comments to try and fit my title"
  13. the person i was most excited to get was widger but apparenntly nobody ever forgot the widge
  14. (http://bit.ly/aXSL5q) That's a guardian article about the lack of politics in "blog-rock" (in other words "I couldn't describe it so I came up with a really condescending genre name to get more page views") I think it's fairly silly, and short sighted one what qualifies as political. I suppose he TOTALLY supports that fantastic black eyed peas song about obama, huh?
  15. QUOTE (Rex Kicka** @ Feb 9, 2010 -> 07:54 PM) http://washingtontimes.com/news/2010/feb/0...n-seeking-cash/ Whod'a thought interesting journalism coming from the Moonies at the Washington Times? Since the mooneys have been in crazy divorce mode there's actually been some strangely good stuff coming out. There WERE good journalists at WT, but the editors clearly made the theme.
  16. Kim English is having a hell of a season as a sophomore. 9 20+ pt. games already.
  17. I unno, it's hard for me to call Snape ambiguous he showed altruism constantly and never seemed to personally have a moral failing. Being a death eater might have merely, and likely, been out of self preservation. And that self preservation led to the saving of the boy who killed the dark wizard.
  18. QUOTE (Dick Allen @ Feb 9, 2010 -> 03:19 AM) They only won 8 times last year scoring less than 4 runs. Holy s***.
  19. Did we read the same book? Where he was always working with dumbledore out of love for HPs Mamai, and then protects the boy throughout his entire life? Was it ever written expressly that he killed for Voldemort? I don't remember it.
  20. QUOTE (greasywheels121 @ Feb 9, 2010 -> 03:15 AM) Better one: Snape of Harry Potter Isn't it pretty clear by HP7 where he stands?
  21. QUOTE (FlaSoxxJim @ Feb 9, 2010 -> 02:27 AM) The same argument could be made for several of the above, basically all of the archetypal vigilantes. But the ability to rationalize away moral dilemmas to your own satisfaction doesn't mean the rationale carries weight with society at large. The hallmark of these characters as sociopaths is going to be the personal moral relativism that allows them to behave the way they do. But that's why I don't find him to be morally ambiguous. It's pretty clear cut where it would stand based on what you are putting him in.
  22. QUOTE (Milkman delivers @ Feb 9, 2010 -> 02:12 AM) Ooh, that's a very good one. I was going to say Tony Soprano or Dexter Morgan, but both have been added already. Are Dexters morals really ambiguous though? He has a code that he describes in detail.
  23. QUOTE (DukeNukeEm @ Feb 9, 2010 -> 12:48 AM) The Fountainhead is so much better than Atlas Shrugged though. Besides, I hear a lot of senior HS english classes have it in the curriculum (mine didn't). Roark's a pretty likable guy unlike Dagny Taggart or Hank Rearden, I think it'd be a fun exercise. But you have to read all her stupid bulls*** about architecture which comes across as retarded also the sex scenes. Meursault from The Stranger. i don't even know what my argument would be.
  24. QUOTE (StrangeSox @ Feb 8, 2010 -> 06:06 PM) I never understood that. Why can't they put it in neutral, turn off the engine or slam on the brakes (just about any car that isn't a complete POS should be able to out-brake its own engine)? thank you. I was wondering, for sure there is some way to manually f*** off the car. This seems plausible. No parachute needed.
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