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Everything posted by spiderman

  1. Weren't the White Sox in the middle of the pack a few seasons ago in salary? Given the lack of salary commitments, and the flexibility, I don't see this coming into play for a few years. The question I have is if the White Sox want to "fast-track" the rebuild this off-season or wait until the 2020. A lot of these free agents may like the idea of a 4 year deal for huge money if it gives them another shot at free agency - the White Sox, if they really dove in, could offer 2 massive deals this off-season, and not impact future payroll. I sort of expect the White Sox to be only somewhat involved this off-season. It doesn't make sense to sign a 32 year old, but it does to sign a 27 year old if he fits into their long-term plans.
  2. As much as it would be fun to see these kids up here in Chicago, this rebuild hasn't been a net positive in Year 2. F Fulmer sucks; Giolito is not a top of the rotation starter, and likely not a starter on a good team, Moncada shows signs, but is batting .220 and strikes out at an alarming rate....Lopez has fallen off after a strong start. Assuming Rodon finishes the season healthy, they have a huge off-season decision to make on him. If the White Sox go into next season with the same team, add a few stop gaps and plan on calling up a few of these young talents in mid-April, they may be better, but it's probably still a 90 loss team. It's probably fiscally sensible, yet frustrating, to not start the clock on any young players until needed. If the team isn't planning on spending this off-season (probably unlikely, but I wouldn't rule it out to kickstart this rebuild), next year will be the about seeing improvements from young talent.
  3. Clearly too early to write him off, but this is VERY concerning. To date, he's not an impact player. Having tons of potential is great, but is it possible the White Sox got hoodwinked on the best prospect in baseball?
  4. How fast is Madrigal expected to reach the majors and is he SS? I've heard CF mentioned more often for Moncada than 3B, but either way, its a bit concerning that MLB's #1 prospect does not look like a difference maker. It's early though and I'm not giving up on him. Anderson, in my opinion, is not a difference maker and will never be a plus player at SS. I do have an issue with making a Hosmer type investment IF this team isn't ready to contend.
  5. Is Anderson solidifying his spot? Why can't the struggles of their younger players keep them from investing in free agency? I think it should. There's no reason to dive into free agency if the team isn't in position to contend next year (or year after), which is based on the progress of the younger talent. Is Moncada a good player? I'm concerned.
  6. They need to see progress in their young talent this season. Plenty of time for that though. They have been playing better over the last 20 or so games and I expect it to continue with more talent on the way. If they finish the year with optimism around the young core, I fully expect the White Sox to make a major play at one of these free agents. They are going to have very low money on the payroll heading into next season. They could pay either of these guys $30-35 a season and give them another shot at free agency (whatever the free agent would prefer).
  7. Are there any updates on this story or was this an overreaction to news reports that weren't fully vetted? There has been a lot of discussion as to why the White Sox would trade assets for a possible 1 year rental and/or if Machado/White Sox would be willing to come to an agreement on a large deal with other big market teams likely interested next off-season.... Should we expect any Machado news in the near future and/or at all?
  8. QUOTE (Balta1701 @ Dec 4, 2017 -> 10:11 AM) Only about $2 million for each of them. So what will his deal look like, once he signs? Sounds like we're talking a 4 year deal for 8-10 million for the teams that do have money to spend?
  9. QUOTE (soxfan2014 @ Dec 4, 2017 -> 09:54 AM) Cubs are limited to $300k too. 300K? How are the Cubs even a candidate? What can the Mariners or Giants offer?
  10. Do clubs have any financial (other than their own) restrictions on what they can offer him? Does his money could out of the international pool? Is that how the Cubs are able to compete? Wouldn't the White Sox be limited to begin with?
  11. Yep, no shocker. This off-season is about adding any possible reclamation type projects on 1 year deals with the hope of trading them in July. Everything else is about developing/playing the younger talent next year, promoting talent from within, etc. If the team develops enough, then next off-season could be the first year they start to dip into free agency for any holes, but I don't know if they will be looking for any upper echelon free agents still.
  12. QUOTE (KrankinSox @ Oct 16, 2017 -> 10:13 PM) Talk of the MLB expanding to two more cities and realigning their current structure has been circulating online this week. This article proposes some possible changes: http://www.baseballamerica.com/columnists/...CgDpd02WuY1L.97 The main changes would be: - 156 game schedule - Four divisions of eight teams (Sox divsion has Cubs, Brewers, Cardinals, Rockies, Royals, Astros, and Rangers) - 12 playoff teams (Four division winners play winners of four play-in games) Personally, I would be pretty surprised to see the MLB shake things up this much. It's an interesting idea though and does make sense on a lot of levels. Would love to see the Brewers in the Sox division. Cubs vs Sox in a division race would be very interesting to say the least. Thoughts? Strange division alignment with Colorado and two teams from Texas in the same division as the Sox, Cubs, Brewers and Cardinals. I haven't looked closely enough, but I would have thought teams like the Tigers, Twins, Reds, or Indians would be better candidates. I'd love to cut the season back soon, but this isn't enough. Wouldn't a 12 team playoff go far into November (again, not having seen the format), and having that many playoff teams would seem to make the 156 games even less suspenseful. My guess is you'd have some "division" races, but if both teams end up making the playoffs, it wouldn't be that important, and you could end up with a bunch of average/ok teams fighting for the wildcard spots. I think a lot of purists would not like the division races being (potentially) even further minimized. Would the White Sox want to be the in same division as the Cubs? Again, purists, some fans would love/hate that, but would the White Sox support that?
  13. Amazing that some team hasn't grabbed him, at worst case, as a long reliever, 5th starter for down the stretch. Sox would probably give him away if it saved them some minor cost savings over the last month.
  14. QUOTE (Jenksy Cat @ Jul 27, 2017 -> 07:23 PM) Yeah the Sox were in a position I don't really recall any other rebuilding team in: multiple high-end assets (both elite talent + insanely cheap contracts) and completely rebuilt the farm system in Correct, each re-build will be different. Not every team is going to have a top 5 pitcher (Sale), another #2 type starter like Quintana, and a legitimate lead-off hitter in his prime like Adam Eaton. The Cubs used a combination of moves - great trades - acquiring Rizzo and Arrieta, not missing on high draft picks, and then dipping into free agency to add top end starters to their rotation. They were able to trade for Russell so it was really a combination to bring together their core. Ultimately, every team has the same options (trades, drafting, free agency), but it just depends on the current MLB roster when the rebuild begins and how successful a team is with the key moves they make etc. That can either make it a quicker re-build or turn it into a decade's worth of losing.
  15. QUOTE (beautox @ Jul 24, 2017 -> 10:12 AM) That to me is light. I'm not moving Avi unless its a top 50 prospect and an interesting arm or two back end top 100. Hes got two and a 1/3 seasons of control remaining, if he performs comparable to this year next he'll return a similar package next deadline and will have the track record to back it up. That seems to be a ton to give up for a player with a strong 100 games or so (really 80ish). Even with his year, age, and control, I'd be surprised if they got anything more than around a teams 10th best prospect (maybe a teams 10th and 20th). The only thing going for moving him is that teams outside of the contenders could have interest. I'm not sure how a team like Pittsburgh looks in the OF, but they would fit the profile in they need cost control, etc.
  16. Who would be in the market for Melky? He's having a pretty year, but I keep hearing that OF's are not needed by the contending teams, and his defense is not good. If the market is as thin as it's being made out to be, can't see them getting much more than a low level prospect and maybe some minor salary relief.
  17. Sounds like the White Sox made this deal around getting Rutherford. Got rid of Robertson's salary for next season, Frazier had little/no value, and they cashed in on Kahnle. Essentially Kahnle and Robertson for Rutherford. Doesn't sound like the 2 other minor league players offer much value, but Hahn may have so high on Rutherford, this could be a trade for a prospect he wanted vs. a quantity deal.
  18. QUOTE (iamshack @ Jul 18, 2017 -> 10:10 PM) Who the f*** is Tito Polo? Tito Polo is a condition, not a person.
  19. Which prospects do the Yankees have in the top 100? Who are their top 10 prospects? Assuming that Kahnle, Robertson and Frazier are dealt to NYY, what should the White Sox expect to receive back?
  20. Which prospects do the Yankees have in the top 100? Who are their top 10 prospects? Assuming that Kahnle, Robertson and Frazier are dealt to NYY, what should the White Sox expect to receive back?
  21. QUOTE (Dick Allen @ Jul 13, 2017 -> 12:47 PM) If he stays healthy and develops like he should, he probably gets you at least as much as Q. I think though if he shows dominance in the second half, he is gone in the winter, or a deadline guy next year. His years don't match up with the rebuild very well. He'll be pitching too many meaningless games. Just about the time total domination hopefully starts. Boras gets him $200 million. This is how I view it also. I'd be surprised if his name came up in trade rumors this month, but, it would be an outside the box idea for a team like Milwaukee to jump in and take a shot on a young pitcher who hasn't been great, but has shown clear upside. I just don't see him as being a member of the White Sox when they are trying to make a push so a strong 2nd half could set the White Sox up for trade talks this winter. I do agree that he can bring back a strong offer, but I don't think it would be as good as Quintana unless he is crazy good in the 2nd half. I'd like to think they can get at least 1 top 25 prospect and maybe a borderline top 100 if he can finish the season pitching well and healthy, but I think teams will also concerned for the looming free agency, even a few years out. Still, I am surprised that Rodon's name isn't being talked about more as a future trading piece. This could be Hahn's last big hall beyond the draft picks.
  22. They have to have as many top prospects as any other team outside of one or two teams. The question probably is moreso around the quality of depth in the system behind the upper end. Most seem optimistic that the depth is starting to build, but that takes time.
  23. QUOTE (BamaDoc @ Jul 13, 2017 -> 10:47 AM) Nats have had forever to complete a Robertson trade so I don't think it is going to happen. I think they will get someone cheap. I would make a final call and here is my ask and reasoning. Robertson has increased his value by his performance vs this winter and his money owed is less. One player mentioned before is in AA and struggling and we drafted a 3b in the first round so I am taking him out. We liked Luzardo before and he is pitching now so he stays. So....... Robertson for Luzardo LHP, and either 50 value cf Robertson at AAA if we pay half Robertson's 2018 salary or 45 value cf Perkins 20 yr old who is toolsy but at A ball and is putting together an interesting year for little/less money. I'd prefer the best possible talent back, regardless of position, but another IF would be nice to add to the mix!
  24. What is Carlos Rodon's future with the White Sox? How long is he under contract for - when does he become a free agent? Scott Boras is his agent (to my recollection). If accurate, there is a very good chance that he want to test the free agent market and the Sox will be left holding the bag. If the White Sox are 2 years away (maybe even 3) from realistically competing in the majors, even with all of the young talent they are compiling, is Rodon a potential trading chip they could use now (or in the off-season) to add another 2 top prospects? He hasn't been a dominating pitcher, but the upside is there, and a team would get him under contract, etc. for the next few years. Will his name come up in rumors over the next few weeks or Winter or do you expect the White Sox to use Rodon as a potential top of the rotation starter for the next White Sox team that is competitive?
  25. I always thought Melky, even if he doesn't show as a good/great player, would be a solid addition for a team who can use another bat in the lineup. Good contact hitter, seems to be doing much better after a slow start; he won't bring much back, but he can help somebody, especially as a DH (or LF) who can be replaced for defensive purposes.
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