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Everything posted by spiderman

  1. Who is wanting a 75 win team? I think most fans want a 90+ win team, but to get there, incremental progress is going to be needed.
  2. At some point though, there has to be progress on the major league level. They can't be bad forever and/or expect to go from 60 to 90+ wins in one off-season.
  3. It doesn't make sense to sign any long-term deals unless they fit into the future. It's hard to argue that signing M.Brantley at 31 years old fits into the future even if he has 1-2 more productive seasons. Next year could revert more to growth from within though complemented with Nova type acquisitions that could be traded at the deadline. Ultimately, there is no rebuild that will work without major development and next season has to see huge steps from guys like Giolito, Lopez, Jimenez, Moncada, etc. If we're having the same conversation at this time next year about injuries too young players and/or slow development, the White Sox rebuild could be looking more like a 5 year plan, at best.
  4. The Dodgers situation reminds me more of a NBA team unloading contracts to sign the best free agents on the market. The stars probably want to go there (according to at least the perception of the media, etc.) and the Dodgers have enough flexibility to move pieces around, etc. to fit in these monster deals into their payroll.
  5. So far, you're exactly right although one big move can potentially have a domino effect.
  6. I'm not predicting the White Sox are going to sign either one of these two stars, but would any source tell him (from the White Sox organization) that the White Sox are actually optimistic or in the lead for signing them? That would be news if he was quoting White Sox sources as saying they are expected too. In other words, the White Sox may or may not sign Harper/Machado, but the national media expects they're sign with the Yankees, Phillies, Dodgers, or a darkhorse team like the Cubs. Boston would normally be in the mix and teams like Houston/St.Louis probably jump in/out. Teams like the White Sox are never going to be favorites.
  7. Palka and Sanchez are necessary players on a bad team, whether they can be contributing players on a good team is not known yet. The White Sox do have an incredibly low payroll. There is salary cap ceiling that they have to be at. If Hahn doesn't like Davidson or Garcia, even on 1 year deals to bring them back, just to be clear, are you suggesting the White Sox should spend because they have the money or fighting back the suggestion that Palka and Sanchez are better than they really are?
  8. I was referring to the stats vs. left handed hitters (mentioned in this thread): Can you let me know if this is legit? Alex Colome (RHP) vs LHH last season. 119 hitters, 47 Ks, 8 BBs, 2 Barrels allowed.
  9. Is this guy our likely closer in 2018 or a left handed specialist?
  10. If only getting past the Tigers were the primary goal 🙂
  11. Those lunch hour interviews with Bernstein/McKnight became too much. They probably crossed a line when they wanted him to care more about the Addison Russell allegations. 🙂 Not sure why he can't just do both though.
  12. While I agree that's definitely been discussed, he'll also take the most money and then settle in with his new team.
  13. Most believe that it will come down tot he most money, not the best situation or team most likely to win, etc All of the secondary reasons will be given once he eventually signs, but it would be a major surprise if he leaves money on the table.
  14. It's a safe assumption that the White Sox are not going to be seriously thought of as a contender unless they shock everyone with a big signing. At best, they are a team that can drive the price up (at best considering most analysts that I have heard don't believe Reinsdorf would put the money needed to land one of these guys).
  15. There appear to be people in the stands? Not realistic 🙂
  16. Why not both? I keep hearing that they have no payroll, and young players. Why not give each $30 million a season (or whatever the number is)) for 5 years and give them outs after 3 years?
  17. Who is Preller? Why would anyone expect to get something back for a bad starting pitcher who has money left on his remaining contract? Bad thought.
  18. Nobody should be concerned given his struggles? Great thought.
  19. Why not really? Why will he be fine?
  20. A team like St.Louis would make sense for Shield in return for taking on his remaining salary (no prospects). Cardinals can probably use as much down the stretch to keep this moving although I wouldn't trust Shields in the least.
  21. I would expect nothing back, literally nothing except for the savings from his contract.
  22. This guy probably needs an off-season more than anything. Maybe he needs a few days off, but everyone should be concerned about him.
  23. The players you mention have little/no trade value. Rodon does. Big difference between the two. What do you think you're going to get in a trade for Abreu, Avi, Sanchez or Shields? As much as Sox fans may like Abreu, the return will be underwhelming. From your response, you are implying that they have other large pieces. Who? Teams won't be willing to trade significant (or any) value for the players you have mentioned.
  24. What is the level of concern here on Sale's health? Is it more likely that the Red Sox are going to be extremely cautious with him because they are a playoff lock and in major control of the AL East?
  25. Carlos Rodon could be a potential gauge for how the White Sox feel about competing next year (and beyond). They have a 3 year window with him. Within that window, health will be a very large . risk and as the window begins to close, his future with the White Sox will begin to become a focus. If next season is another year of watching young talent develop (or not develop) at the major league level, Rodon's 1st of a 3 year window is probably lost. Realistically, next season, will be the first full year of their bigger prospects, and there's not guarantee that we won't continue to see more Fulmer type development from our top level prospects. Next season, assuming they don't make any any major league free agent splashes, this team is going to struggle. This is going to be a 90 loss team even with some improvement. If the White Sox can land 2 top 100 prospects for Roden, do they move their last large piece? That's going to be very interesting question. My initial guess is that the White Sox are going to keep Rodon, and start getting their top level prospects to the major league roster in early April.
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