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Everything posted by Texsox

  1. I stuffed the ballot for Lugo last year. I thought it would be funny if a guy currently playing in the AL would have been voted a starter on the NL team. Fan voting is so stupid. Hell they allowed votes from Japan last year. AT the minimum, you should have to go to the ballpark and vote. I'd even allow monor league parks to have ballots. But being able to sit at home and just vote for your hometown guys is dumb and meaningless.
  2. How about Homeland Security people chanting death to Palistinians, are they innocent?
  3. How is presenting a view of 'why' appologizing? The US has killed more people around the globe than any other civilization in history. I suppose that makes us everybodies friend.
  4. So we only stop the most indecent thing and let everything else pass? Name something more indecent than me wishing you dead? You are outraged because soxtalk owners drew the line at death, others would be outraged because they allowed it; which is better? Perhaps some people cannot express themselves without using death threats. I think they can. It will just take a little practice.
  5. Of course. I'm certain we all feel safer and more secure the more people around the globe hate us because we have Homeland Security keeping us safe. Let's piss off the Chinese, Hispanics, and Jews while we're at it. f*** them, they don't have anything we need. We can always nuke them all and move to another planet.
  6. Ahh the good old days when you could wish someone dead. I think there should be some restraint and wishing someone killed seems like an easy enough standard.
  7. Link to career stats -- His ERA is getting worse each year. After his first complete season his ERA is increasing.
  8. If I say College Station, Chapel Hill, Ann Arbor, etc. college sports fans would instantly know what I'm talking about. Others would never have heard of most of those towns. THe Rio Grande Area feels more "grown up" with a Pro baseball team, hocket team, and now an entry in the Arena Football League 2.
  9. The perceptions are also geographic. With Houston (4), Dallas (8), Fort Worth (27), San Antonio (9), Austin (16), and El Paso (23), it's hard to remember there are any cities outside Texas Yet we think of cities like Vegas (32), Atlanta (41), Minneapolis (43), Miami (47), Pittsburg (?), as big. It does take multiple teams for sports fans to think of a city as big. Just as I am certain it takes a nice opera for some opera fans to place a city "on the map" or a major museum, etc. In other words I don't think non sport fans would have the same perception.
  10. This must be a nightmare for the knowledgable Cub fans. I remember when the Bulls went through this b.s. It was a nightmare. My seats were in the last row and al of a sudden we had drunk s.o.b.s buying standing rom and spilling beer.
  11. San Antonio is the ninth largest US city. That's ahead of Detroit, Boston, Cleveland, San Jose (11th) is now larger than San Francisco. Top 50 cities by population Perceptions are interesting. I guess not having teams does create a different image.
  12. Texsox

    Bomb Blast in Iraq

    Remember how easy we stormed through Iraq? Ahhh, misty water colored memories . . .
  13. Texsox


    It would be the eve of Earth Day eve. Earth day is 4/22
  14. What program are you using to develop your site?
  15. Oops sorry. No this was off the official Cubs Boards. I am very bored and went there to laugh at their pain.
  16. I found this posted on the Official Cubs board. What loosers
  17. Here's a scenario that may play out. Frank's hammy puts him on the 15 day. Reed get's his chance to swing the bat at the big league level.
  18. Sweet lady like you knowing about hummers
  19. Actually the Cubs have been are biggest . . .
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