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Everything posted by Texsox

  1. Texsox

    Wilderness Travel

    I am planning a trip to Big Bend National Park and realized we would be travelling about 10 miles from the nearest road. That go me to thinking, most people spend their entire lives within a mile of a road or a car.
  2. The Bible is filled with parables and meaning that needs to be dug out from a personal perspective. What is plain to me is, Thou shall not kill. 1. Our system is not perfect. (OJ free) 2. Innocent people are convicted and later found innocent 3. Only God should have that power, not the government. CW wrote a couple days ago that an eye for an eye leaves everyone blind. I like that.
  3. Again, you are painting every Palistinian with the same brush stroke. Let them bury their dead. I've seen the footage of these protests that spawn from funerals. We've seen them in South Africa, we've seen them in the US, it isn't usually the families who are grieving, it's people from the community who are using the funeral as a vehicle for protest. Be human and let people bury their war dead.
  4. The heat wouldn't be killer, the wind would be. I never was able to run Boston. The year I had scheduled to go, they changed the qualifying and I did not have a chance to run a qualifying time before the race. I also didn't have the travel budget to go somewhere warmer than Chicago in December. I learned later they were granting exceptions for college racers.
  5. Can we separate a protest, from a funeral, from a military action?
  6. forgiveness doesn't mean we should continue to be victims. Some people should never be set free.
  7. I have a problem with sending a missle to a funeral. I guess you do not believe in freedom of speech. But that's ok, either did the Ohio National Guard. May 4th
  8. This was Boston Marathon time for me, when I was younger
  9. Actually, I think you delivered it on a tray
  10. Still? I thought he sold it last year. Here is an old link to some info which may or not be accurate Straight Dope And from snopes.com
  11. No WMD, no oil, and Haliburton is too busy with their Iraq contracts to make some money. Why do anything? Of course I sure would like to see Britian, and Russia, and Poland, and Canada, and France, and Italy, and Mexico, and Australia, and Spain, and so on do something.
  12. He's been upgraded to Be Good and dropped the OPENING caps unless it's a special occassion. He also gave us up for lent. All of his sports passions are contained here
  13. Texsox


    I'm not worried. It's only one game, and I didn't expect the sweep the SKankees anyways. I still think our luck with new pitchers will change this year.
  14. Commenting on the McDonalds CEO tragic passing Southsider had this to say
  15. He's just praying that he isn't facing a lifetime of flame broiling
  16. Sorry, can't help you, were busy helping our friends the Iraqis.
  17. You are always #1 in our hearts. It's a long season . . . Championships are not won in April. Now be a good girl and go get the men some beers
  18. Sosa may have the Cubs HR record, but Banks will always be Mr. Cub.
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