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Everything posted by Jerksticks

  1. QUOTE (bucket-of-suck @ Jul 26, 2010 -> 12:47 AM) Hudson lacks what has made Danks a great pitcher. The thing that makes John Danks who he is, is the size of his competitive ego and the cajones that support it. I know. He doesn't trust his stuff yet up here. He's gettin beat cuz he isn't throwin his good, confident stuff right at em.
  2. QUOTE (bucket-of-suck @ Jul 26, 2010 -> 12:43 AM) It is not "completely ridiculous" to expect Hudson to step up and challenge hitters once in a while. If you don't think his performance today didn't hurt his trade value, that my friend is ridiculous. He does have some interesting movement. Like you're saying, he needs to pound the zone with his stuff; it's almost like he thinks these hitters are better than they really are. If he starts getting 1-2 on batters, that fastball of his could strike some guys out; starting it on the inside edge to righties with it tailing into their hands, like a reverse Buehrle cutter with heat. Or a buncha broken bat choppers to Alexei.
  3. Do you guys anticipate the Barons being stacked next year?
  4. So are Morel and Flowers about to be traded since they aren't playing? Interesting our 2 best prospects on that team aren't in the lineup.
  5. Is it possible that Kenny has no intention of ever trading him, at least for a while. Since he's from Cuba and we recruited him, is there some agreement between Dayan's camp and the White Sox that he gets his first crack here? We all know a contract is just a contract and can be traded, but didn't the kid kinda choose to come here; or was it simply we blew the other offers away with the 10 mil? Am I just making this scenario up in my head?? I mean he's young and from another country, and probably had alot of family input during the negotiating.
  6. Does Sale have command of 3 pitches? What makes him good enough to be a solid #5? What evidence suggests this? We drafted him a month ago.
  7. I really feel like next year is our year and we should stand pat, let some of these kids season another year. But then I look at all the 0-4s that Kotsay/Jones consistently put up in a hitting only position and it makes me wanna puke. Dunn would help, but I'd rather target a stud outfielder with our quality prospects if we must. Quentin has DH written all over his face more every passing day. Side rant: I wish Mitchell didn't get hurt, that dude seemed determined to pull a Hudson this year.
  8. I think Bridge has a little bit of trade value right now; he hits every ball pretty hard. Would love to send him somewhere so we don't have to waste any more time finding out if he's turned a corner. But then again part of me wants him here during the stretch as a pinch runner if nothing else. I don't know what to think anymore honestly; we have too many players that should be getting atbats right now. I guess that's a good thing.
  9. So I completely sliced through my tendon on top of my thumb last November and it had to be immobilized for 6 weeks to grow back together. It didn't move when the cast came off and required a month or 2 of therapy to regain movement. It still has residual tightness, acheyness, etc and I think they told me that would last for a year. The point is I put alot of strain on the area being a carpenter, and I started adding loads to it as I felt I could. It wasn't long before I was able to do most everything. Granted I cut a tendon completely in half, not detached from one end. 3 months I was back in the game. I just wonder if he's gonna have to work through soreness all next year and how much that will affect him. If detaching a tendon is similar to slicing one in half, then he could be throwing baseballs sooner than we think. Part of his therapy will require him to push it.
  10. It's amazing how this news makes me want to vomit on my testicles, but yet for some other fans, they absolutely love the idea. Takes all kinds in this world.
  11. QUOTE (Quinarvy @ Jul 14, 2010 -> 04:21 PM) D-Wade: Jerry Reinsdorf is not loyal. I want Miguel back, he was my favorite player when I was 10 because I went to a game, was hit by a foul ball and a rotund lady next to me stole it. Went to Grandstand after the game and got a hat and my dad introduced me to him when we ran into him. Miguel went over, bought a ball, and signed it and the hat for me. I was crushed when he was traded. Great story man! I wonder if there is a GM out there who is really high on D2 because he needs to get fleeced. I'm sick of D2, I almost want next year to start for him already; he needs a do-over.
  12. So if Gonzalez produces in 2011 like he has in 2010, what type of FA does he become, type A? If that's the case then he would more than likely decline the 2.5 million dollar arbitration offer and try to cash in... and the Braves win even more. Is this accurate?
  13. I don't think it matters that Cox is gone after the year; maybe the Braves think Yunel's head will never be in the game. Can't discount that thought. Also, with the NL being so wide open for the taking this year, I think the Braves made a pretty solid, playoff-type move. Philly looks beatable for the first time, and the Reds n Padres lead the other divisions.
  14. QUOTE (Balta1701 @ Jul 14, 2010 -> 02:05 PM) The only way I'd even consider keeping him in the bullpen long term is if over the offseason, D1 signed a contract extension. Exactly, an abundance of quality pitching makes this easier. I don't see where else D1 would really wanna go outside of Texas; maybe he's always dreamed about the Yankees like alot of these guys? Didn't he leave Boras, and if he did, money isn't really driving him them. We have a good, young team; I just don't see Danks leaving this core. Unless he's just sick to death of 3 years of no run support costing him countless Ws.
  15. QUOTE (whitesoxfan101 @ Jul 14, 2010 -> 01:41 PM) Oh I completely agree this that the scenario you paint is very possible, which is why i'm backing off from criticizing the organization to any extent for how this is all playing out. If such a deal was in place and helped you get a top 5 talent for a bargain price, it was worth doing IMO. I'm still curious as to how this will affect Sale's development long term though. I don't worry about him switching from starting to relieving for the rest of the season, but I do worry what happens if he is lights out up here in the bullpen. Do we really send him back down to the mid minors to work his way up for a few years, mastering a third pitch? What if he plays a big role outa the bullpen down the stretch; do we just send him down and go with Threets next year?
  16. I'm ok with him being in the pen as a loogy, and also having the ability to mop up a few innings if a starter has a short game; like having a Pena from both sides. I just don't see 5th starter happening at all even if Hudson is traded. I still think that's Torres' job.
  17. Really? Torres just gets passed up like that? I understand Hudson passing him due to the track record from last year, but Sale's pitched like 2 innings as a pro.
  18. Seems anything over the plate he's gonna take a cut at it; takes pretty intelligent swings though in my opinion. Looked like Saunders threw a good changeup to him, and he adjusted immediately.
  19. or just Bridge. Haha, can't believe this kid already deserves such a cool, massive nickname based on these 5 hits, but man it's too fun.
  20. Not a fan of HotFire but The Bridge is great.
  21. I fear the White Sox might die as well the day he stops. That being said, "just a loooooong strike".
  22. "2 balls, 2 strikes, 2 on with 2 out here in the top of the 2nd; and the 2-2 pitch.."
  23. I don't know the answer to the OP, but does anybody know if there are min/max dimensions to oufield walls. There sure are some crazy ones at either end of the spectrum.
  24. Is DH too much pressure for Viciedo or something? I agree we are better defensively with Omar and Alexei. I have no problem resting Alexei obviously, but we have a lineup spot available where Viciedo's defense can't hurt us and his bat can help us; seems Kotsay/Paulie have a monopoply on it.
  25. CQ? We have to give up CQ now to get that fat DH that doesn't want to DH? Ughh, I hope KW is not interested at all in this guy.
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