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Everything posted by Iwritecode

  1. Most of the time everyone brought their lunch and just ate in the lunchroom. There were a couple of restaurants close enough that we could run and get our food and get back within like 20 minutes or so. On special occasions (usually around Christmas) we would have food catered in from like Buona Beef or something similair. But like I said, I'm in a much, much better situation now.
  2. I think it was more the latter. They were all business, no fun there. If the boss walked by you had better be looking at the screen and typing. Not looking at your phone, not talking to your co-worker, not anything that wasn't "work-related", One of my co-workers got told that he couldn't make a bag of popcorn in the lunchroom and bring it too his desk because the smell would be "too distracting". The bathroom thing was just something that a lot of people did because most of us had at least an hour commute ahead of us. So about 10 minutes before 5, we'd head to the bathroom, then come back and start packing up to leave. Well I was staying late to make up some time and did my usual routine 10 minutes before I was ready to head out. Obviously that was a mistake. Cause you know if you are in the bathroom, you aren't working...
  3. My first job and my current job are pretty lenient on schedules. You can basically pick when you want to come in, work 8 hours (plus lunch) and then leave. We have a couple of guys that come in at 5 or 5:30 AM and another one that comes in about 8. We stay consistent with our schedules though. Unless something comes up, I'm in at the same time every day. If I have to come a little late or leave a little early, it's not a big deal. Now my previous job was the exact opposite. We didn't have time clocks but we had to sign in on a sheet of paper. Everyone started at 8AM, everyone took lunch between 12 and 1 and everyone left at 5PM. If you came in 10 minutes late, you better stay 10 minutes after. If you came in 30 minutes late, you either made up the time at lunch or you didn't get paid for those 30 minutes. I got yelled at once because I was staying late to make up some time and went to the bathroom. I was never so happy to finally get out of that place.
  4. I think different states do registrations costs differently. In Illinois it's a flat $101 for most vehicles. At least is was until they just voted to increase it by $50. I think electric vehicles are $250/year to make up for what they aren't paying in the gas taxes.
  5. Yes they did. It was more than 2 years.
  6. Iwritecode


    Apparently MLB front offices are interested in this guy now.
  7. He's literally taking a screenshot and pasting it into the comment instead of simply hitting the quote button for some reason.
  8. I'd wager that a majority of this board's members are millennials. The oldest of that generation are almost 40 now.
  9. My wife hates this rule and constantly complains about it. My explanation is that every other recorded out in the game requires the ball to end up in somebody's glove. If the ball is laying out the ground or even hits the ground first, it can't be recorded as an out. I actually like the fact that it's still recorded as a strikeout though because it's still the 3rd strike in the AB.
  10. Speaking of that ceremony... In case anyone else was wondering who that lone teenager standing off by himself was.
  11. What now? I think we'll all pretty much do what we've been doing these last several years...
  12. I've always heard that the rule is that as long as any part of the fielder's body is in the field of play when the catch is made, it counts. That's how we got this:
  13. Here'a another cringe-worthy article from 2011.
  14. This has been happening for years and not just in Chicago. Here's an example from 2013 in Pittsburgh. https://www.mlb.com/video/fan-throws-back-home-run-ball/c-27156081
  15. This thread was created one day too early.
  16. Honestly, the amount of coverage any team gets by a newspaper is almost irrelevant as the newspaper industry is slowing dying off. If you want coverage on a specific team, you can find it online. I think the last time I actually looked at a physical copy of our local Rockford newspaper, it was maybe 4 or 6 pages total. Front page, local news, world news, weather, sports, comics. Maybe a page devoted to each. 20 years ago it was easily double that.
  17. Probably because the Sky are a (to use baseball terms) a major league team and all the others with the exception of the Fire are minor league teams. I don't know about the print version of the paper, but they have a bunch of stories on the Fire on their website. https://chicago.suntimes.com/section/fire-soccer/ But I don't know that there's a whole lot of interest in MLS in the city compared to the 4 major sports.
  18. Maybe it's just me but paying people to take the kids ACT or SAT for them and bribing coaches to say the kids were athletes to get lower admission rates =/= donations.
  19. Iwritecode

    DNA Testing

    I read an article once that this is one of those unexpected consequences that comes up during these tests. Suddenly unknown pregnancies and/or infidelities come to light that were previous unknown or unspoken.
  20. Sure, that's the common reaction. But imagine you are a 15 year old kid with hopes of going to college and becoming a major league player at some point. Then your parents and lawyers are telling you that if this goes to trial that the story will get out and there's a chance, however small, that you may still be found guilty. That even if you are found innocent, there were still be people that judge you for even being accused of the crime. BUT, if you just plead guilty since you are still a minor, this will all go away and eventually be erased from your record and nobody will ever know a thing about it. It's not an easy choice.
  21. Honestly, I think innocent people pleading guilty to crimes they didn't commit happens way more often than we realize. Of course everyone always says they would never do it. But until you are put into that situation, you never really know. Especially if you are a young, scared kid getting either zero help from any adults or attorneys or getting advice that its the best thing to avoid a long, drawn out legal battle that will end up ruining your name and reputation even if you are eventually found to be innocent. This is slightly off-topic but I just recently listened to a podcast that had a story about a 19-year-old single mother who was also homeless that happened to be charged with murder. After spending 18 hours in an interrogation room with no lawyer and worrying what was going to happen to her 6 week old daughter, she eventually pled guilty to the crime. The cops believed her confession because she was able to give them details that only the killer would know. They later found proof that she couldn't have been the killer and the case went into the cold case files. 10 years later when they went back and looked at the taped confession they realized that they had unknowingly fed her the information that she knew about the case. The literally showed her receipts from when the killer took the victims credit card and used it at various stores and restaurants. Then later when she was able to tell them where his credit card was used, they thought that was the proof that she did it. Again, I'm not saying that's what happened in this case. Just that I think it happens way more often than people realize.
  22. It's Lip and like a dozen other people. Half the moderators don't even post anymore.
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