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President-Elect Donald Trump: The Thread


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Trump wants what exactly? War? Trade war?


This is just idiotic. The Chinese government is spending billions of RMB to keep the currency from devaluing further. Who wins when the money flees the country for higher rates of return in NYC, LA, SF and Vancouver? Real estate developers in prime markets.


When you impose tariffs, your consumers lose with higher prices.


If we do the same to China, American consumers will pay 30-50% more for every product they buy, starting with their beloved Apple products.


Are we going to intervene to save every US job? That will not only raise costs to consumers over time, it will also lead to less tax revenues for the government or lower school district budgets due to TIF. That's the opposite of GOP free trade policies, as noted for preeminent economist and scholar Sarah Palin.


We can complain about dumping steel, coal, cement, rare earths materials on the rest of the world...but the US government never subsidized those inefficient industries, causing jobs to flee to Asia the last thirty years.


Another legit concern is copyright law...best to go after companies like Alibaba directly (especially when listed on American stock exchanges), since they represent the Chinese government by proxy anyway. WTO complaints will take too long to be resolved.


But adjudicating past grievances in present day is going to be counterproductive. In China, policies benefit the government first. That's why they have $3+ trillion in capital reserves. The US could follow the same "anti-American" policies, and that would lower the Federal budget as well as trade deficits, but it will hurt consumers by making nearly everything they pay increasingly expensive. The government can take those profits and pay off the debt or spend on a wall or the military.


Who's in favor? All say, aye!




More Trump ties and hats to be manufactured abroad? Guess Trump's not such a great negotiator after all if he's provoking a war before even coming close to Inauguration Day.




Consider swamp drained...Carson for HUD Secretary.

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Trump’s Taiwan phone call was long planned, say people who were involved


Donald Trump’s protocol-breaking telephone call with Taiwan’s leader was an intentionally provocative move that establishes the incoming president as a break with the past, according to interviews with people involved in the planning.


The historic communication — the first between leaders of the United States and Taiwan since 1979 — was the product of months of quiet preparations and deliberations among Trump’s advisers about a new strategy for engagement with Taiwan that began even before he became the Republican presidential nominee, according to people involved in or briefed on the talks.


The call also reflects the views of hard-line advisers urging Trump to take a tough opening line with China, said others familiar with the months of discussion about Taiwan and China.


“Did China ask us if it was OK to devalue their currency (making it hard for our companies to compete), heavily tax our products going into their country (the U.S. doesn’t tax them) or to build a massive military complex in the middle of the South China Sea?” he asked. “I don’t think so!”


The United States does impose a tax on Chinese goods — 2.9 percent for non-farm goods and 2.5 percent for agricultural products.



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For his next trick, Trump will be selecting Tea Leoni as SoS because she is in a show called Madam Secretary. Love putting Carson into a position where he himself says he isnt ready for.


wheeeeeeeeeeeee lets go this is fun

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QUOTE (KyYlE23 @ Dec 5, 2016 -> 11:59 AM)
For his next trick, Trump will be selecting Tea Leoni as SoS because she is in a show called Madam Secretary. Love putting Carson into a position where he himself says he isnt ready for.


wheeeeeeeeeeeee lets go this is fun



He won't even admit whether he stayed in Section 8/public housing or not. Should be one of the more entertaining confirmation hearings...especially if we get into aliens, grain storage, the pyramids and his 1% buddy through whom a lot of the family money is invested (mostly real estate) being shielded from Federal health care fraud proceedings.





Trump advisors aim to privatize oil/natural gas rich Native American reservations.


Why do I see the next Michael Moore doc coming out of this?

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QUOTE (KyYlE23 @ Dec 5, 2016 -> 11:59 AM)
For his next trick, Trump will be selecting Tea Leoni as SoS because she is in a show called Madam Secretary. Love putting Carson into a position where he himself says he isnt ready for.


wheeeeeeeeeeeee lets go this is fun


it's like he's deliberately tempting the EC to do the one job it was designed to do, keep incompetent clowns from the Presidency.

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When terrorists abroad target a building with the brand name of the U.S. president in another country (this is a matter of when, not if - it will happen) how's his f***ing mental midget who gets triggered by SNL and mean tweets going to respond?

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QUOTE (Ezio Auditore @ Dec 8, 2016 -> 06:52 AM)
When terrorists abroad target a building with the brand name of the U.S. president in another country (this is a matter of when, not if - it will happen) how's his f***ing mental midget who gets triggered by SNL and mean tweets going to respond?




And I'm not joking either.

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Trump considers naming FDA chief who would radically overhaul the agency


WASHINGTON — President-elect Donald Trump is weighing naming as Food and Drug Administration commissioner a staunch libertarian who has called for eliminating the agency’s mandate to determine whether new medicines are effective before approving them for sale.


“Let people start using them, at their own risk,” the candidate, Jim O’Neill, said in a 2014 speech to a biotech group.


O’Neill has also called for paying organ donors and setting up libertarian societies at sea — and has said he was surprised to discover that FDA regulators actually enjoy science and like working to fight disease.


A source close to the Trump transition team told STAT that Peter Thiel, the billionaire Trump donor who is helping shape the new administration, is pushing for the FDA appointment for O’Neill, his managing director at Mithril Capital Management.


Bannon, Trump's white nationalist senior policy adviser, has said in the past that he wants to blow up the federal government. Trump's picks all seem to be lined up to ensure that happens.

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QUOTE (Brian @ Dec 8, 2016 -> 06:41 AM)
Neither Trump or Linda McMahon could sell the stunner worth a damn.



McMahon was also a big donor to Trump's campaign, to the tune of $9M. Glad we've drained the swamp and ended pay-to-play politics once and for all. Boy do all of his supporters who were thought that he was getting money out of politics have egg on their faces now!

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After reading story after story about Goldman Sachs/Obama/Clinton speeches...now roughly half of his nominees have direct or indirect connections there.


Not to mention those same 2-3 big banks are the ones primarily responsible for pushing the Dow Jones to record numbers since the election.

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Trump names Andrew Puzder, a fast-food CEO and critic of substantially raising the minimum wage, to head the Labor Department


He's also opposed to the expanded overtime pay rules that were set to go into effect on December 1st but have been blocked by Republican lawsuits. "Managers" making $30k-50k a year can look forward to not being paid any overtime for their 60-70 hour weeks because, in the words of Puzder, it would lower the "prestige" of those jobs to be paid for the work they're performing.


Oh, and he was also a big donor to Trump's campaign.

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QUOTE (StrangeSox @ Dec 10, 2016 -> 07:15 PM)
Seems increasingly likely the Exxon Mobil CEO is going to be Secretary of state.


This makes sense because


Why would the CEO of Exxon want to be SOS? That is quite the pay cut. Future potential earnings?


Does he have to resign his position as CEO to take the job?

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QUOTE (LittleHurt05 @ Dec 10, 2016 -> 09:27 PM)
Why would the CEO of Exxon want to be SOS? That is quite the pay cut. Future potential earnings?


Does he have to resign his position as CEO to take the job?

IF Russia has made you enough money, you owe them?

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QUOTE (LittleHurt05 @ Dec 10, 2016 -> 07:27 PM)
Why would the CEO of Exxon want to be SOS? That is quite the pay cut. Future potential earnings?


Does he have to resign his position as CEO to take the job?


I would imagine he already has more wealth than he could spend in several lifetimes.


What possible qualifications he has, aside from "has received awards from Russia", is beyond me.

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QUOTE (StrangeSox @ Dec 10, 2016 -> 11:53 PM)
I would imagine he already has more wealth than he could spend in several lifetimes.


What possible qualifications he has, aside from "has received awards from Russia", is beyond me.

Apparently Exxon has a $300 billion drilling deal in the Russian Arctic that has been on hold since 2014 due to the sanctions. So this is a multi-billion dollar rapprochement for his pocketbook.

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He also indicated that as president, he would not take the daily intelligence briefing that President Obama and his predecessors have received. Mr. Trump, who has received the briefing sparingly as president-elect, said that it was often repetitive and that he would take it “when I need it.” He said his vice president, Mike Pence, would receive the daily briefing.


“You know, I’m, like, a smart person,” he said. “I don’t have to be told the same thing in the same words every single day for the next eight years.”


He is also categorically rejecting any and all suggestions that Russia played a role in his election and that they were actively in favor of him, contrary to the conclusion of the intelligence community.

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