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Everything posted by Chimpton

  1. Maybe telling Eloy to get some RF practice is just a way of getting him to train a bit over the winter and lose some timber.
  2. As a UK Sox fan and a keen cricket fan, the ball tracking technology in cricket has only improved the game and helps the on field umpires. It has actually helped change the game for some bowlers who weren't getting marginal lbw decisions given before that are now being given using the video technology. In the same way in baseball it will help those pitchers who can hit the corners of the zone but with human umpires would not always get the call. It may lead to an increase increase strike outs until hitters adjust but that is up to them to do and those who can't will suffer. So overall, as long as the technology works consistently it will only improve the game.
  3. As an emergency cover I have no issue with Eloy getting a few appearances in OF, but his bat is his primary tool not his fielding and with his injury history the less opportunity for injuring himself in the OF the better. The way he hit last backend when primarily DHing is too valuable to the team to have him miss half a season, again, on some silly injury picked up in the OF (I know he was injured base running last season but that can't be avoided!).
  4. You do realise that they played a rookie 1b Vaughan in the outfield and Gavin Sheets, so anything is possible.
  5. You know Hahn's motto "if at first you don't succeed, try, try, try again"
  6. They may have won 93 games but then went out tamely in the first round of the post season, like they did the year before. This team has a ceiling of qualifying for the post season (last season excepted) and then the inherent weaknesses that are constantly ignored or created by the FO are exposed when they come up against better teams.
  7. Well you know Hahn believes you can never have enough 1B/DH types!
  8. Funny that none of the so called insiders on Twitter predicted this!
  9. When you consider the highest total for a White Sox player was 17 in 2022 then 13-15 would be fine!
  10. Exactly, if a club came up for sale there would be no shortage of bidders, equally it explains why many owners don't want to sell, owners of MLB teams don't lose money even when offering big contracts, they expect to reap the revenue of increased crowds, advertising and merchandising that big signings generate, let alone the potential increases from a successful team.
  11. As a UK Sox fan and also a football (soccer) fan, wages have kept on rising and have never reverted to sane levels. There are 17 year olds who have never made a first team appearance on £20,000 a week, and the good players are on £250,000 or more a week, and the world class players on as much as £500,000 a week or more. Admittedly contracts are shorter, 3 to 5 years, but often clubs have to pay transfer fees as well, and these are ridiculous for an international player you are looking at £40- 100 million. The only big difference in football is that there is no salary cap or luxury tax and even the attempts at limiting clubs spends by Financial Fair Play rules don't stop spending. The length of the FA contracts in baseball is surprising but it is just a way of spreading the cost and reducing the annual outlay to make the team wages keep within (or nearly within) the luxury tax. But the wages for good or better FAs will likely keep on rising if the example of football (soccer) is anything to go by.
  12. For a start the Sox would have to create 41 save opportunities!
  13. What is becoming increasingly clear is that Hahn and the FO intend to do nothing. They are hoping that a combination of a new manager and a bounceback to 2021 levels by half the team will keep them in contention to the All Star Break, when again they will again promise something and do nothing (except possibly add another reliever). The rest of the season will be a repeat of last season where they are never in real contention but never out of contention, then we will all be back here next off season talking about trades and FA signings that won't happen.
  14. Just read this hilarious quote: “We've got a really good front office that knows what they're doing,” Grifol said. “They know how to assemble clubs.” I think all the evidence suggests otherwise, but poor Grifol has to tow the party line, either that or he is in for a very rude awakening.
  15. Yep that is the depressing state that this rebuild has got to, the Sox have to shop in the bargain basement or below to fill the starting 9 let alone fill out the 40 man roster.
  16. Whilst that is true, his wages would mean bringing in another player who isn't a long shot reclamation project is even more difficult due to the supposed 180m limit. I'm sure there are OF who can hit and catch out there.
  17. What about Leury Garcia 3 years at 15m?
  18. Is Sugar Plums the stage name of an exotic dancer?
  19. No but you said Burger and Sheets could hold down 3b and 1b, implying they would be your starters in those positions. Trading Moncada and/or Vaughan to improve other areas of the team but weakening 1b and 3b doesn't make any real sense.
  20. Do you seriously think an infield with Burger and Sheets as regular starters would help the Sox compete in 2023 more than Moncada and Vaughan?
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