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Everything posted by hogan873

  1. QUOTE (Balta1701 @ Nov 8, 2010 -> 04:40 PM) He won this award on opening day. I'm not joking. I agree. He's a great defensive pitcher, but that play was ridiculous.
  2. QUOTE (elrockinMT @ Nov 8, 2010 -> 03:44 PM) Lee is done and if you think Konerko is one of the worse defenders apparently you don't watch the same games I do I don't like the constant referral to Konerko as a horrible defender. I think we can all agree that he does not have good range, but his ability to pick throws out of the dirt and to turn the tricky 3-6-3 DP make him a decent defender, IMO. I don't know much about Lee, so I won't hazard to guess if he's better. But, if Konerko doesn't re-sign, I think I'd be okay with Lee for $6 or $7 million a year. I still wonder if the Sox will go after LaRoche.
  3. QUOTE (Chisoxfn @ Nov 8, 2010 -> 03:18 PM) What channel is this walking dead on? AMC
  4. hogan873


    I've been going to the same place for about 10 years now. It's a barber shop, and they do a good job with my hair (it's like steel wool). Funny side story: I started going there about a year after I got married. After having gone there a few times I mentioned the name of the place to my wife and she said her cousin had the same last name. Turns out her cousin's father in-law is the owner. And no, I don't get a family discount.
  5. I was just about to respond saying it was all speculation, then I saw the title had been changed. The analysis makes sense, but I think there might be more than 3 teams where he could go. And I think (and hope) that the Sox are one of them.
  6. I just got around to watching The Walking Dead. Holy s*** is that a good show.
  7. If you decide to do a beer list, let me know. I can get the info for each finalist.
  8. QUOTE (SnB @ Nov 4, 2010 -> 09:59 PM) That was the worst Office episode of the entire series, holy god. I didn't think it was too bad. I laughed enough to consider it a decent episode. Michael's behavior was a bit odd (not the jumping on the bus to Mexico, that's vintage Michael, but the way he was very concerned with the way people were acting at the reception).
  9. QUOTE (greg775 @ Nov 4, 2010 -> 05:46 PM) Don't worry. Be happy. Signing Danks is a good thing. Well put. I don't think signing Danks to an extension (especially if it's as much of a bargain as it sounds like it could be) would affect the payroll that much next year. If he signs for 4/$20-$25 million, depending on how the money is broken down you may be looking at $5 or $6 million next year. He's worth that for sure.
  10. QUOTE (Jake @ Nov 4, 2010 -> 08:54 PM) What the hell stat is he trying to say in the bold? WHIP? Anyways, is there any way in hell we could lock him up for $20 mil/4 years? I figured it would be double that. Yeah, I think that would be a bargain. I'm not sure about double, but I would have expected $7 to $8 million per year. If they can lock him up for 4/$20 mil, I'd be quite happy with that.
  11. QUOTE (Balta1701 @ Nov 3, 2010 -> 02:46 PM) What would you consider the right price? I don't think I'd pay much more for him than what we paid last year. I think we'd be better off trying to find a guy who fits as a better platoon partner with Quentin. $1 to $1.5 million. Not much more than that.
  12. QUOTE (greg775 @ Nov 3, 2010 -> 02:09 PM) I'd keep one of them, maybe two, Fred and Putz. There is no reason to consider keeping Kotsay, Jones or Manny. I would definitely consider Jones if the price is right. He's a good 4th outfielder.
  13. QUOTE (knightni @ Nov 3, 2010 -> 11:09 AM) I sense a volunteer! I can certainly help. Just let me know what you need.
  14. QUOTE (Cali @ Nov 3, 2010 -> 10:57 AM) Heres the thing i'm a beer drinker, but I don't drink 20 different kinds of beer. I rotate between like 4 or 5 so it wouldn't be a very good list. It also changes based on mood/taste so there wouldn't be a solid #1. I agree here. I review beers on ratebeer.com, and I'm up to about 390 reviews but I still migrate towards 10 or less that are my favorites. Plus, the season really changes my tastes. I love a cold Blue Moon in July, but give me a Samuel Smith Oatmeal Stout in the middle of December.
  15. QUOTE (knightni @ Nov 3, 2010 -> 10:22 AM) General info. Maybe two or three paragraphs. Where it's made, its history, how it tastes, your personal memory or someone else's personal memory of it. You can get some decent info on well-known beers on Wikipedia, but I've found that RateBeer and Beer Avdocate have very good info on just about every beer out there.
  16. QUOTE (The Gooch @ Nov 3, 2010 -> 08:58 AM) If we can't do beer because not everyone drinks, I think video games would be out because not everyone plays video games. I bet there are more people on here that drink beer than play video games. How about favorite beers to drink while playing video games?
  17. QUOTE (Buehrlesque @ Nov 3, 2010 -> 09:07 AM) 3-year, $45 million for Konerko? What's Gregor smoking? I thought the same thing. I'm not sure he'd get more than $11 or $12 million a year over 2 or 3 years.
  18. I like the winter beers, as well. I think that fall and winter are the best time for beers. As a matter of fact, I may have to drop by Binny's this week and take a look...
  19. I love the beer idea, but I understand that there are some non-beer drinkers here. Maybe that could be a second list someday. Otherwise, I like the video games idea, but my list would look a lot different than some of the others, I'm sure. Duke Nuke 'Em would be high on my list, and that's a computer game. Then there's Sim City... Other ideas: Favorite vacation spots Favorite books (another tough one, I'm sure) Favorite action movies
  20. QUOTE (Real @ Nov 2, 2010 -> 01:43 PM) yes, its actually a business week, not a full week. So official deals can happen starting November 6th Guys i have my eyes on Grienke V.Mart BJ Upton Beltre AGon Rasmus Fielder (just bought the mlbtr iphone app) I'd add LaRoche to that list.
  21. The D'Backs just declined LaRoche's option. I don't know if that means they will go after Konerko, but LaRoche might be a somewhat cheaper (and younger) option at 1st for the Sox...
  22. I'll say yes. 2 years/$22 million with an option for a third year
  23. I think The Ring is one of the scariest movies in quite a while. It proved that a PG-13 movie can be effectively scary.
  24. QUOTE (Tex @ Oct 21, 2010 -> 12:42 PM) Very nice touch my hat is off to you I'd be interested in reading from those that like the genre, what makes a great horror movie? The scared teenagers getting slashed just doesn't seem that difficult of a genre, perhaps that's why we have all the copy cat stuff. It seems that horror and comedies just never receive any respect. I agree. And that's why I thought Scream was such a good movie. It definitely poked fun at the genre while actually being a pretty scary movie at the same time.
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