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Everything posted by Kyyle23

  1. Wood has stiffness in his shoulder that delays his next start, Williamson to the DL...
  2. QUOTE(RibbieRubarb @ Jun 2, 2006 -> 02:40 PM) I still remember during the 2004 NBA finals he was a BIG Lakers supporter. After the Pistons won 2 games, he said the Lakers "Will win the title" then he added "Did I stutter?!?" when the studio host asked him how. Now he's the biggest Detroit fan. Even better was his assessment of the Miami Heat in the playoffs in Dwyane Wade's first year. He called them out, said they shouldnt have been there, called them a fluke, said they had no chance. After they won the first playoff series, they cut to the post-game show and the whole cast was just staring at him, he looked like he wanted to crawl under the table and hide. His tone was very soft-spoken and complimentary, and Greg Anthony just kept zinging him, it was hilarious. I take particular enjoyment when guys like him get their comeuppance after telling everyone else that they are wrong.
  3. QUOTE(Kalapse @ Jun 3, 2006 -> 09:32 PM) Funny how the Crede banner is used for a full game and the Sox just happen to win. I think the soundclip of Hawk saying "JOOOE CREDE!" should be available for listening on the main page, much like Hawks "Soxtalk, Yes!" call last year. That way I can hear it whenever i want.
  4. The ramblings of a mad-woman. How did this chick get a blog on foxsports.com? http://blogs.foxsports.com/theMelissaAnne
  5. I started my new job at JPMorgan Chase on Tuesday. I think its going to be awesome.
  6. QUOTE(Beastly @ Jun 3, 2006 -> 11:38 PM) Hopefully the offense can score a few runs to support Buehrle tomorrow. Anyone else notice how Jenks looked like he was about to piss his pants in the 9th? hm, I thought he looked really intense last night, not scared.
  7. QUOTE(RockRaines @ Jun 4, 2006 -> 04:06 AM) Nobody cares about the Ocho? The ocho is my first and foremost sports-source of the day.
  8. Well, now the Cardinals have lost the centerpiece of their offense. Lets see if the cliche' "If the Cardinals lost Pujols like the cubs lost lee then they wouldnt be in 1st place" holds up.
  9. QUOTE(My Dixie Normus @ Jun 3, 2006 -> 09:59 PM) Kudos to Dye, Iguchi, Bobby, Cliff and Neal wrapping things up. Thornton too. My game ball goes to Ozzie for putting BA in CF in the 9th but I don't get why he put Mac in LF. fixed that for you.
  10. QUOTE(beautox @ Jun 3, 2006 -> 03:54 PM) I think it would be a good move. People on the southside won't be calling for his head every AB. He would bat 8th, giving Juan his trusty 9spot. Is this a joke? What player isnt vulnerable to a town square hanging around here? K-orey Patterson already has a history of being a whipping boy in the Chicagoland media. You act as if he is a sure thing when he comes back, but if he comes back and his BA keeps dropping then all of the old crap comes right back again just as strong as ever. I would like to think that he is coming into his own right now, but it would take more than a few good months in the beginning of the season to convince me that Patterson has finally figured it out. The guy is streaky as hell, I really dont see KW throwing all of his chips on him. QUOTE(beautox @ Jun 3, 2006 -> 03:54 PM) I think him not having a defined role in the cubs batting order along with incompetent coaching is what really killed this kid on the north side. That, and the fact that he never worked on his patience at the plate, and thought he didnt need to work on his fundamentals. He had quite a quote-worthy stretch in the paper last year IIRC, when he pretty much blamed everyone but himself.
  11. ^^^^^ That guy rocks. Thats like the drum solo scene from Wayne's World. lol
  12. QUOTE(Ndgt10 @ Jun 3, 2006 -> 01:47 PM) If we are going to trade an all-star like garland, we better get somebody like Carl Crawford, not Rowand. yeah, because Rowand can't win you a championship, can he? No, Crawford knows what it takes to win championships, I totally agree with you. QUOTE(Felix @ Jun 3, 2006 -> 01:48 PM) I seriously have trouble taking any of your posts seriously as of late. Im with you.
  13. its quite an impressive dance sequence, I love how he leads each one to another.
  14. Jon Garland has a no-trade clause this season /thread although if it happened, I cannot say i would be dissapointed
  15. QUOTE(Jimbo @ Jun 3, 2006 -> 11:00 AM) Carl Crawford (knee) is expected to return to the lineup Saturday. Crawford sat out Friday's game after injuring his knee while arguing with an umpire Thursday. "I thought I tore a ligament or something because of the way it felt," Crawford said. It may take Crawford a couple games to start running again. Jun. 3 - 10:51 am et Source: Tampa Tribune Consider your source.... Well, it was right after it happened, and by the way he reacted and how he landed it sure looked like it was very possible that he blew out his knee. Consider Crawfordtalk.net to be back ONLINE!
  16. QUOTE(RockRaines @ Jun 3, 2006 -> 09:57 AM) He basically made one bad mistake to Wilkerson. He looked great last night, and is improving every start. It really wasnt all that bad of a mistake with his changeup either. Sure, it caught a good part of the plate, but Wilkerson was fooled, and kept his hands back and drove it. I was more impressed with Wilkersons adjustment mid-swing than I was dissapointed in the pitch location. That homerun was almost all wrist-strength.
  17. QUOTE(JimH @ Jun 2, 2006 -> 10:36 PM) 4 walks, three of them scored for Texas. There are all sorts of things to blame and in a way, everyone is right no matter where they point the finger. The one constant in all four of these losses is this ... the opposition executed on offense and defense, the White Sox have let down at key times. And when I say let down, I mean offensively, defensively, execution, managerial decisions ... everything. Everything is off kilter at the moment, and I sense tonite's loss is really eating KW up. And I mean REALLY eating him up. Personally, among other things, I think they (KW and Guillen) are questioning whether McCarthy is a fit for the bullpen, and the need for another sparkplug player off the bench. Melton on the post game saying it's another game of missed opportunities for the White Sox, and he is right. LOL, what makes your spider senses tingle, JimH?
  18. QUOTE(EvilJester99 @ Jun 3, 2006 -> 07:53 AM) Didn't Carl Crawford recently hurt his knee? Doing a Martin Gramatica jump and owie.... Anyone heard if its serious or no? Giangreco said on the news last night that he blew it out
  19. Kyyle23

    Dog question

    QUOTE(LosMediasBlancas @ Jun 1, 2006 -> 11:29 AM) While we're on the subject, my sister in law has the coolest male Boxer. Why do they recommend they be fixed? Once fixed will he totally quit humping things and people? Will he be lethargic and boring? QUOTE(knightni @ Jun 2, 2006 -> 02:41 AM) He'll be less moody, but he'll still hump. You gotta fix em between 9 mos. and 1 yr if you don't want them to hump. Male dogs sort of hold on to the hormones past 1 year old. I got my basset fixed at around 1 1/2 and boy do I regret it. He still marks territory, and while he is housetrained, he has "Accidents" that are more like "Purposes" because he is either mad at me or he is trying to let my fathers male dog know who is in charge(which is completely laughable because my Dads dog is a Rott/Shephard mix. Think midget vs giant). But I have made up my mind that unless I decide to breed a dog in the future, females are the route for me from now on. If you get em when they are young(9months-1 year) they are usually much more passive. Think of the eunichs in "History of the World Part 1".
  20. QUOTE(beck72 @ Jun 1, 2006 -> 08:02 PM) To get Crawford, it would take Fields, Rogowski, Ray Liotta, and Charlie Haeger [maybe Sean Tracey instead]. That's a deal I could live with. That is only if Crawford could play CF on a regular basis. BTW any one know how many games he's played in CF? To get a young guy like Crawford in his prime locked up for a few years, to go with the sox pitching, that'd be worth it. I dont think it would take a 4 for 1 deal to get Crawford, unless the Sox get into a bidding war.
  21. QUOTE(DannyCooksey @ May 31, 2006 -> 06:28 PM) This is an excerpt from one of the best websites ever created. www.heavethehawk.com. The following pretty much says it all. I cannot see how anyone could dispute this because the guy that wrote this depicts Hawk perfectly without a hint of embellishment. This is your announcer, Hawk Harrelson: Hawk Harrelson, for those who have had the misfortune of listening to him, is a horrible announcer. In fact, he is without question, the worst announcer in all of sports and maybe in the history of sports. There is a great website called: www.heavethehawk.com for those who despise him as much as I do. Here is an excerpt from the site that I feel best describes hawk's vast ineptitude. Enjoy: I'm elated that this site exists. I am a huge baseball fan who moved to Chicago from Detroit about 6 years ago. I moved here with zero allegiances as far as the Chicago teams are concerned, and I endeavored to stay neutral. I root for the Tigers, but at the time they were nowhere near competing for the AL Central title, so any kind of rivalry against the White Sox was far from my mind. I enjoyed the idea of taking in some day games at Wrigley and some night games at Sox park. Then I met the fans. Look, I know this site is about heaving the Hawk, not about knocking White Sox fans, and I'm aware of the reputation of Cubs fans (as drunks who don't follow the game and don't care), but this was too much to ignore. Every time I tried to go there and mind my own business, to quietly score the game in peace, my intelligence was insulted and my patience tested by the biggest group of troglodyte jerks ever collected. Let's make something clear: there are many perfectly cool Sox fans out there. That being said, they are greatly outnumbered by vapid, angry, threatening, vile boneheads who are incapable of seeing a baseball game objectively. I'm convinced the Hawk is a big reason for this. Hawk gets on the air and he hoots, brays, smugly chortles, and, in the event that the Sox getting their asses handed to them, silently broods or whines his way through baseball games. He sees every single negative occurrence for the Sox as an injustice, and he sees every break they get as their Heaven-ordained entitlement. He hammers away at any reasonable viewer's sensibilities by repeating self-made yet hackneyed lines like "he gone!" and "he looks up...you can put-it-onna boooooaaarrrrd...YES!" and "STRETCH!", to name only a few. I like play-by-play guys and analysts who offer something different, and in general I'm delighted by the idiosyncrasies of down-home personalities like Vin Scully, Ernie Harwell, Harry Caray, Dizzy Dean, and the like, but this guy is one giant, bombastic, mind-numbing idiosyncrasy. He's a jackass like a bully in school is a jackass. He's every bloviating egomaniac who calls into sportstalk radio. He's an insufferable bastard, whether he's your uncle, your father-in-law, or your baseball broadcaster. The Hawk has helped to mold an army of fans who are permanently dissatisfied with their second-billing in the city and chronically incapable of seeing things objectively. Hawk will sing most Sox players' praises over and over again in such illogical ways that the notions are seared into the collective consciousness of the fan base. It's one thing to love your team and most of its players, but talk to a Sox fan and you would think that they are following the '27 Yankees. To top it off, they will ***** and moan unless they are given the kind of attention lavished upon the hapless Cubs. You know, the team across town, the one who plays in a stadium devoted to minimal amounts of advertising and keeping the environment clear of things like ear-splitting music and hideous displays of jingoism. Furthermore, Hawk screws up baseball games for people trying to watch on television. When a play-by-play or color analyst chooses to break something down or give some attention to something he thought was interesting or deserved a second look, the production team will follow suit. You'll get to see replays of nifty plays, weird bounces, brilliant pitches, or questionable calls. You'll get to see them unless they have rubbed Hawk and the dopey Colmes to his Hannity, DJ, the wrong way. The Sox get a favorable call or a weird bounce goes their way, and we get rhapsodic praise for the related Sox player instead of honest assessment of what went down. If an opposing player clobbers a homer to put his team ahead, we get dead air and a shot of something random because Hawk is sitting there silently sulking, like a retarded toddler deprived of the crayon he was trying to eat. Watch a real broadcast team with this in mind, and Hawk's lack of anything even resembling professionalism or sense of duty becomes painfully obvious. He is without a doubt the worst in the major leagues, and it isn't even close. I could go on and on like this because it really is that bad. It pisses me off that he gets to butcher that job every day. My point is, thanks for the site. Every bit of your bandwidth is hard earned richly deserved. Didnt you already do your "One shot in and im out" post and claim that you were never coming back? Then you come back with this? Come on man, you have better thoughts than this, I have seen them on VTalk. Dont try and stir the pot this way.
  22. Kyyle23

    Dog question

    My male basset hound is super stubborn, and he has the male never-ending bladder as well. My female lab is a sweetheart and listens 100X better than he does.
  23. Kyyle23

    Lyrics Meaning

    My personal take on the song is that he is singing about his choice to leave Genesis. He seems to be singing about how he feels confined and how he sees something else in his life that he has to follow. This song will always be one of my favorites. edit: after reading a few of those sites it seems I am not the only one that feels that way
  24. QUOTE(greasywheels121 @ May 29, 2006 -> 07:38 PM) http://www.themovieblog.com/archives/2006/...rms_xmen_4.html Fox confirms an X4! i think the next X-men movie incarnation will be going in a completely different direction than the previous 3
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