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Everything posted by BearSox

  1. QUOTE(Heads22 @ Apr 28, 2007 -> 11:18 AM) Thome is a straight up monster. People are underestimating just how good he is, even at his age. No doubt. He isn't the hitter he was even 3-4 years ago, but he is still a good hitter. To me, Thome is the type who will play baseball until he is into his 40's.
  2. I would like to see Sweeney called up, play LF, and DH Mack/Ozuna/Cintron. If Sweeney does well, keep him up even when everyone is healthy.
  3. this is the time of the year for the grinders...
  4. lets own that Weaver biotch... Also, perfect that the game is starting when the draft is about to end (or at least for the most part).
  5. QUOTE(Heads22 @ Apr 28, 2007 -> 01:12 AM) I think if he keeps going like this, we'll keep him. how could you not?
  6. Day roughed up a little, only 1 K Gio is beastly. He is finally going to be that real ace we have been searching long and hard for... hopefully.
  7. Dye Dongs Angels just doesn't seem right to me... Oh, and Andy hitting 96-97 on the gun today. Finally getting that velocity up. When will teams learn, you don't trade guys who are especially lefty and throw that hard for not that great value.
  8. QUOTE(caulfield12 @ Apr 27, 2007 -> 08:00 PM) Possible options if not Ryan Sweeney... J. Burnitz Alexis Gomez Aaron Guiel Hollandsworth Terrence Long Q. McCracken Michael Tucker Bernie Williams As long as it isn't Phil... but seriously though, that list sucks. Rather would like to see what Sweeney could do.
  9. It might be blood... but is it his? And yes, I think he is a big enough D-Bag to have planted someone else's blood on his sock.
  10. I'll miss him as much as anyone, but I won't miss that 6 year, 90 million deal he'll probably get.
  11. QUOTE(Al Lopez @ Apr 26, 2007 -> 07:32 PM) Until BA learns to do something with an inside fastball (other than jump away as it's called a strike) he has no chance. It is awfully tough to hit the inside fastball with that stance Greg Walker "taught" him. He needs to get some bend in those news, and back off the plate a bit. But most importantly, we need a new hitting coach who isn't an idiot who only thinks players should have big loopey home run swings.
  12. QUOTE(Heads22 @ Apr 26, 2007 -> 06:13 PM) It needs to POUR for the Cell to be a mess. It did "POUR" QUOTE(Heads22 @ Apr 26, 2007 -> 06:13 PM) It needs to POUR for the Cell to be a mess. It did "POUR"
  13. I really don't care, and if baseball really wanted to settle this, have the sock tested to see if it was really blood. But yes, I would not be surprised if the sock was indeed fake, as Schilling is an attention whore like previous have stated. Even his own family doesn't like him.
  14. QUOTE(RockRaines @ Apr 26, 2007 -> 05:55 PM) that field drains better than any field in the MLB. I think they were anticipating the storms that are about an hour away. It really doesn't matter, IMO. The field might drain better then any other, but I guarantee it was still a mess, and with the storms scheduled to come a bit later, this was the wisest move.
  15. QUOTE(aboz56 @ Apr 26, 2007 -> 05:57 PM) What a shocking observation The observation was more about his stance, rather then him getting sent down... QUOTE(Greg The Bull Luzinski @ Apr 26, 2007 -> 06:00 PM) I suspect we will be seeing Terrero since BA's hitting is even worse when he only bats one game oer week. Hope Terrero is hitting in AAA. He's batting like .250, but he has 4 homers and 9 RBI's.
  16. Pitiful game last night. Danks, besides for the 1st inning, looked pretty good. I noticed he was throwing his curve more last night. If he can get better command of it, to go along with his fastball and change, watch out. Logan looked good as well, but you could tell he was losing his stuff in his 3rd inning of work, as he isn't used to of ever going that long. But the way this team made Chad freaking Durbin look like Cy Young was disgusting. He was leaving meatballs all over the place, and all this team was doing was popping them up. And nice to see PK still sucking.
  17. Anyone else notice how BA is standing upright and on top of plate? No wonder why he can't hit a thing, that is a horrible stance. How does Greg Walker expect him to hit the inside pitch with a stance like that? Also, I really think we could be seeing Anderson going down to AAA any day now, and either Owens or Terrero coming up.
  18. QUOTE(RockRaines @ Apr 26, 2007 -> 05:19 PM) Uh yeah, its sunny outside. WTF. the field probably got practically destroyed from all the rain... I don't think the Sun would do much help.
  19. I have no problem with WCIU... I have no problem with their feed, and I get the games in HD.
  20. QUOTE(max power @ Apr 25, 2007 -> 05:00 PM) What's the logic behind putting AJ in the 4 spot over crede? Just another left righty thing? Crede typically has more power. But AJ has been doing better at the plate. Besides for practically running into a few, Crede has looked like his pre 05 postseason self...
  21. Wow, that is a terrible lineup... It should be something like this... LF, Erstad 2B, Iguchi 1B, Konerko C, Pierzynski 3B, Crede RF, Mackowiak SS, Uribe CF, Anderson DH, Ozuna I dont understand why you DH your best defensive OF, and have your worst play the field. QUOTE(RockRaines @ Apr 25, 2007 -> 04:48 PM) Erstad at CF you mean. Anderson is a much better CF then Erstad is, I dont care what anyone says. Erstad might get better jumps, but Anderson has better speed, and gets good jumps also, with a good throwing arm. Erstad would also be ideal for LF because he throws lefty.
  22. QUOTE(Texsox @ Apr 25, 2007 -> 07:45 AM) He has the tools. He is easily a threat for the "non performance enhancing drugs" season home run title. How do you know he never has taken performance enhancing drugs? If I was a gambling man, I'd say that about over half the players in the league have taken or currently take some type of performnce enhancing drugs.
  23. QUOTE(Balta1701 @ Apr 25, 2007 -> 11:12 AM) According to Hunter on the Dan Patrick show, he spent at least $500 on it. Well, for someone who makes as much Hunter, that is cheap...
  24. Lets get Danks his first MLB victory tonight... QUOTE(Steve9347 @ Apr 25, 2007 -> 08:08 AM) Will this game actually be on ESPN HD or will it be blacked out? Well, tonights game is on WCIU also, and they have HD... plus, Hawk and DJ are much better then anybody they have announcing on ESPN.
  25. Right now, Thornton does not look 100%, IMO. And that could be why he has hardly been used this season. I also read that Thome has a sore muscle in his rib cage. And Dye was taken out last night for some unkown reason. But in good news, Toby Hall took BP yesterday, and reported no problems. And Cintron should be returning tommorow.
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